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Pollack liver: description and properties of the product

Many Pollockers are familiar with pollock mainly because of canned food with the same name, which are sold in all grocery stores. To be able to appreciate this product, you must first learn about it as much as possible.

Product Description

Usually the pollock liver is sold in canned form. After special treatment, it is packed in tin cans. When buying, of course, it is always better to choose a transparent container, since it gives an opportunity to see with your own eyes what is inside. But in this case there is no such alternative. On sale, the pollack liver is found in two types: natural and "on-seaside". The difference between them is only that in the first case whole pieces of fish liver are preserved.

The second option is a mixture made in the form of pate. Both products have a characteristic taste and aroma, and the appearance and consistency determine only the way they are used. The canned Pollock liver contains only natural products. This distinguishes it from a common number of other canned foods. According to the inscription on the label it contains only chilled liver and salt. As an exception, in the jars with lumpy natural product, vegetable oil is added, as well as pepper peas and a bay leaf for flavor. So the buyer can safely purchase such goods, provided that the expiry date specified on the package is met.

Product Benefits

Lovers of seafood treat the liver of this fish as delicacy. Specialists consider such a choice quite just. But this opinion is based not only on the palatability of the liver pollock. The benefits and disadvantages of this product give more grounds for such judgments.

Carefully examining the raw materials, scientists came to the conclusion that the liver of this valuable cod fish has a number of properties that are very useful for the human body:

  1. Meat and insides of marine inhabitants contain unique polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are necessary for the person for stable work of a brain and heart. On its own, the body can produce no more than 5 percent of the required amount. The rest can only be obtained by eating fish.
  2. A huge amount of vitamin A helps improve eyesight, as well as the condition of the skin, nails and hair. In addition, this substance regulates the deposition of cholesterol and helps to fight with different types of infections (fungal, viral and genito-urinary).
  3. Vitamins of group B regulate almost all metabolic processes, thus normalizing the proper operation of internal organs.
  4. The liver also contains iodine, a deficiency of which can cause problems with the pancreas.
  5. The presence of fluoride strengthens teeth and bone tissue.
  6. Potassium helps the heart to work normally, excluding the possibility of a heart attack.
  7. The liver also has a lot of vitamin PP and nicotinic acid, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire circulatory system.

The remaining elements (iron, calcium, chromium) only supplement the overall picture. We examined what a good pollack liver is. The benefits and harm, however, refer to those characteristics that can not be ignored when choosing a particular food product. Inattention to them can lead to undesirable consequences.

Possible danger

While engaged in preparing food, any mistress must certainly know all the secrets that the liver contains pollack. Benefits and harm to health - this is the main thing that is worth paying attention to. By the way, doctors say that this product is not safe at all.

It should not be eaten by a certain category of people:

  1. From the liver it is worth refraining to those who have congenital or acquired individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to similar seafood.
  2. Because of the high salt content, it should not be used for people suffering from hypertension, as well as inflammation of the digestive system. First of all, these include peptic ulcers.

Given the exceptional naturalness, the main danger, oddly enough, is the shelf life of the product. This is more of a conservative, as the fish liver is mainly produced in this form. When buying a product, you need to carefully study the markings placed on the bottom of the can.

Popular salads

In cooking, the liver of any fish is mainly used for cooking various snacks and sandwiches. Basically, canned food is used for work. In addition, there is another category of dishes, where the liver must be present, pollock. Salad, the recipe of which will be described below, is considered a classic option. For its preparation it is required: 1 bank of a liver, 3 eggs, a bank of a green pea, 3 salted cucumbers, a glass of boiled rice and mayonnaise.

To prepare such a salad is not difficult:

  1. First you need to boil the eggs.
  2. At this time, you can open a jar with canned products (liver and peas).
  3. Cut cucumbers into small cubes.
  4. Combine all the ingredients and stir well, adding a little mayonnaise.

Introducing new products, you can create your own recipes, taking into account personal preferences and taste preferences. For example, there is another rather simple option, for which you only need to have a liver, eggs and hard cheese. And for the preparation of the ingredients you just need to grind and collect them in one plate.

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