HealthDiseases and Conditions

I'm pissing off blood. What to do?

In the world of diseases there is a not very pleasant term - hematuria. This is when a certain percentage of the blood is detected in the urine. At the same time, its color changes, and the degree of blood release determines the nature of the disease. If the percentage of blood is large, then this is a sign of a dangerous pathology within the excretory organs. And this is a macrohematuria. There is a barely noticeable discharge with blood - a microhematuria. It also carries a danger to the patient.

By urination, you can conduct a special test. The patient urinates in three medical test tubes, and their contents are examined to give an opinion about the localization of the process.

Often, those who face this pathology, ask: "How did it happen that I pee in blood?" Thus, the cause of the disease should be established for proper treatment.

Blood in urine causes

The presence of secretions with blood, when you write, can be caused by the following:

  • Urolithiasis disease. Accumulated in the kidney stones for some time did not show themselves. But then along the path of their movement are the ureter and the bladder. Moving on the ureter, they strongly affect its mucous membrane and damage the blood vessels. The intensity of movement can cause a shooting sharp pain. Although in this case it is painful to write blood and painfully, but with a small amount of pebble, it usually comes out by itself. The worst thing is if the stone stops the passage of the ureter and does not go out with urine - this is renal colic. Only medical intervention can correct this situation.

Specialist, when you or I puke with blood to reduce pain, it freezes it with novocaine. If the stone does not leave at a certain time, a special operation is carried out.

  • Swelling of the bladder, kidneys and other nearby organs (swelling). Complications such as polyps of the bladder, prostate gland - benign hyperplasia, kidney metastases - all this can cause hematuria.
  • If I pee in blood, then a common reason for this is the prostate gland in an inflamed condition. In many men this is the main problem causing such a diagnosis.
  • Embolism is a very painful process that causes neoplasms that give uneven blood clots. If I had such signs, when I piss with blood , I would immediately go to the doctor. It is better to undergo a comprehensive examination and ultrasound.
  • Inflammatory infections - symptoms of cystitis, nephritis, pileonephritis, urethritis and a number of other infectious pathologies. This may cause pain in the lower back, rubbing, elevated body temperature.
  • Kidney injury or urinary tract injury. In this case, the blood becomes noticeable not only in the urine, but also in ordinary cases, standing out with reddish spots on the underwear.
  • Tuberculosis of the kidneys. Although not provoked by injury or a bruised kidney, it also causes blood in the urine.
  • Autoimmune diseases. The disease leads to damage to the blood vessels, causes hematuria and often occurs between the ages of 30 and 40 in women.
  • Glomerulonephritis is a pathology that "makes" antibodies attack kidney cells as foreign bodies. Observation of urination in the form of fleshy scabs. There is swelling of the face, both feet, palms. Blood pressure may rise.

I pee in blood how to heal?

  1. Urolithiasis disease. Surgical intervention is performed. An anesthetic is used - novocaine.
  2. Kidney tumors. Modern medicine uses radiation and chemical therapy, before which ultrasound diagnostics usually pass.
  3. Diseases of the urino-genital organs, infections, tumors. Specific surgery.
  4. Injuries of the kidneys. Antibiotics are used, surgery is possible in case of serious injuries.
  5. Enlarged prostate and prostate with infection. It is treated with analgesics, metabolic stimulants, antiaggregants.

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