
Daily regime

The benefits of a correctly formulated regime of the day are scientifically proven. What is included in this concept? This, of course, the order of work, rest, food, sleep and so on. Everything must have its time. Why is this necessary? First of all, in order for the body to work as harmoniously as possible. Day regimen makes it possible to use all the potentialities of our body.

The development of a dynamic sample is the physiological basis of such a concept as the "regime of the day." This stereotype is something like a system of conditioned reflexes. A person who follows a strict schedule for a long time gradually gets used to it and fixes this system. Any deviations violate it.

The conditions of life and the characteristics of professional activity are different for each of us. You can not just take and come up with the ideal regime of the day, which would suit everyone at once. It requires an individual approach.

When drawing up a schedule, it is necessary to follow certain rules. There are many of them. The main of them, perhaps, is that everything should happen in its time.

We completely and completely obey the rhythmic fluctuations: the rhythm is in the heart, sleep is replaced by wakefulness, satiety is replaced by hunger. The main feature of this kind of process is repeatability. The alternation in time of various functional states of the body is called a biorhythm. Of course, all biorhythms of living organisms are interrelated, and also interdependent.

All the functions of our organisms, one way or another, are related to the expenditure of energy. Each internal organ replenishes it at some specific time.

Scientists say that the maximum performance of a person can be observed from ten in the morning to noon. After the recovery, there is a decline. The next ascent can be observed from four o'clock in the afternoon. It also lasts two hours. It is worth noting that the muscles are much weaker in the morning than in the evening.

There are people who become efficient only in the morning or only in the evening. For some, time has almost no value. That is, we are talking about people whom we are accustomed to call larks, pigeons, owls. To owls, that is, to those who work at night, most often include representatives of creative professions, larks usually include workers and civil servants. Pigeons are the least common.

Working at night is not useful, because the body has to spend extra strength in order to just stay awake. Go from owls to larks and back is difficult, but still possible.

Anyone who wants to live long and always be healthy should lead a natural and simple life. Of course, he must sleep well. Making up the mode of the day, you, in the first place, should be guided by how much time you can allocate for sleep. In fact, eight hours is enough. What time is it best to go to bed? Between nine and eleven o'clock in the evening. Many do not go to bed, because in the evening they are busy with some household tasks or work. In fact, this is not the reason for not going to bed on time - it's much better to wake up early and do it all in the morning.

Do not want to go to bed early? No problem! Lie down later, but always at the same time. This also applies to the morning awakening.

The regime of the day of an adult or schoolchild must be thought through to the smallest detail. What do you need to know about nutrition? Here everything is also individual. Agree, someone wants to lose weight, and someone, on the contrary, get better. Some athletes generally need to eat every two hours. This question is best discussed with a doctor-nutritionist.

What else to include in the day mode? Do not forget about walks, fun, socializing with friends. Do not limit yourself in anything. Believe me, the regime of the day is not a cage, but a component of a full-fledged way of life.

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