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Influenza in pregnancy than to treat? Prevention and treatment of influenza during pregnancy

What is the risk of influenza in pregnancy? Than to treat it or him? The flu virus is most dangerous due to its complications on the mother and child. A rare pregnancy does without this common disease. It is necessary to ensure bed rest, wet cleaning and fresh air into the room.

Self-medication is dangerous in any trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease should consult a doctor. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, easy forms of hardening will help prevent the disease, relieve serious complications.

Symptoms of influenza

Influenza is an infectious airway disease caused by the influenza virus. It spreads by airborne droplets. If a person is sick with the flu, when sneezing and coughing, he passes the infection on. So the flu virus gets to healthy people. In the body it spreads with the flow of blood, destroys the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of influenza include:

Sweating in the state of the flu is replaced by chills. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the body decreases. Then the person sweats. After a while, this condition gives way to chills. This means that the temperature rises again (sometimes up to 40 ° C).

First, it is necessary to diagnose correctly Flu during pregnancy. "Than to treat it or him?" - this is a question that needs to be addressed in the second turn. Symptoms of influenza are similar to some other viral diseases. You should see a doctor for the correct diagnosis, do not self-medicate.

Effects of influenza in pregnancy

Many different complications may cause Flu during pregnancy. Than to treat it or him? Will it hurt the child?

Influenza virus can badly affect the condition of a pregnant woman, affect the development of the fetus. The threat of miscarriage, premature birth - these are complications after an infectious disease.

  • The virus adversely affects the cardiovascular system. Can provoke heart failure.
  • To cause complications, such as pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis.
  • Influenza contributes to the complication of chronic diseases (gastritis, asthma), leading to a metabolic disorder.

After the transferred disease immunity, resistance to various bacterial infections (pneumococcal, staphylococcal, hemophilic) decreases.

Influenza during pregnancy in the first trimester. How to treat

Especially dangerous is the flu in the early stages of pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. A virus with a blood stream can infect a fetus. Unfortunately, no doctor can tell exactly how the development of the child will affect Flu during pregnancy. In the first trimester Reviews of sick women and doctors are inclined to the fact that the consequences in each case may be different.

There is speculation that especially the influenza affects the central nervous system, affects the fetal nerve cells. You should know that the mother's body produces antibodies and is able to protect the embryo from the virus.

The greatest danger is the consequences in the form of intrauterine fetal death. At 2-3 months of pregnancy, the embryo organs are formed. Defects of their development can bring the flu during pregnancy in the first trimester. Than to treat him?

In the first 12 weeks, do not take medicine. They can adversely affect the development of the baby. Be sure to observe bed rest at the beginning of the disease, to limit the intake of salty foods. Only in case of high temperature (from 38,5 ° C) should drugs with paracetamol (for example, "Ibuprofen") be taken.

Influenza in pregnancy. Second trimester

You should know that during pregnancy there is a natural decrease in immunity. This is due to the fact that the child's cells are perceived by the mother's body as alien. Only in this case the woman will be able to bear the baby.

The disease promotes fetal hypoxia. It can cause damage to the placenta, lead to water scarcity, the outflow of amniotic fluid ahead of time. The threat of miscarriage is influenza during pregnancy in the second trimester. Treatment From 12 to 24 weeks is better to start with decoctions of rose hips, chamomile. Drink fruit drinks, compotes from dried fruits. Try to make the most of the people's means.

It is necessary to be in a well ventilated place during the illness, with room temperature not exceeding 23 ° C. Reduce active activity, rest more. Limit the intake of food with reduced appetite.

In general, the influenza virus affects the process of delivery itself. After the transferred disease, the risk of blood loss, weakening of labor activity increases.

Flu during pregnancy in the third trimester. How to treat

Since 24 weeks, the mother's body becomes most vulnerable to the influenza virus. Decreased immunity, susceptibility to infectious diseases contribute to complications during illness.

We must try to protect ourselves from large concentrations of people, especially during the epidemic of influenza. The incubation period can last from several hours to several days.

Possible intrauterine infection of the fetus, the development of hypoxia can form Flu during pregnancy in the third trimester. Treatment Should begin with the first symptoms. Be sure to call a doctor at home, follow all his recommendations.

If there was a Flu during pregnancy in the third trimester than to treat? People's methods should be preferred. Minimize the intake of drugs.

Medicinal products

Do not prescribe yourself antiviral drugs. At a high temperature, obvious muscle pains take the drug "Paracetamol." In some cases, doctors are allowed to take acetylsalicylic acid. In a day to drink antipyretic should not more than 4 times.

Do not take antibiotics, painkillers. This should be done only on the recommendation of the doctor, when the state of health causes serious concern. Do not take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can gargle with a solution of "Furacilin" or baking soda. You can add to the treatment of medicines based on herbal preparations for better expectoration.

With abundant rhinitis use vasoconstrictive medicines. It must be remembered that it is recommended not to dig in them for more than 3 days. In the lightest case, it is better to confine yourself to washing the nose with saline.

Indications for hospitalization

  1. Lack of quality home care, good conditions.
  2. Complication of chronic diseases (cardiovascular, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis).
  3. The appearance of complications of influenza (pneumonia, damage to the nervous system).

Folk remedies

Even folk remedies during pregnancy are best used after a consultation with a doctor. Possible complications, fetal lesions are flu during pregnancy. Than to treat him?

Tea with raspberries, honey, lemon can take the entire pregnancy. Compotes from cranberries, cranberries will help lower the temperature, remove slags from the body.

Rinsings with calendula, eucalyptus, sage are recommended for sore throats. From the cough will save the radish juice with honey, boiled dates with boiled milk. Soda inhalation will help with dry cough. For sputum discharge, prefer steam inhalations with herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano, lavender, eucalyptus. Inhale couples, covered with a towel, do not advise at high temperature.

In the nose fit phytophores from the juice of carrots, apples with the addition of a few drops of fir oil. Aloe juice, beets can be dripped every 2-3 hours.

As a fortifying agent, you can take ginger tea. Grate the root of the ginger (with a teaspoonful), pour it with 2 cups of boiling water. To taste add honey, lemon juice.

It is not recommended to keep your feet in hot water during pregnancy. Only a warm bath for the lower extremities is allowed.

Prevention of influenza

Vaccination against the influenza virus is safe for the mother and child. Contraindications for her - the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, an individual intolerance, an allergy to the drug.

Absence of stress, hypothermia is also included in the prevention of influenza. Proper nutrition, restful sleep, intake of vitamin preparations. Essential oils for aromatherapy should be used. Rinse your mouth with a mixed water tincture of eucalyptus, calendula. Wear a gauze bandage during an epidemic of flu. Periodically iron it with an iron, wash it.

Helpful Tips

  • Do not walk in rainy weather or when there is a strong wind.
  • Regularly ventilate the apartment, do a wet cleaning.
  • Dressing on the weather, lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment.
  • Take vitamin teas (within reasonable limits).
  • Avoid people who already have flu.
  • Spread the onion in the room, chopped onion, garlic.

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