EducationSecondary education and schools

Pedagogical activity, functions of pedagogical activity: structure and specificity

The functions, goals of pedagogical activity have a deeply humanitarian basis. The work of the teacher is based primarily on the love of life, children, the world. An integral part of the profession is also the responsibility for the quality of knowledge and development of the child as a person. It is teachers who have a key influence on the moral foundations of public life. Let us further consider what the structure and functions of pedagogical activity are.

The role of the teacher

Any achievements in the economy of the state will not give the proper effect unless conditions are provided in which the functions of social and pedagogical activity will be realized. The role of the teacher in the life of society is difficult to overestimate. If you do not even take into account the educational aspect of the work, teachers act as a link between all members of society. In this regard, the teacher expresses the general needs and interests of the population, knows the pressing problems of our time.

Pedagogical activity: essence, structure, functions

The work of the teacher is very specific. Pedagogical refers to a special kind of activity of adult citizens useful for the society, consciously directed at preparing children for life in accordance with existing political, economic, aesthetic, moral and other goals. In the framework of this work, an objective process of upbringing is organized. The functions of social and pedagogical activity are focused on improving and accelerating the preparation of the younger generation for life. This is due to the fact that teachers, realizing the tasks assigned to them, use theoretical knowledge and practical experience within the system of special institutions. Many authors consider isolation of each function of professional pedagogical activity apart from others, while preserving their interrelation. In the general teaching system, three components were formed: communicative, organizational and constructive. To implement each function of pedagogical activity, pedagogical skills and abilities, abilities and aspirations play a key role.

general characteristics

The constructive functions of professional pedagogical activity fall into:

  1. Operative . It involves planning your own actions as a teacher and behavioral acts of students.
  2. Substantial . Within the framework of this function of the teacher's professional and pedagogical activity, selection and layout of materials, planning and construction of the entire educational process are carried out.
  3. Material . Within the framework of this direction, the educational and methodological base of the whole process is designed.

The organizational aspect envisages the implementation of a set of actions aimed at including children in different jobs, forming a collective. Communicative pedagogical activity is of particular importance. The functions of pedagogical activity in this direction are oriented toward establishing educational relations with the children, colleagues, parents, as well as representatives of the public, from an educational point of view.

An Important Moment

Types and functions of pedagogical activity are realized in the presence of constant feedback. Due to her, the teacher receives timely information about the results of achieving the goals. In this regard, the control and evaluation component is also included in the totality of the elements from which the pedagogical activity is formed. The functions of pedagogical activity are realized by teachers of any specialty. Each of them must have the appropriate skills and qualifications.

Basic functions of pedagogical activity

The educational process is realized with direct subordination to the tasks and goals set by the teacher. The key functions of pedagogical activity are:

  1. Diagnostic . It is related to the study of children, the definition of the level of psychological development of each child individually and the entire collective as a whole.
  2. Orientational-prognostic. It is expressed in the ability to determine the objectives, directions and goals of the educational process, as well as to plan its results.
  3. Constructive and projecting. It assumes an adequate formation of educational and upbringing work.
  4. Organizational . This function of pedagogical activity of the teacher is characterized by the active involvement of children in the educational process. It involves emotional and moral stimulation of each child.
  5. Explanatory . It involves informing in various fields of knowledge, taking into account the latest scientific achievements.
  6. Communicative-stimulating. This function is based on the formation of an atmosphere of cooperation, the humane attitude of the teacher to children.
  7. Analytical and evaluative. It consists in analyzing the process of education and upbringing, the ability to make appropriate adjustments to it.
  8. Research and creative. This function assumes the comprehension and development of theoretical provisions, the use in their work of the results of their own analysis and the achievements of their colleagues.

