HealthAlternative Medicine

Antineoplastic herbs for various diseases: review, application, effectiveness and feedback

At the present moment, the problem of oncological diseases is considered quite serious. Every year a huge number of people die (millions) from them. Some of them with this terrible disease cope, using antitumor herbs in cancer. In this article we will consider which herbs are best used in this case.

Types of fees

Physicians recommend herbal therapy during the disease. The plants used have an effective antitumor effect. The immunity of the patient is strengthened by basic therapy. Collection antitumor ("Altai grass" for example) contains medicinal plants that improve the functionality of the intestines and stomach. In addition, it can regulate the work of the entire nervous system, as well as improve blood and heart function. The fees that are aimed at eliminating tumors are healing agents that work beneficially due to the high content of fats, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates in herbs. Antineoplastic collections contain some poisonous herbs, used separately, because they require a much lower dosage, as well as non-toxic herbs. In addition, the composition includes adaptogenes. They can increase the energy resources of the human body.

The antitumor effect of herbs is due to their composition. The fees include various plants, including St. John's wort, calendula, lemon balm, buckthorn, aloe, flowers of the immortelle, mint, plantain, wormwood, elephant, burdock, horsetail, bedstuff, nettle, hawthorn, rhizome of ayr, tartar and others. To the addiction of the body to medicinal herbs not to tolerate and at the same time to not weaken their effect, the herbs should be alternated on a monthly basis. It should be noted that basic therapy can be carried out simultaneously with radiation and chemotherapy. When using fees, you should definitely visit a phytotherapeutist and an oncologist. If you have a tumor, then the following plants can be used.

Arnica mountain

Antineoplastic herbs can be started to be treated with arnica. This medicinal antiseptic was used as a hemostatic in the countries of Europe as early as the 11th century. Extract from the inflorescences of the plant reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. The drug affects the normalization of the overexcitation of the central nervous system, the vessels of the brain is expanding. It is used in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, stenocardia, cardiac weakness, as an effective cholagogue.

Air marsh

We continue to consider antitumoral herbs. Healing properties of marsh aura have been known for a long time. The roots of the plant are very popular with various gastrointestinal diseases, as a tonic for oppression and rheumatism, for hearing and vision impairment, for trichomonas and menstrual disorders, during epidemics of typhus, influenza, cholera as a bactericidal agent, in bronchial Asthma and bronchitis as an expectorant, with kidney stones and cholecystitis. Air is used even for chronic diseases of the spinal cord, with excessive palpitations. In general, swamp fauna is used in many preparations and herbal preparations.

Heather ordinary

These anti-tumor herbs are good for gout, rheumatism. Herb infusion of this plant is taken with nephrolithiasis, diseases of the bladder and renal pelvis, with fright, nervous excitement as a sedative. They drink alcohol tincture for tuberculosis. The boiled grass is applied to fractures, bruises. Heather is included in the mixture with catarrh of the stomach with high acidity. The plant is used as a means, acting partially in a sleeping and calming nerves. Has an antitumor effect.

Stinging Nettle

These antitumoral herbs also deserve attention. Broth of nettle flowers is drunk with chronic skin diseases, diabetes, cancer. The plant affects the metabolism of carbohydrates, increases the number of red blood cells in the blood, therefore, they resort to it for help in case of anemia: mix powder from dry leaves with honey and drink on a teaspoon before eating. Liquid herb extract is prescribed for subserous fibroids, menopausal hemorrhages, slow involution of the uterus after abortions and childbirth. The body has an antitumor effect.


With neural diseases, heart diseases, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, cancer, drink a decoction of mistletoe from pine, oak and hornbeam. The plant has an antitumor effect.


Seeds and parsley grass have diuretic, anti-tumor properties, and also enhance the excretion of salt from the body. The latter is due to the presence of myristicin and epiol in this plant. Grass and parsley seeds are used in folk medicine for heart and kidney diseases as a diuretic.


Immediately it is worth mentioning that, irritating the end of taste buds in the oral cavity, the active substances of wormwood strengthen the reflex secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. The main importance is given to absintine. From the plant drugs are used for gastritis, which occur with low acidity. They are also recommended to increase appetite after exhausting diseases. It is used outside for lotions and compresses with bruises, in enemas against worms. The herb has a pronounced antitumor effect.

In addition, when treating tumors, sometimes use a serpentine, peony, birch buds, a burdock. These plants are used because of their impact on individual organs affected by the tumor.

Now consider a few antitumor charges.

Antineoplastic herb collection


  • Chamomile without language;
  • Medinitsa medicinal;
  • Clover white, creeping;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • stone berry;
  • Nettle, dioecious;
  • Veronica officinalis;
  • Cranberries ordinary;
  • Willow white.

Pour in a thermos 2 tablespoons of powdered dry mixture of 0.5 liters of water, insist half an hour, strain and use warm half a glass twice a day before meals. After each month of treatment, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks. Polyphytic candles enter simultaneously one into the anus well.

You can additionally enter the vagina daily gauze swabs, pre-soaked with a decoction of celandine large.

Collection antitumor "Altai grass"

This collection has anti-inflammatory, blood-cleansing, resolving properties, eliminates adrenal diseases, lymph nodes, polyps, cysts, adenomas, endocrine disorders. Women are used to completely heal endometriosis, mastopathy. It is used as an antineoplastic herb collection for mammary glands, stomach, lungs, esophagus.


  • Zyuznik;
  • Gorisson Morisson;
  • Prince of Siberia;
  • Cranes (real, tenacious);
  • Tavolga vyazolistnaya;
  • Red brush;
  • cuff;
  • bloodroot;
  • clover.

Pour 2 tbsp. Spoon mixture for 0.5 liters of boiling water, 1 hour insist in a thermos. Eat twice a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, a 10-day break, then the next course.

Antitumor collection of Father George

The antitumor collection of herbs of father George includes the following herbs:

  • Nettle (250 g);
  • Sage (350 g);
  • Fruit of dog rose, immortelle, string, bearberry (200 g each);
  • Wormwood bitter (150 g);
  • Dried flowers, yarrow, chamomile, buckthorn bark, thyme, linden flowers or trifol, birch buds, motherwort, marshwort (100 g).

Grind the herbs, mix, divide the mixture into 24 parts, take one of them and again divide into 4 parts. One such small part is put into an enamel saucepan, add 2.5 liters of hot water, insist for three hours on low heat without boiling. In this case, the broth should melt and grow very concentrated. It should be filtered and cooled. Drink three times a day warm, one hour before meals on a tablespoon, preferably always at the same time.

Drink broth for malignant tumors 70 days, then make a fifteen-day break. In the course of these interruptions, various examinations can be carried out - blood donating to hemoglobin, the number of leukocytes. In this case, the blood formula should improve. You should repeat the course after the break. Drink decoction in severe stages of cancer for at least one year. For the prevention of oncological diseases, as well as the purification of blood, the course is 30 days. At the same time, these courses should be held at least twice a year.


Judging by the reviews, these plants, while exerting a healing effect on the tumor, can spoil the functionality of the remaining organs. The same happens with the passage of chemotherapy. Substances formed after the disintegration of cancer cells, poison the body.

When applying special herbal preparations, you must be careful, go to a doctor for advice, which is also spoken by the reviews. During therapy, you should drink medicines that include vitamin B17. Judging by the reviews, the situations in which a person recovered with herbs at a severe stage of the cancer are extremely rare, but these people are. In general, phytotherapy simply prolongs life, positively affects its quality, people say. The main thing is a timely consultation with a doctor. And he can already find the right decision.

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