HealthAlternative Medicine

Amazing plant thistle: indications for use

Currently, more and more people prefer to use homeopathic remedies for the treatment of various diseases. And many of them are much more effective than traditional tablets. And herbs in the prevention of diseases are simply irreplaceable. One of such plants is milk thistle. Homeland of this herb is Southern Europe. But because of its unpretentiousness, the plant has spread almost all over the world. It is easy to meet in the Crimea, the Caucasus, and in the central part of Russia. What kind of plant is this and why do they talk so much about it?

Milk thistle: medicinal properties

It is a high (up to 150 cm) one- or two-year-old plant, very similar to a thistle. The only thing that distinguishes it is that the milk thistle on the leaves has white spots and stains. The trunk of the plant is erect, covered with spines. The leaves are broad and dense, along the edges there are also thorns. The inflorescence is collected in a gray box. Flowers are red or pink, tubular, with a white tuft of hairs on the end. Blooms from May to August. In medicine, seeds and roots, as well as leaves, are used. The healing properties of the plant were noted by doctors as early as in ancient times. And this is not accidental. As shown by modern research, milk thistle is rich in precious micronutrients and acids. So, this plant contains about 20% protein, up to 30% fiber, 25-30% valuable oil. Even in this herb there are practically all the vitamins of group B, and also A, K, D, E and others. There are microelements - Zn, Cu, Se. The oil contains acids such as linoleic, arachine, behenic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, meristinic. This oil is used not only in medicine, but also in the food industry. Here it is used as a dietary supplement. Traditional medicine mainly uses milk thistle for the treatment of diseases associated with the liver and blood vessels, urolithiasis. In folk recipes, the range of applications is much broader. Still this plant is used for general improvement of the body condition, especially after severe diseases and courses of antibiotics.

Milk Thistle: Indications for use in the treatment of the liver

Thirty grammes of powdered seeds pour boiling water (about 2.5 cups) and evaporate the broth at very low heat until the liquid is boiled twice. The resulting remedy cool and take one tablespoon every hour. The course of treatment - three weeks, then make a two-week break. Repeat if necessary.

Milk thistle: indications for use in varicose veins

A teaspoonful of seeds or chopped herbs pour a glass of steep boiling water and insist for half an hour. Take infusion on a hot morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed.

Milk thistle: indications for use for the treatment of obesity

If you intend to lose those extra pounds, then the milk thistle will come in handy. The plant contributes to the removal of toxins and poisons from the body, and when losing weight, getting rid of waste products is one of the main tasks. To do this, prepare the shrot - the seeds and leaves of the plant shredded in the blender. The product should be taken before eating one teaspoon four times a day, washed down with warm mineral water.

Milk thistle: indications for use for rejuvenation of the body

The plant contains a large amount of vitamin E and silymarin. The first is a very powerful antioxidant, and the second strengthens the cell walls and thereby prevents oxidative processes.

Milk thistle: use, contraindications, interesting facts

Also, this plant is used to treat long-healing wounds. Spilled places should be sprinkled with meal. Also, dermatologists recommend taking infusions of milk thistle for the treatment of various skin diseases such as vitiligo, eczema, diathesis, psoriasis, etc. Still this plant is considered almost the only remedy when using which survival after poisoning with a pale toadstool is possible. Contraindications to use as such are not present, the only thing is an intolerance of separate components which enter into a chemical compound of a plant.

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