
How to fertilize potatoes when planting in the hole?

A good harvest pleases the horticulturist, but as plants grow, plants extract a huge amount of useful trace elements from the soil. In order for autumn to continue to please you with a rich collection of vegetables, you need to collect information in advance, than to fertilize potatoes when planting. Gardeners use the schemes worked out over the years, why do not you apply their experience on your garden plot as well?

What influences the yield

First of all you need to choose a good variety, determine the planting material. Despite the quality of agricultural technology, when choosing bad seeds a good harvest is not worth waiting for. An important factor is weather conditions during vegetation. The crop will be affected both by the lack of watering and by too much moisture. An important factor is the correct technique of soil cultivation. That is, timely hilling and weeding. All this affects the quality of the crop. But still one of the main questions is "how to fertilize potatoes when planting." To form a tuber, it is important to have enough nutrients in the soil. That is, the timely introduction of the necessary fertilizers guarantees an increase in the yield.


Another digression, before we move on to the most important (how to fertilize potatoes when planting). The root system of this crop practically does not penetrate deep into the soil, it is all distributed over the surface. This is what makes it necessary to introduce fertilizers regularly in sufficient quantities. This, on the one hand, is a drawback, since it severely restricts the plant to the area of nutrition. On the other hand, you can apply fertilizers directly to the center of development of the roots and avoid unnecessary expenses for fertilizing.

Necessary fertilizers

Not only the high yield, but also the resistance to diseases, as well as the nutritious palatability and appearance of the tubers, are all directly related to the nutrition of the plant, so the question "what to fertilize the potatoes when planting" is very important. It is possible to give an example: if the plant did not receive top dressing, the protein content in it does not exceed 1%, and with the optimal application of microelements it reaches 2%. Each ton of grown tubers takes 5 kg of nitrogen, 8 kg of potassium and 2 kg of phosphorus from the soil.

Proceeding from this, it is not difficult to understand what to fertilize potatoes when planting in the hole. He is very responsive to organic fertilizers, that is, manure and compost. Organic can increase yield several times. There is reliable information that truck farmers, regularly introducing manure into the soil, began to collect 10 buckets from each planted. For comparison: without feeding this figure corresponds usually to three buckets collected from one planted. In addition, mineral dressings, siderates, chicken manure and ash are used.

Spring top dressing

Let's analyze what to fertilize potatoes when planting most effectively. In the spring period, mineral fertilizers are optimal . However, you need to carefully observe the proportions so as not to damage the plants. So, in the spring potassium sulfate is introduced at the rate of 2 kg per hundred, double superphosphate - 1 kg per hundred. Immediately before planting, you can make ammonium nitrate. In addition, summer residents actively use ash - 5 kg per hundred square meters. Now you can imagine how to fertilize potatoes when planting. Nitrate and other mineral additives are also available in complex fertilizers, which are much more convenient to make. This "Nitrofoska" - the expenditure of 5 kg per hundred, that is, one pit, you need a teaspoon with a slide.

Autumn preparation of soil

Today we are talking about what can be fertilized potatoes when planting. However, it is very important to prepare the soil in advance, so that it meets the spring, full of nutrients. In autumn, the manure or compost is added. In the spring, this greatly saves the time for the gardener, since you no longer need to think about what you can fertilize the potatoes when planting, just plant it in the ground, and then feed it with mineral mixes. There is another advantage: the organic matter introduced during the winter, has time to grind well, and in the spring to be saturated with melt water, in order to give all the nutrients to the future plants to the maximum. Someone prepares holes in advance and puts manure in each of them (approximately 2 handfuls), but most often it is simply scattered around the site at the rate of 10 kg per one hundred square meters.

Mineral fertilizing and siderates

Spring - the time is hot, so you can make mineral fertilizers beforehand. To do this, take potassium sulphate (2 kg per hundredth) and double superphosphate (1 kg per hundredth). Very good increases the fertility of the soil and increases the productivity of sowing the winter wiki. This green fertilizer accumulates nitrogen and other essential trace elements in the germs. There are more well-known siderates that can be used in the spring. This clover and peas, lupins and sainfoins. They promote the growth of nodule bacteria that produce nitrogen. In this case the method of using this fertilizer is very simple: before planting the potatoes, it is simply smelt into the soil.

If the top dressing is not done on time

Do not be discouraged if you did not know what better to fertilize potatoes when planting. You can still fix it. If top dressing was not done in autumn and spring, then plants should be maintained as they grow and develop. For this purpose it is best to use mullein. If you take a fresh one, it is necessary to dilute it with water 1:10, lying and reparting can be diluted in a smaller proportion - 1: 8. For top dressing use slurry, diluted in a proportion of 1: 4 with clean water.

Top dressing is performed when the botulinum height is reached at 12 cm. The liquid mixture is very good in that it can be applied directly under the root system without undue damage to it. Do not forget that getting solution to the tops is highly undesirable. Usually organic top dressing is performed at the first hilling. After about 3 weeks, the plants gain a high growth rate, and a second hummocking is required. It is very good to make a solution of mineral fertilizers in the soil. It can be a mixture of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen additives, which will be needed for the growth of large and delicious tubers.

Chicken droppings

This is a concentrated product that provides rapid growth of potatoes, but you can not use it in its pure form - burn the roots of plants. To prepare the litter for use, it is diluted with water in a proportion of 1:15 and insists in a warm place for several days. After that, the liquid is used to irrigate the plants. It is necessary to adhere to the norm: one liter of solution for each bush.

All these fertilizers can be used in your summer residence. They are sufficiently accessible and do not require special knowledge to be successfully applied in the garden.

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