Food and drinkRecipes

Jars with the smell of summer and fantastic color - lecho for the winter of pepper and tomato

Harvesting for the winter is hard, but grateful. With what pleasure are opened jars with the smell of summer, with the taste of the sun and fantastic color ... Let's prepare lecho for the winter from pepper and tomato. Recipes will offer different, they have only one common thing - the conservation system.

Preservation takes place by pouring a boiling dish into sterile jars and then rolling them. The procedure is complex and traumatic, but over time experience comes, and the "devil" becomes, not so terrible. Practice. You will succeed.

Lecho for the winter of pepper and tomato. Recipe # 1

1/5 kg of carrots and onions must be cleaned and cut. In vegetable oil fry until soft and pleasant aroma. To vegetables, put 2.5 kg of chopped tomatoes and chopped sweet pepper 500 g. Add salt, sugar and cook until soft pepper and carrots. At the end of cooking, in an almost ready dish, add garlic and greens. There must be a lot of them. Lecho will benefit from this. Allow to puff for 5-10 minutes. Add the acetic essence of about 10 ml (the volume of the dessert spoon), mix well, allow to boil, and pour over the cans for further canning.

Lecho for the winter of pepper and tomato. Recipe # 2

1/5 kg of carrots, peppers and the same number of onions are cleaned, cut with the same pieces. It is poured with tomatoes scrolled through a meat grinder (2.5 kg). On low heat, cook until cooked. To almost ready dish add half a cup of vegetable oil (you can exclude from the recipe), vinegar, sugar and salt. Make a mixture of ground black pepper, bay leaves and coriander, add to lecho with herbs and garlic. Let the boil and preserve.

Lecho for the winter of pepper and tomato. Recipe # 3

This recipe is suitable only for those who could buy a large and fleshy Bulgarian pepper. Of thin-walled too it will turn out, but taste and quality will strongly suffer. Select fruit is cleaned and cut into large portioned pieces, piled in a saucepan, poured tomato juice with pulp, add salt, sugar and vinegar, cook until ready. Greens of parsley and garlic are added at the end, allowed to pour for five minutes and poured over cans for canning.

Transcarpathian recipe lecho

Peppers and tomatoes in this dish are not as important as in all previous recipes. The basis is vegetables, but the highlight is small sausages. Onions fry onion, add sweet pepper and mushrooms. Tumble on low heat under the lid until half cooked. Then add tomatoes and sausages, for example, "Picolini". They put sugar, salt, spices, garlic and greens. This option is not canned.

Hungarian Lecho

Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes and smoked meat (preferably pork) is added to the fried onion until tender, and stew until cooked under the lid. Sugar, salt, paprika, spices to taste, garlic and greens are added at the end. Can not be preserved.

Rapid Lecho

Sliced pork chunks of Bulgarian pour the favorite ketchup and bring to the preparedness on low heat. Garlic, salt and sugar are added to taste.

Bon Appetit!

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