
Novosibirsk-Barnaul: bus and train connections

The direction "Novosibirsk-Barnaul" is one of the most popular in the Siberian region of Russia. You can get from one city to another by bus or train. The choice of transport for a trip depends on what kind of trip a person loves: always sit or lie down, while relaxing your back. The variety and number of bus and train trips allows each passenger to choose the most optimal option for themselves.

Bus "Novosibirsk-Barnaul"

The Novosibirsk land and Altai are neighboring regions, so the bus service between them is excellent. Every day several buses of different capacity go to both parts. The time for vehicles to follow the route ranges from 4 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours and 50 minutes. Of course, in difficult weather conditions, as on any other route, buses can be delayed.

Route and bus schedule between settlements

The distance between cities in a straight line is 195 kilometers. Of course, this figure is relevant only for possible air travel. On the highway between Novosibirsk and the capital of the Altai Territory, you need to drive 232 km.

During the bus the bus makes several stops:

- Berdsk (45 minutes after departure);

- Iskitim (with arrival to the bus station at 1:05 after departure from Novosibirsk);

- Turn to Cherepanovo (after about an hour and a half on the road);

- Bezimenovo;

- Turn to Talmenka;

- Siberian (one hour before Barnaul);

- Barnaul.

Flights from Novosibirsk depart at this time: 06-00, 06-40, 07:10, 08-00, 09-00, 10-10, 11-00, 11-40, 12-20, 13-00, 13- 30, 13-50, 14-10, 15-00, 15-50, 16-30, 17-10, 18-00, 18-50, 19-40, 20-50, 21-45, 22-15. Approximately at the same time from Barnaul go oncoming cars. Every passenger will like the trip, because there are excellent comfortable buses on the line.

Trains on the line "Novosibirsk-Barnaul"

Several trains run from one city to another, including passing ones. For example, every day at 8 o'clock 05 minutes in the direction of the capital of Altai the fast train "Nizhnevartovsk-Barnaul" is sent. The first stop after the largest city of Siberia is Berdsk. The train costs 2 minutes and resumes traffic at 08-50. After 17 minutes the flight arrives in the city of Iskitim (parking 2 minutes), and at 09-36 - in Linev. In this locality, the stop lasts 4 minutes. The longest stop at this stage is Cherepanovo. Here the composition of "Nizhnevartovsk-Barnaul" is 27 minutes (from 10-07 to 10-34). To Ust-Talmenskaya station from Cherepanovo it is necessary to go 1 hour 40 minutes. Then the train will continue the Altay stop and at 13.31 will arrive at the railway station of the city of Barnaul.

The next train from the Siberian city to the Altai capital leaves at 16 hours 3 minutes. The train "Novosibirsk-Barnaul" passes the same stations as the long-distance train from Nizhnevartovsk, about which we spoke above. Only the first stop is different after leaving Novosibirsk (it's about the Seyatel station, located 25 minutes from the starting point). At the last stop this flight comes in 21-16.

At 17-10 a train is sent from Novosibirsk to Central Asia (Almaty, Tashkent). The duration of the journey to Barnaul by this train will be a little over 6 hours. Passengers will be able to reach such stations:

- The sower;

- Berdsk;

- Iskitim;

- Evsino;

- Cherepanovo;

- Bezmenovo;

- Ust-Talmen;

- Tsaplino;

- The Altai.

In Barnaul the team arrives at 23 hours 36 minutes.

In 19-56 the train 603H "Novosibirsk-Slavgorod" leaves. The way to the station that interests us is 6 hours and 4 minutes. All the stations that pass the train are standard. The only important difference of this flight from the above is the hourly parking in Cherepanovo (from 21-57 to 22-57). In Barnaul passengers will arrive around 2 am.

The last flight in this direction from the station "Novosibirsk-Main" leaves at 21 hours 10 minutes. We are talking about the route "Krasnoyarsk-Biysk". What are the stopping points for this train? And all the same! Scheduled arrival in Barnaul usually occurs at 2 hours 48 minutes.


In the mode of suburban electric train the flight "Novosibirsk-Barnaul" departs at 17-00. The train en route makes far more stops than in the normal mode. For example, at 17-04 a stop is planned in the city center, and in 17-08 - at the River Station. Then the composition costs a minute at the station of the Sower (from 17-29 to 17-30). Further on the schedule is the traditional Iskitim station. To the station Cherepanovo (sediment from 18-50 to 19-05) are programmed stops on the platforms Monolithic (18-02) and Koinich (18-21). In the 19-20 "Novosibirsk-Barnaul" train arrives in Bezymenovo, and in 6 minutes it's already in Ogonok.

A prolonged span without stops of 1 hour and 14 minutes duration will end with a minute parking in the village of Krasnyi Boets. The next point will be reached at 20-51 (the traditional station of Ust-Talmen). We still have to spend a little more than an hour on the trip "Novosibirsk-Barnaul." The distance between Ust-Talmen and Lugovskiy will be overcome in 6 minutes. To the final point there are still a few stops: Mid-Siberian, Ozerki, Ozerki (village), Altay. In Barnaul, the train arrives at 22 hours 10 minutes.

How to get from Barnaul to Novosibirsk?

In the opposite direction, it is also easy to get. A huge number of buses, including those passing through, will take passengers from one city to another even at night. By rail from the capital of Altai to the capital of Siberia, you can get there by purchasing tickets for flights that depart from Barnaul station at 01-05, 01-25, 02-29, 02-44, 06-10 and 19-38.

beauty of nature

Siberia is not only winter cold, but also beautiful nature. I would like to advise tourists to pay attention to this. The bus "Novosibirsk-Barnaul" passes very beautiful places. From their visit there will be an exceptionally pleasant impression. The original places will be seen by the distance between two neighboring centers of the regions on the Novosibirsk-Barnaul train. Impressions from these trips for Russians and guests of the country will remain for a long time. Russian Siberia is truly a miracle of nature, the beauty of which should not go unnoticed by the inhabitants of other regions, as well as by foreign tourists.

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