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Problem. Types of problems: social, economic, psychological and other

The word "problem" almost everyone perceives as a difficulty, a nuisance, an obstacle, a delay in something.

Problem: kinds of problems

Being an integral part of the modern world, it is generated by its variability. It breaks the established process of vital activity, affects all spheres of human activity, puts the person in a dead end exactly the problem. Types of problems:

  • Psychological;
  • Scientific;
  • Social;
  • Economic;
  • Management;
  • Ecological;
  • Global.

Psychological problems

Psychological problems represent a disequilibrium of a person's mental state, affecting his relationship with himself and the environment.

There are the following types of psychological problems:

  • Explicit - in other words, "lying on the surface." These are problems in relationships, jealousy, painful attachments, obvious fears, lack of self-control and will, expressed in laziness and unwillingness to strain.
  • Hidden - present in a person, but not manifested to the extent that they are detected.
  • Deep - the same hidden problems, the existence of which there are no reliable facts, but according to some signs, psychologists tend to believe in their existence.

Scientific problems

Types of scientific problems (theoretical, methodological, organizational) are a set of emerging theoretical and practical issues, quite complex, contradicting existing knowledge and requiring solutions through scientific research. To solve scientific problems in the modern world, the efforts of a large team of specialists of various profiles are required, each of which must have the will and purpose to achieve scientific truth.

Social problems

Social problems are expressed in partial or incomplete satisfaction of the needs and interests of individuals and groups. Needs should be understood as physiological needs (clothing, shelter, food), and spiritual issues (communication, education, self-realization). There are the following types of social problems:

  • Individual-personal and family. This is loneliness, depression, misunderstanding, social isolation, unfavorable atmosphere in the family, guilt, internal crisis, problems in teaching children and youth, difficulties with physical and mental health (old age, disability).
  • Socio-economic, associated with poverty, unemployment, an increase in the number of socially vulnerable people.
  • Socio-ecological, caused by harmful effects on human health of polluted environment.
  • Social stratification associated with the division of people in society on a specific basis (power, income level, profession), which causes a tangible disparity between the standard of living of different segments of the population. This contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for social exploitation and manipulation.
  • Behavioral, including deviant behavior, crime, social defects and anomalies.
  • Symbolization and social modeling, that is, a distorted perception of the world and distortion of social values.
  • Socio-political, caused by a low level of social activity of the population, tensions and instability of relations in society.

Economic problems

The world, driven by integration processes, increasingly comes to the need for the growth of trade and economic ties between individual countries into a single global economic complex. Lack of food, which requires proper distribution among consumers, in this case is a priority issue. The kinds of problems that exist exist, are accumulated in one whole, because they completely depend on each other. For example, the lack of important nutritional components - the food problem - adversely affects people's health, as a consequence, reducing the quality of the workforce. And this, in turn, negatively affects the pace of economic growth, hindering them and causing a problem in the field of the economy.

Types of economic problems can be identified by the following questions:

  • What to produce?
  • How to produce?
  • For whom to produce?

That is, it is important to correctly determine the choice of goods produced for this resource and technology, as well as the correct redistribution of the product between economic entities due to the limited number of products created and services provided.

Managerial problems

Managerial problems are manifested when the planned targets do not meet the goals set in the work activity of the enterprise, which causes a malfunction and malfunctions in the work process. In this case, the competent managerial decision of the head can resolve the situation, it is very important to identify and diagnose the problem in a timely manner. Types of management problems:

  • Strategic, requiring the formation, clarification, study, evaluation and practical use of the database;
  • Tactical, solved in a shorter time than in the strategic;
  • Long -, medium -, short-term and current;
  • By levels of leadership: grassroots, middle and higher.

To solve the problem, it is required to accurately establish and understand the symptoms that caused it. The most common are:

  • Inconsistency in the interaction between internal units;
  • Poor quality of products and services;
  • High costs of management and production;
  • Insufficient staff qualifications and turnover;
  • Small labor productivity;
  • Poor sales figures;
  • Obsolete technological process and significant equipment wear;
  • Small profit;
  • Huge accounts payable.

Often the above-described symptoms of each other complement, presenting the problem in the complex. For example, low profit is associated with high costs and poor quality of products.

Take a competent management of the problem in their own hands under the authority of the head, behind him is a powerful baggage of knowledge and experience, competence, business intuition and the ability to feel the problem in the early stages of its inception.