Key aspects

Traditionally, there are two directions in which pedagogical activity is carried out. The functions of pedagogical activity are focused on teaching and upbringing. The first direction involves the management of the cognitive abilities and aspirations of children. Educational activities are focused on the organization of students' behavior. It involves solving problems on the harmonious development of the individual. By and large, these concepts can be called identical. This approach to the consideration of the correlation of these areas of activity reveals the essence of the thesis on the unity of education and upbringing. Teaching, which is carried out within not only the lesson, but also any organizational form, has, as a rule, a clear time frame, a specific goal and options for achieving it. With regard to education, you can not say the same thing. This work does not directly pursue the achievement of goals, since this is impossible in an organizational form, limited by timeframes. In the educational process, you can provide only a consistent solution of certain tasks. They, in turn, are aimed at achieving the goal of education. As a key criterion for effective solution of the tasks posed is a positive change in the children's consciousness, which manifests itself in behavior, emotional reactions, cognitive activity.

Culture of the teacher

It acts as an integral part of the teacher's professionalism. The formation of an information culture helps to optimize the educational process. Possessing it, teachers get the opportunity:

  1. To apply new methods and methods of presentation, generalization of information. In particular, we are talking about the progress, the level of knowledge of children.
  2. Use more material.
  3. Develop and apply computer monitoring and educational programs.
  4. To improve qualification with the help of distance learning.
  5. Use modern information resources in self-education.

The efficiency with which the function of designing pedagogical activity will be realized depends on how well the information culture is developed.

Personal qualities

They act as the foundation on which pedagogical activity is based. The functions of pedagogical activity can not be realized by incompetent specialists. In this regard, the teachers have special requirements. The professional development of a teacher is of paramount importance. It affects the level of development of the whole society as a whole. The personality of the teacher and his knowledge act as a value capital. The content, functions of pedagogical activity presuppose the presence of certain orientations, knowledge, which the expert passes on to the children. In this regard, the teacher is not only the personification of normative work, but also an active participant, realizing his skills for the benefit of society. To fully understand the essence, the functions of pedagogical activity, a person must go through a certain path. The formation of his competence covers an extended period.

Mastery of a specialist

It is considered the highest level of pedagogical activity. Mastery is characterized by high efficiency and creative approach. Demonstrating it, the teacher performs his work at the level of samples and standards, tested in practice and set out in the guidelines. At the same time, it must be said that the skill of the teacher is not directly related to the length of his experience. The main functions of pedagogical activity considered above can not be realized without the ability of a specialist to build and set in motion the educational process. According to A. S. Makarenko, the mastery of mastery is available to every teacher, provided that there is purposeful self-development. It is formed, undoubtedly, on the basis of practical experience. However, not always it becomes a source of mastery of the teacher. They can only become labor, the essence, goals and technology of realization of which will be understood. Mastery of the teacher is a complex of individual and business qualities and competence of a specialist.


Elements forming the skill of the teacher are:

  1. Psychological and pedagogical erudition.
  2. Teaching equipment.
  3. Professional ability.

Teaching techniques should be understood as various methods of individual impact of a specialist on children. The process of upbringing can be viewed from the methodical, social and other points of view. The public position forms a set of values that the specialist must pass on to each child. To implement this task, special training is required. He must be able to operate with existing values, be their carrier. As one of the most important components of mastery is the ability to find the right tone for expressing your assessment.

Teaching abilities

They represent a special mental property of the individual, which is expressed in sensitivity to the current requirements of the educational system, the specificity of their reflection by the relevant students, as well as the likely ways of influencing children to obtain the desired result. Communicative abilities are manifested in ways to establish relationships with each child on the basis of gaining trust and authority. They are provided by:

  1. The ability to identify, that is, identifying oneself with children.
  2. Differential sensitivity to the personal characteristics of students (their inclinations, interests, needs, etc.).
  3. Ability to suggest.
  4. Developed intuition. It acts as an important characteristic of creative thinking and manifests itself in anticipation of the desired result in the process of choosing a strategy.

Inspiration is one of the methods of influence. It can be beneficial if directed at stimulating imagination, self-confidence, the ability to overcome emerging obstacles, self-assertion through work. Suggestion can be devastating. This is manifested in the case if it is aimed at relaxation, humiliation, disbelief in one's own abilities or forces or unreasonable narcissism.

