Food and drinkRecipes

Lagman in Uzbek, recipe

To make a lagman in Uzbek, the recipe of preparation provides for its main component - long and stretching noodles. Cook it - this is the real art of the chef, who must learn specifically. As a rule, excellent cooks keep their secrets secret and share them reluctantly.

But learning how to make long noodles at home is not difficult. To do this, mix the steep dough from flour (3 cups), water (1 glass) and salt (1 tsp), roll it into a thick sausage, lubricate with vegetable oil and leave for 10 minutes. After that, very thinly roll out the dough, lift it over the table so that it is drawn back, fold into 16 layers and cut along the long noodles.

Lagman is a multi-component dish, sometimes called noodles with meat sauce. To prepare the sauce pieces of meat (400 grams) must be finely chopped. For 4 servings it is enough to take 2 onions, 4 pieces of sweet pepper, 4 carrots and 1 radish. All grate on a large grater and lightly fry on melted butter. Then add pieces of meat, 4 finely chopped tomatoes, 8 cloves of garlic, pour the meat broth (4 cups) and bring to a boil. Lastly add 4 pieces of finely chopped potatoes. Mix thoroughly, season with salt, pepper and cook for 25-30 minutes over a small fire.

When served on the table lagman in Uzbek, the recipe suggests simply pour the cooked noodles with meat sauce in a deep plate and add finely chopped greens of parsley, dill and celery. So the lagman is prepared by Europeans.

Uzbeks always cook this dish in thick cast-iron pots or in a frying pan and only in vegetable oil. For them, the lagman is Uzbek, the cooking recipe is different in composition of the ingredients for the sauce. From meat preference is given to lamb and beef, vegetables are used eggplant, cabbage and tomatoes in large quantities, add green radish, beans, garlic, from the greens use parsley, cilantro, basil and zir.

At first, the vegetable oil and a few cloves of garlic are heated in the cauldron, which is then removed. In boiling oil, pieces of meat (0.5 kg) are lowered and fried until golden. Then put onions, and after 5 minutes add finely chopped sweet pepper (4 pcs.), Carrots (2-3 pcs.), 1 radish daikon, 1 eggplant and 150 grams of cabbage. Stew for a few minutes on low heat, as the vegetables give plenty of juice, tomatoes are added later.

Only then salt, pepper hot pepper, sprinkle with coriander and add boiled water so that it covers the sauce to a height of 10 cm. Increase the fire, bring to a boil and continue to cook on low heat for another half hour. During this time, cook separately noodles, throw it into a colander and hot water, and then add 1 p. Vegetable oil and separately cut into greens. The ready lagman in Uzbek, the recipe of which I told above, is served on the table. Take large bowls, lay the layers of greens and noodles on the bottom, and pour hot meat sauce on top.

There is a significant difference when the Tatars are preparing lagman, the Tatar recipe offers all the vegetables and meat to cook separately and only at the end all the ingredients are combined together. Meat lamb, veal or beef finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil in the cauldron. Then add water and cook almost until ready. Separately, fry the onions in a frying pan, put radish, carrots, eggplants and sweet pepper in sequence.

When the meat becomes soft, add potatoes, cut into small cubes, vegetables from a frying pan and grated tomatoes or tomato paste. Salt, pepper, put the bay leaves and garlic and bring to readiness. In the bowl, first lay noodles, then pour sauce on the vegetables, and sprinkle with greens on top. Tatars often use oregano, red and black pepper already in the ready dish for giving taste.

I like the lagman, the recipe for cooking with radish, which is cooked in our city in Uighur cuisine. Radish is a fairly low-calorie product containing many useful vitamins. So you can eat a lot of lagman, not being afraid to recover at the same time. Despite the relatively high prices, this cafe has a lot of visitors. Exquisite taste and aroma of dishes, a friendly atmosphere distracts from problems associated with money and allows you to relax and rest no worse than in a cozy restaurant with live music and flowers.

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