Ecological problems

Environmental problems are mainly due to human activities aimed at satisfying their interests and introducing negative changes in the natural environment. More and more urgent are such types of environmental problems as:

  • Destruction of the ozone layer, protecting living organisms from the harmful effects of solar radiation. The main reason for the appearance of "ozone holes" (spaces with a low content of ozone) is a significant concentration in the atmosphere of Freons - highly volatile chemicals widely used in everyday life and production. Disintegrating in the upper layers of the air, they form chlorine oxide, which destroys ozone. The weakening of the ozone layer leads to inhibition of the process of photosynthesis in plants, a fall in the yield of crops, an increase in the level of ultraviolet radiation on the Earth, which contributes to the increase in the incidence of skin cancer.
  • The greenhouse effect that occurs as a result of the heating of the lower layers of the atmosphere, capable of passing short-wave solar radiation through itself and at the same time hampering the thermal long-wave radiation of the earth's surface. Gases (nitrogen oxides, methane, freon, carbon dioxide) form a kind of a greenhouse roof over the planet, returning most of the heat to the Earth, which causes its accumulation in the near-surface layers of the atmosphere. The result is negative consequences such as an increase in the sea level due to melting of ice, an increase in the amount of precipitation, a change in the direction of winds and ocean currents, an increase in temperature, and natural warming. In Kyoto in December 1997, an international conference on global climate change was held, in which 159 countries participated. The result was the adoption of a treaty providing for a 5.2% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Acidic sediments, which are natural phenomena (rain, snow, fog) with high acidity, due to the concentration in the solution of hydrogen ions. As a result, vegetation is suppressed, forest growth, crop yields, lakes oxidation, leading to the death of algae and fish.
  • Disposal of waste - unused residues of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials formed in the process of production and consumption of products.

The congestion of the planet with garbage containing toxic, infectious, explosive and fire-hazardous substances in its composition causes great harm to mankind and the environment, contributing to the pollution of atmospheric air, vegetation, soils, underground and surface waters. The initial solution was to destroy waste by digging and burning. With the increase in environmental pollution, environmental measures to eliminate this problem have come to the forefront - sorting, reusing and using low-waste technologies, in which the harmful impact on the environment does not exceed the level allowed by sanitary and hygienic standards.

Types of global problems

Global problems, having a natural-natural and social character, affect the interests of all mankind, seriously threatening its normal future. Being a complex and interconnected system combining a complex of all the above-mentioned problems, they require immediate resolution with the application of maximum efforts of all countries of the world.

Depending on the characteristic features, the following types of global problems are distinguished:

  • Between developed and developing countries, as well as countries with economies in transition. The solution is aimed at preventing conflicts and establishing an economic order, preserving peace, fighting poverty, disease, hunger, and drug addiction.
  • Between nature and man. The settlement is aimed at protecting the environment, protecting and distributing fuel and raw materials, developing the world's oceans and outer space, providing mankind with food, energy, raw materials.
  • Between man and society. In this case, the first place is the need for health care, education, the solution of the demographic problem, and so on.

Global problems of planetary scale

The global problems of the modern world include:

  • The threat of a nuclear war, the overcoming of which is to curb the arms race, the prohibition of the creation and use of armed systems of mass destruction of people, the elimination of nuclear weapons.

  • World terrorism, aimed at seizing new territories and intimidating the population.
  • Ecological crisis, consisting in rapid human intervention in natural processes.
  • The lack of natural resources is a very significant problem (the types of problems that exist are also relevant, each in its own way). In this case, it is extremely necessary to overcome the crisis interaction between man and nature, leading to such catastrophic consequences as depletion of natural resources and unprecedented pollution of the environment. The necessary steps are the development of measures aimed at the economical use of natural resources and the reduction of soil, air and water pollution.
  • The demographic factor is the decline in population growth in developed countries and the increase in population in developing countries.
  • The economic and cultural difference between the standard of living of the population of developed countries (West and East) and third world countries (Asia, Africa, Latin America). In this case, efforts must be made to reduce the widening gap and eliminate worldwide economic backwardness.
  • A scientific and technological revolution with its negative consequences, requiring the rational and effective use of its achievements for the benefit of society and each individual separately.
  • Spread of infectious diseases (AIDS, Ebola virus).
  • Drug addiction, alcoholism and other harmful habits. In this case, efforts should be directed towards overcoming the tendency to reduce social health, combating alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS, tuberculosis and other diseases.

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