
Contraceptive candles as a method of contraception

Most often on the ear among contraceptives are condoms, intrauterine device and hormone pills. However, birth control pills, which are treated with undeserved little attention, are also an excellent contraceptive.

Candles for protection against pregnancy are a type of chemical contraceptive. They act as effectively as gels, lubricants and creams in which the main active substance is not a hormone, but a chemical compound. Contraceptive suppositories mainly contain either nonoxynol. Or benzalkonium chloride. The result of exposure to these substances is approximately the same: they destroy the membranes of spermatozoa, so that they can no longer fertilize the egg.

Unfortunately, the use of birth control pills is overshadowed by the following fact: in eighty percent of cases, pregnancy does not occur, but the remaining twenty percent still make you alert. There is another significant disadvantage - the dependence of the result on the correct application and storage conditions. In order to be sure that an unwanted pregnancy does not occur, a woman must strictly follow the instructions and fulfill all the requirements for the use of candles.

It is also worth noting that, in terms of its chemical properties, the birth control pills are acids, and acids, as is known from school, should always be separated from alkalis. Therefore, the simultaneous use of soap and candles casts doubt on the achievement of a positive result. It is better to use ordinary water or soap with a neutral index.

Some women neglect the fact that the action of candles is limited in time. On average, the remedy operates for about half an hour, so if the sexual act is repeated, then the birth control pills after the act are also necessary, do not rely on the action of the first.

A significant plus of these contraceptives is that they can be used by those who can not use other types of contraception. An indisputable advantage is the additional protection from viruses and bacteria that are transmitted during sexual intercourse.

If you use birth control pills for a long time period, it threatens to break the vaginal microflora and the appearance of thrush, as a complication of dysbiosis. Candles can and do not fit in their composition - cause itching and irritation of the genitals. They also can not be used for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

In order to effectively use birth control pills, it is worth knowing in advance that sexual intercourse will take place. Only in this case the woman will be completely sure that she will not become pregnant. But it does not always happen that way. Therefore, an unexpected sexual intercourse can no longer be controlled in this way - you will have to switch to a condom.

Contraceptive candles can be used by those who have problems with the release of lubricant. With the action of candles, penetration of the penis into the vagina is more comfortable, so no need to use any lubricant gels and creams when using candles.

The most popular among women who are protected in this way, the Erotex birth control pills. The candle should be inserted into the vagina no less than five minutes before sexual intercourse, so that it begins to act. And the candle for four hours will have its destructive effect on spermatozoa. "Erotex" is a rather harmless candle. Their active substance is easily washed off with water, is not absorbed by the vaginal mucosa and does not enter the blood.

If you describe the birth control pills in general, it is worth mentioning that they can be used by women with rare expected sexual intercourse, which observe the rules of putting and keeping candles. Only in this case it is possible to speak about the reliability of this type of contraception.

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