HealthAlternative Medicine

Creosote - what is it? Use creosote in homeopathy

Creosote is a colorless liquid that has a burning taste, a strong smell, a yellow-green color, easily ignites. It dissolves, albeit with difficulty, in water, ethers and spirits. In this article we will study creosote: what is it, composition, what for and how it is applied.

A bit of history

Creosote was first obtained in 1830, by distilling beech tar. It was not a medical product, however, it was also used in purified form for this purpose. It is known about creosote fluid that it is a poisonous product. Therefore, it should be produced only under the control and in accordance with medical purpose. The best species for this purpose is the one obtained from the tar pitch.

Creosote can be obtained from coal tar. For this, a distillation method is used, carried out at a temperature of 150 to 270 degrees.

The composition of creosote is complex. The main elements are phenol and its ethers. Angracen and naphthalene are also present. Instead of creosote, the term "phenols" is often used today. Depending on the distillation used, a different quality of the substance is obtained. Thus, treatment at a temperature of 110 to 200 degrees allows the production of light fractions. And when exposed to more than 230 degrees, carbolic oil is produced. In principle, it is creosote for medical use. But for some reason the term "creosote" is mainly used for heavy oils, which are obtained under the influence of temperature over 250 degrees.

Non-medical use

The substance is used for the same purposes as tar. The processing of creosote structures from wood is used. It penetrates through the wood. As a result, it will not contain bacteria and worms. At the moment, the smell of creosote can be felt at the old metro stations. Residential premises are forbidden to build with it, because at a temperature of more than twenty degrees, phenols begin to be released, and this is very dangerous for health.

However, creosote is not only a poisonous substance. He is considered a good antiseptic.

Indications and contraindications

In the 19 and 20 century they knew well, creosote - what is it. It was used in the treatment of tuberculosis (currently such treatment is not carried out). It is also known as antiseptic antiseptic, which was applied to wounds to prevent the development of decomposition of open wounds.

Creosote is not used during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. The product may have an individual intolerance or an allergic reaction. In addition, it is given with great care to children.

Side effects

Accepting creosote, it should be borne in mind that a small action will be on the nervous system. On the skin, sensitivity increases and photosensitivity develops. On contact with the skin, pink spots, warts, papillomas may appear, pigmentation may increase. Since the sensitivity to sunlight increases several times, the reactions to creosote on sunny days will be especially pronounced. For example, a burn easily appears on the face, especially on the nose and cheeks, and also on the neck and in the area of the forearms. Therefore, on such days it is better not to use creosote.

Side effects in a mild form appear in the form of pigmentation for a short time, and in heavy ones for a long time. In addition, the skin is highly flaky.

The greater part of people who come into contact with the substance begin to feel photophobia, tearing, and in some cases, the cornea is affected. Warty growths can later go into the form of cancer and give metastases to the internal organs and lymph nodes.


Modern research has been shown with respect to the creosote substance - that it is a carcinogen. Therefore, it is necessary to interact with it very carefully. You can take creosote only on the recommendation of a doctor and not engage in self-medication.


The substance mainly affects the mucous membranes, resulting in a strong discharge with an unpleasant odor. This is particularly apparent when it comes to contact with female genital organs. Appear white with yellow spots, caustic and sharp. Places that have been exposed to creosote burn, itch and become inflamed.

In addition, there is a tendency to bleed, which occur, stop, and then reappear.

Creosote as no other means prevents the development of cancerous tumors. It is also recommended for breast cancer, with hardening, with tubercles, when it is bluish-red in color. It has an excellent effect on the gums, especially shown in children's cholera, which appears due to teething. The substance is also one of the best remedies for vomiting.


A little distracted from creosote, and we will dwell on the concept of homeopathy. Then the application of the substance we are considering becomes more clear.

At the end of the twentieth century, along with new high-performance medicines, medicine was faced with new challenges and challenges. Complications from medicines have increased, and along with this, a need has arisen for new alternative methods of treatment. One of them was homeopathy.

This is not a new science, it has a history that lasts more than 200 years. However, it is currently poorly understood. Nevertheless interest to it grows both from patients, and from doctors.

