Food and drinkSalads

Salad "Bishops": recipes for cooking at home

Since ancient times, radish has been valued not so much for its taste qualities as for the medicinal properties. This root was a frequent guest on the table of our ancestors. And it is no coincidence that so many recipes for preparing salads with such an ingredient in the composition have come to our days. Since the radish is well preserved until the very spring, a useful root crop was often included in the lean winter menu. But only in combination with meat you can fully reveal the specific taste of radish. We suggest preparing a salad "Bishops", as ingredients for which both radish and beef are used. Consider several options for preparing this dish.

Useful properties of radish

There are several varieties of radishes. The sharpest one is a white radish, very useful - it's black, with a soft sweetish taste - it's green. There is also a white, long and juicy, Japanese radish similar to a large radish, which is called "daikon". To prepare the salad "Bishops", you can take any of the proposed species, but it should be noted that the most useful dish will come from black radish.

Its useful properties are as follows:

  • Due to the content of lysozyme in the radish, it has an antimicrobial effect on the body;
  • Is a preventive tool in the treatment of influenza and colds, due to the large number of phytoncides in the composition;
  • Radish juice helps with coughing and joint pain.

Salad "Bishops" classic with radish

For many years of the existence of this dish, there are many options for its execution. рхиерейский" классический с редькой и говядиной. But the most delicious is still a salad "A rikhereysky" classic with radish and beef. This vegetable adds a piquant spicy dish and makes it more useful, despite the presence of mayonnaise in the composition.

The "Bishops" salad is prepared in the following order:

  1. Radish is washed and peeled off, rubbed on a carrot in Korean, folded into a bowl and sent to the refrigerator for 2 hours. This is done so that it ceases to be bitter.
  2. Beef pulp (300 g) is boiled until ready for an hour, cooled and disassembled.
  3. Raw sweet carrots (2 pcs.) Rubbed on the "Korean" grater.
  4. A large onion is fried in half rings on vegetable oil.
  5. Prepared ingredients are laid out on the dish layers: the bottom - radish, then carrots and beef. Each layer is greased with mayonnaise.
  6. Top for taste and as an ornament is laid out fried to a golden color onions.

Directly on the table, the salad is mixed with a spoon and spreads over the plates.

Salad "Bishops": recipe with eggs and liver

To make this salad you need a beef or chicken liver, which must be pre-cooked or fried. салат "Архиерейский". The dish turns out very satisfying and tasty, even though it is not a classic salad "Bishops".

Cooked liver should be cut into strips. Similarly, grind and onions with carrots, after which they will need to be fried in vegetable oil and cool. Black radish is also cut into strips according to the recipe. When all the ingredients are prepared, they can be transferred to a large bowl and mixed with mayonnaise. Top of the salad is decorated with grated eggs (2 pcs.). If desired, you can also make jewelry from vegetables and greens.

Hierarchical salad with radish and chicken

Another way to prepare this tasty and healthy dish. рхиерейский" по этому рецепту готовится из редьки и курицы, а для сочности в него также добавляется свежий огурец. Salad "A rikhereysky" according to this recipe is prepared from radish and chicken, and for juiciness it also adds a fresh cucumber. The dish is light and at the same time very tasty. The calorie content of the salad is only 110 kcal per 100 grams.

For the preparation of salad, cooked chicken fillet (200 g) is cooked first. Then rubbed on a grater radish, salted and left for 15 minutes on the table. At this time, onion is fried in vegetable oil, after which whipped eggs are poured into the pan. Next, the omelet is cooked, cooled and cut into strips. Other ingredients, chicken and cucumber, are cut in a similar way.

At the end of the preparation, the pressed radish, omelet, chicken and cucumber are combined in one bowl and dressed with mayonnaise. If desired, the salad can be decorated with finely chopped herbs.

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