HealthAlternative Medicine

Practical Application of Bioenergy And Healing

Biorhononomy is a method of practical work with bioenergy .
Founder of Biorhonology - Rafi Rosen (Hebrew רפי רוזן
10.04.27 - 11.02.2003 - Israeli Teacher, Researcher and Healer) in his book "Space, aliens and we" says that since December 1992 the Earth has entered a new evolutionary stage of development. The distinctive features of this phase are Love, Tolerance and Tolerance. According to Rafi Rosen's observations from December 1992 to the end of 1994, the energy situation around our planet has changed, 12 new energy-information layers have formed around the Earth. Each next layer strengthened the action of the previous one and manifested cosmic laws according to which our planet is developing.
Rafi Rosen formulated at least two basic space laws that determine the evolution of the Earth in our time.
To understand the first law, it should be noted that according to bioorgonomy, every person, living being and, in general, an object in the broadest sense of the word has an energy twin. In detail about energy twins and their fusion, we are talking in classes on the development of practical bioenergy (bioorgonomy).
The first law is a reunion in love and harmony of energy twins. The meaning of reunification is that in the process of merging the energy information fields of twins, the potential of the fields of both is multiply amplified, numerous problems are solved in the energy information field (and as a result - in all spheres of life) of a person.
The second law consists in observing the absolute freedom of the will of man and any living being and a complete ban on all attempts by one person to influence the freedom of choice of another person (any living being), even from the best motives (remember the saying about good intentions).
These are two basic laws, on which the method of healing , which is used in bioorgonomy, is based.

According to the researches of Wilhelm Reich (German, Wilhelm Reich, 1897, - 1957, the Austrian and American psychologist, one of the founders of the European school of psychoanalysis), bioenergy enters the Earth in two streams: from top to bottom like rain and horizontal lines encircling the globe with West to the east.Wilhelm Reich saw this energy as the basis of all life processes on the Earth, therefore he called it the "orgon" (from the Latin organismus - a living being) - the universal energy of life.This energy we learn to feel and use in practice in biogorgons and.

Currently, there are many areas of application of bioorganics: these are the ecology (global and local), the bioorganism of relationships, the bioorganism of the home, the resolution of everyday problems and many other areas of our life.

However, the main direction of bioorgonomy is, without a doubt, healing.
Purposeful use of bioenergy helps to heal people at all levels: from the spiritual to the physical. At the same time, work in bioorgonomy is conducted in the human energy field. Because the state of all systems and organs is manifested in the field. Emotional, mental and spiritual states of a person also find their reflection in its energy field. According to the bioorgonomy, diseases develop in systems and organs weakened energetically. The causes of the weakening of the bioenergetic field are often our stresses, fears and injuries. It can also be stresses, fears and traumas of our ancestors, similar events in past incarnations of man and our twins. All this affects the quality of life and health.
Biorhonology allows us not only to work with these negative events (both ours and ancestors and twins), but also to free the person from their causes and effects.

Healing in bioorgonomy can be carried out remotely. The concepts of space and time in the world of energy differ from those we are accustomed to in the material world.
However, for the most harmonious, persistent and deep results it is desirable to understand the problem by the person himself.

As Maurice Maeterlinck said: "You have to be brave to see the hidden things"

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