HealthDiseases and Conditions

Lymphocytes are lowered - what is the reason?

Lymphocytes are special human cells belonging to the leukocyte group. They refer to the so-called white blood cells. The core of them is very large. They are produced in the bone marrow, and in embryos - not only in the bone marrow, but also in the liver and stem cells. It is important that the body complies with the norm of lymphocytes - their numbers and relationships with cells similar to them. It is the lymphocytes that are the main strength of the organism, struggling with all kinds of intrusions from the outside - harmful bacteria and viruses. This is the importance of such cells, and if the lymphocytes are lowered, this can be both a danger to the body, because its protection is reduced, and an alarm sign that signals that the patient is not well with the patient's health. Lymphocytes not only fight against "invaders", but also produce antibodies, which then can resist infection.

There is a clearly defined norm of lymphocytes. An adult should have from one thousand to three thousand lymphocytes per one microliter of blood. If we take the ratio between lymphocytes and other leukocytes, in other words - the leukocyte formula, then lymphocytes should take from twenty to thirty-five percent. Only two percent of the total number of lymphocytes move along with the blood in the body, and all the rest are in bone tissue.

In children, the norm of lymphocytes is much higher. For a baby, which is not present and four days from the moment of birth, the norm of lymphocytes is from 22 to 25 percent. A child who has completed a week from the time of birth, they may be 40-42%. If the child is not six years old, then his rate is 60-65%. As soon as the child turns six years old and up to eighteen years the norm of lymphocytes already corresponds to the norm of an adult.

If the adult blood levels of lymphocytes is less than 1.0 * 109 / L, then this condition is scientifically called lymphocytopenia. In the event that lymphocytes are lowered, lymphocytopenia can be divided into two main varieties: absolute or relative. The indices of each of these varieties of lymphocytopenia are important. If the lymphocytes are lowered in the leukoformula, and their amount in the blood corresponds to the norm, this is a relative lymphocytopenia. Relative lymphocytopenia is an indicator of inflammatory diseases, which are accompanied by an increased number of neutrophils in the blood. It can be pneumonia or a certain type of purulent inflammation. If the lymphocytes are lowered in the blood, this condition is called absolute lymphocytopenia. The cause may be HIV, in which lymphocytes die. However, much more often lowered lymphocytes in the blood are a sign of diseases in which hematopoietic growth is inhibited.

It often happens that the lymphocytes in pregnant women are lowered. This is a simple reason: if not for this, the female white cells responsible for the study of ingesting substances in the body would block the father's genes, as a result of which the pregnancy would be simply impossible or go through with complications, and the child would be born painful, very weak. However, if the norm of lymphocytes is broken in women who recently become pregnant, it is not a simple lymphocytopenia, but a special process in which lymphocytes responsible for inhibition of the immune response are activated and increase in their numbers, and those that fight foreign organisms are partially depressed First, the number of them decreases. While T-helpl lymphocytes are lowered, T-suppressors are increased.

However, if the number of white cells responsible for the immune response is reduced in the pregnant woman, this does not mean that the organism of the future mother is not protected in any way, because the suppression of some lymphocytes is replaced by the activation of neutrophil cells with the production of phagocytes. By the way, if the lymphocytes-helplers with an increase in suppressor lymphocytes are not lowered in the pregnant woman, then the hellers that meet foreign substances penetrate into the placenta, actually killing the fetus in the womb, which causes the termination of pregnancy and miscarriage. But today, scientists have found a way out of this situation. In order to reduce the lymphocytes-helleras in pregnant women, often with the consent of her husband, the future of the father, immunization of the body with the pregnant suppressor of the husband is carried out, which normalizes the process of pregnancy.

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