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What a miracle, this sweet watermelon! Energy value and benefits

A wonderful fruit of a herbaceous plant, a delicious juicy berry of the pumpkin family is a watermelon. Its energy value is less than 40 kcal per 100 g of sweet fragrant pulp. Despite the abundance of easily assimilated carbohydrates, this melon crop is 85-90% water. It can afford not only people who strictly follow their figure, but even those whose work is associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Less calories than in watermelon, you can find except in a lemon. If the citrus fruit contains 20 kcal per 100 g of pulp, then the watermelon has only 24-38 kcal per 100 g of surprisingly tasty, juicy contents.

Under a dark green monophonic or striped peel

Watermelon, in addition to water, contains vitamins C, PP and group B, folic acid, carotenoids, salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese and even nickel. The fruits of watermelon are rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Due to lycopene the fruit pulp blushes under the name of watermelon, the energy value of which allows it to be used for unloading days and for short-term diets. Antioxidants and amino acids of watermelon have a beneficial effect on cells, protecting them from damage, neutralizing free radicals and helping in the prevention of heart disease. Arginine in the fetus stimulates increased blood flow and helps reduce the accumulation of fat stores. For people with a lot of weight, doctors recommend eating watermelon, calorie and properties that help normalize blood pressure, lymph drainage effect, prevent constipation, cleanse the body, cope with dehydration, and in hot weather prevent heat stroke. Fructose, which is contained in the pulp of watermelon, allows you to include it in food even for diabetics.

The energy value of watermelon

Russia imported watermelons from South Africa only in the 16th century, but until the 19th century, rarely could anyone eat this expensive berry. Nowadays, the supply of watermelons in the market is great, but it is important to buy a berry, in which there is no high level of nitrates. Juice and pulp of watermelons, caloric content of which is 250-300 kcal per kilogram, is often used as a powerful bile and diuretic. "Watermelon starvation" is called a three-four-day diet, when you can eat only Borodino bread and watermelon. Intensive urination during this period allows you to rinse the urinary tract and kidneys, clean them of small grains of sand and small stones. Watermelon, whose energy value is low, helps with gout, atherosclerosis, arthritis, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, heart diseases and hypertension, nosebleeds, anemia and obesity.

In cosmetology

In total, a cup of cubed pulp of watermelon can nourish the body with a fourth part of the daily norm of vitamin A, moisturizing the skin and hair, which helps regenerate collagen and elastin, the protein fibers that make up our dermis. Vitamin C nourishes and stimulates the growth of collagen structures. In addition, watermelon juice is an excellent natural tonic for the skin, it moisturizes and nourishes it, improves the color, refreshes the appearance. Mask of watermelon juice is easy to make, taking several layers of gauze (4-5). Next, you need to moisturize it in the watermelon juice and apply for 15-20 minutes to the surface of the skin. At the end of the procedure, rinse your face, neck and décolleté zone, get wet with a towel and apply moisturizing cream.

Watermelon: calorie, useful properties, harm

The benefits of watermelon are well known. Even to athletes before intensive training, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of watermelon juice or a smoothie-cocktail on its basis. This helps to significantly reduce muscle pain the next day after classes, as well as normalize the heart rate. Amino acids - arginine and citrulline - contribute to better circulation of blood flow, which provides such a remarkable effect. The presence of magnesium and iron is a good prevention of anemia. When swollen watermelon helps get rid of excess fluid and toxins. Watermelon therapy in such cases helps to reduce weight for two weeks, reducing body weight to two kilograms per day. But this course can be conducted only under the strict supervision of a doctor! Also dangerous is watermelon for people whose stones in their internal organs are large, those who suffer from fluid retention, serious cardiovascular ailments, impaired urinary excretion, diabetes and obesity.


Watermelon, whose energy value averages 25 kcal per 100 g, can become a panacea for excess weight and small concrements in the internal organs. But it can also create big problems if you try to cure the illness yourself without medical examination.

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