Organizational abilities

They are necessary for any teacher to realize their functions. Organizational skills are manifested in the teacher's sensitivity to productive and unproductive forms:

  • Interaction of children with objects of cognition during the educational process and after-hours;
  • Teaching children of self-organization;
  • Building relationships in teams and groups, etc.


It is the ability to determine the correspondence between a situation and knowledge. Competence consists of a set of interrelated qualities of the individual that are formed with respect to a specific range of subjects and processes necessary to perform productive and quality work. The key goal of the professional development of the teacher and his activities, therefore, is a fundamental rethinking of the content of the pedagogical process, the forms of its organization. The specialist must have the ability to systematically, effectively, optimally predict and perform work in the educational space, taking into account their own interests and scientific achievements. The professionalism of the teacher is enhanced by increasing competencies. It is determined on the basis of an analysis of educational events and situations. Equally important are the characteristics of the levels of professionalism. There are three of them:

  1. Reproductive.
  2. Adaptive.
  3. Local modeling.

In each new level there is a previous one, which has undergone qualitative changes.

Competency model

Pedagogical professionalism has a number of features. In complex, they form a model of competence. It ensures the effective implementation of pedagogical functions. These attributes include:

  1. Understanding the basics.
  2. Ability to predict the phenomena and processes that are in the area of vision of a specialist.
  3. Inclusion in the work of intuitive processes.
  4. Originality and novelty of activity, rejection of stereotypes.
  5. Competent approach to work organization.


As a base of any professionalism skills, knowledge act. However, over time, they become obsolete, and their assessment also changes. In this regard, in order to ensure effectiveness in the implementation of pedagogical functions, constant professional development of specialists is necessary. At the same time, successful work at lectures can not replace the self-education and self-education of teachers. At present, a number of principles have been singled out that contribute to the independent development of the teacher's competence. They include:

  1. Complex approach. The teacher deepens knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of his activity, improves his skills, while working on adjusting personal qualities, comprehending his own style of work.
  2. Systematic, continuous, consistent and planned. Only on their basis can achieve a high level of professional skill. Even a small break in work in the course of accumulating knowledge, strengthening skills, as practice shows, reduces the productivity of labor. One of the features of self-education is the need for systematic work. It is carried out throughout the whole pedagogical activity. To achieve any goal it is necessary to be able to plan work on self-education and self-education.


It acts as an integral part of the professional activity of a teacher of any specialty. This is due to the fact that the key tasks of the educational and upbringing process are solved exclusively in communicating with children. Despite the fact that during the university training the basic elements of pedagogical communication are studied rather fragmentarily and superficially, many teachers-practitioners subsequently become brilliant masters. Together with this they build communication, mainly, intuitively, based on personal experience and common sense. Meanwhile, there are conflicting views on the essence of the communicative function of the educator and the ways to implement it. In accordance with the traditional approach, communication is seen as a certain impact aimed at transferring the necessary knowledge to children and developing the desired qualities. According to the alternative approach, priority is given to the interaction of communicators in the framework of equal dialogue and cooperation. Leading scientists note that both of these approaches are susceptible to criticism, because when using any of them, it is possible to bring to a dangerous extreme - liberal connivance or authoritarian dictates. According to analysts, the most optimal will be considered an integrated approach. It provides an opportunity to effectively implement pedagogical functions, taking into account age, individual psychological, gender and other characteristics of students.


The implementation of pedagogical functions requires not only certain knowledge from a specialist. The effectiveness of achieving the goals depends on many factors. Among them are personal qualities, and the level of competence, and the ability to self-development, self-education. The activity of the teacher is very labor-consuming, requires considerable time and mental expenses. The implementation of the functions of pedagogical activity should be carried out according to a clear plan, compiled on the basis of the results of the diagnosis, taking into account the characteristics of the children's collective and using the experience of advanced teachers of our time.

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