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Overeat? These tips will help you stay!

Lack of sleep. Stress. Too demanding relatives. Hormones. All these factors can lead to the fact that you eat too much pizza or a whole package of ice cream. If you do not want to overeat, get acquainted with the advice of nutritionists in this regard. Knowing how to cope with your problem, you will eat much more consciously.

You survive on some salads

Of course, there are plenty of vegetables and leaf greens useful, but you can not do it quite right. In theory, vegetables are useful, because they have few calories and a lot of nutrients. The only problem is if your salad consists exclusively of greens, without energy-providing carbohydrates, without protein, which will give satiety. As a result, you immediately feel tired and hungry, you want to eat more, and you overeat. The correct food should be different: add kinoa, beans, sweet potatoes, corn or peas to the salad, as well as sources of protein such as eggs, beans, chicken, shrimp or edamame.

At hand you have chips and candy

If you always see harmful food, it's hard for you to fight temptation. Heard the saying "out of sight - out of mind"? With food the same principle: you can not eat what you do not have, so that if you do not have chips in front of you, it will be easier for you to restrain yourself. You can place a bowl of fruit and vegetables in front of you in place of harmful snacks.

You do several things at once

Is in front of the TV, while driving or reading a book - not a good idea. In the stomach, there are receptors of tension. When food enters the stomach, these receptors begin to send satiety signals to the brain. Nevertheless, the signals will not help if you eat while you are doing something else. You can easily consume hundreds of calories more if you just do not pay attention to food. A conscious use of food will help to avoid this. Avoid distractions, focus on all aspects of your meal. This will transform your experience for the better and help greatly avoid overeating.

You drink a little water

The brain can confuse thirst and hunger, as a result you overeat, although it would be enough to have a glass of water. Try to take a bottle of water with you and drink regularly. Try to also drink a cup of water before eating.

You are tired of eating

Because we are constantly forced to make choices, you can get tired by the end of the day. Planning meals is the best way to gain control over consumed food.

You eat processed foods

Many people eat foods that are literally created in order to increase hunger. Usually it is a food rich in calories, but with a minimum of nutrients. You want to eat more and more, because the brain does not receive a signal that you are already fed. Usually it is highly processed foods with additives, flavors and textures that cause dependence. It is better to eat vegetables and fruits, not ready meals.

You are constantly irritated

Maybe it's in your job or in your partner, maybe you are planning a move, it does not matter. The main thing is that you constantly feel a strong tension. Stress increases the level of cortisol in the body, causing hunger and leading to overeating. Over time, you may face a risk of weight gain. Try to control stress: use meditation, walk, talk with friends or with a therapist to figure out the causes of stress.

You are training too hard

Of course, doing very useful, but sometimes training can undermine control over your appetite. It is worthwhile to engage in a business, it is worth challenging yourself, but you do not need to get yourself exhausted, because this will lead to a strong increase in appetite. Perhaps, it is worth doing less intensively, just a little longer. Some people just need to cut workouts. Listen to yourself, control the result to understand what can cause a strong appetite. In addition, try to drink plenty of water during training, so that dehydration does not cause you a particularly acute sensation of hunger.

You sleep a little

Have you noticed that you want to eat painfully after you have not had enough sleep? You are not alone. Studies have shown that a sleepless night can lead to serious problems with appetite. You may notice that you are feeling more hungry than usual. Make sure to always get six to eight hours of sleep per night. Dampen the light and put the gadgets off for an hour before you go to bed. Maintain a stable sleep schedule and keep in mind that sometimes it can be difficult, for example, when traveling or in stressful situations.

You do not have enough comfort

Try to avoid products that work for you as a source of comfort, and not as fuel for the body. Some products are associated with deep symbolism and pleasant memories, usually these are dense dishes associated with family holidays. In this case, the use of such food can seem comforting. Try to seek help from family and friends, not food.

You eat a little fiber and protein

You know that fiber and protein are necessary for healthy and stable weight loss. If you get enough, you can overeat. Fiber provides longer satiety, because it is more difficult to digest. You should never eat foods without sufficient protein and fiber. Refuse corn flakes and have a better breakfast with Greek yoghurt. Add chicken or tofu to the salad. For a snack, eat vegetables and hummus. For dinner, eat macaroni instead of vegetables.

Are you bored

Or sad. Or unpleasant. Emotional eating is a real problem, the roots of which lie in childhood. All of us saw screaming children, who calmed down only after they were given candy. In some adults, this behavior persists. They prefer to eat something that, they think, will give them strength. It is better to go for a five-minute walk, talk with a friend, try to breathe deeper.

You have refused certain products

Sometimes a complete rejection of certain foods can lead to craving for harmful food. You forbid yourself a yogurt or a biscuit, and then just break and overeat. Do not be afraid to pamper yourself: dark chocolate or ice cream with a low fat content will not spoil your figure. Just at first eat healthy food so as not to overeat from hunger.

You skip meals

Only because at lunch you were too busy, do not wait until dinner. Many people do not need to make a pass in four to five hours between meals. Too long waiting can lead to a drop in blood sugar. After your body began to produce ghrelin, a lack of food will necessarily lead to a strong craving for certain foods, and you will overeat. If you notice your irritability, the cause may be in hunger. Arrange yourself a break, find something that will ease your hunger.

You eat in a hurry

If you eat too fast, it's easy to overeat. Then you regret and feel the heaviness. Try to eat more slowly to listen to yourself and stop when you realize that you've already eaten too much.

You do not read labels

Of course, after training, you deserve calories, but not all products are suitable for this purpose. Try to read the labels carefully and control the size of portions.

You do not know how to assess the satiety level

Eat consciously. Many people do not know how to stop. Watch your feelings carefully and try to stop before you begin to feel heaviness.

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