According to her, it is considered that it is not enough to remove a symptom that worries a person. It is necessary to restore the balance of the whole organism. Therefore, it should be influenced entirely. The principle of similarity is based on the method. According to him, the symptoms are more protective reaction of the body. And it is from this point of view and there is a homeopathic treatment.

Based on the symptoms, the homeopath reveals the essence of this or that disease, and chooses the medicine. At the same time at each stage of the disease, different medications are needed, similar to the state of a person at a particular time. That is, they should be similar or, as they are called in homeopathy, to be the "pathogenesis of medicines". Thus, homeopathic medicines, including creosote for health, are aimed at increasing the protective reaction of the body. Thus, harmony is restored in the body.

In this case, before the full recovery by homeopaths, the disease becomes aggravated. Sometimes it takes place in a very hard mode. Noticing such reactions, the dose of the drug is diluted with special methods. When choosing medicines, the homeopath takes into account the individual sensitivity of the organism to the medicine. Thanks to this approach, the patient is treated, not his illness. Now the following description of creosote becomes more clear.

Creosote application

General state. There is a ripple in the body, there are severe bleeding even with small cuts, severe neuralgia, fetid discharge, cancer, burning pain.

It is also used when there are painful sensations when cutting teeth, rapid growth of children in combination with their poor development, post-climatic diseases.

Mental condition. There is a rapid pulse and tears at the sounds of music, there is a lack of thoughts. A child often asks for everything that he sees, but when he receives it, he immediately throws it away.

Head condition. Feel dull, pressing pain on the forehead. The head hurts when menstruating, and besides it, discomfort is felt in the back of the neck.

The patient's eyelids are swollen and reddened, and tears are salty. Around the ears are acne and other rashes. The hearing falls, a buzzing is heard. On his face - unhealthy suffering expression. When breathing, there is an unpleasant smell, and old people have catarrh. Lips bleed, teeth erupt with severe pain. They are destroyed, and the gums bleed. In the throat - a feeling of suffocation and burning.

Treatment with creosote is indicated for nausea, vomiting several hours after a meal or in the morning, with the feeling that the stomach is very cold water, with the pain that passes after eating. Also, it is prescribed for vomiting with blood, bitter aftertaste when drinking water, painful hardening in the body.

There are burning hemorrhoids, bloating, fetid diarrhea of dark brown color.

Urine has an unpleasant smell, a strong itch is felt in the vagina and vulva, which becomes stronger with urination. It is possible to urinate only lying down, with this even dreams are connected.

In the area of the labia, swelling and burning sensations are felt, as well as an itch between their folds and the thighs. After menstruation, rashes occur. The genitals ache, whites are given off, having the smell of immature bread.

After intercourse, bleeding occurs. There are long menstruation. Pregnant women experience vomiting with hypersalivation. After menstruation, severe pain is felt.

In the larynx, hoarseness is combined with pain. There is a cough that intensifies in the evening, you want to tear and hurt your chest. Old people in winter have a cough with heaviness and pressure in the chest. After a cough pus is released. Periodically, blood spitting appears.

In the back, there is a pain that stretches, which is directed downwards. This condition is accompanied by weakness, pain in the joints, on the hips and knees. There is soreness in the area of the scapula and in the hip joints.

The skin itches, especially in the evening. In the soles - burning. The senile gangrene develops. Wounds all the time bleed.

The patient's sleep is restless, he is always rushing. When awakening, the stiffness of the extremities is felt. Dreams are associated with anxiety, fear and other negative emotions.

Deterioration of state of health is felt in fresh air, at rest, in lying position, from cold and after menstruation. Relief is felt in warmth, movement and from warm food.

We examined the substance "creosote", how it affects a person. When a homeopath, after asking all the details of the state of health of the patient, finds a similar condition in him, he writes out the medicine to him.


Apparently, homeopathy is really still unclear. However, she managed to help many people. If you decide on such treatment, you need to take care of choosing a competent doctor. Only he can correctly appoint the creosote intake, select the dosage and adjust it depending on the patient's well-being.

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