Food and drinkWines and spirits

Homemade wine from apples: a long road to unforgettable sensations

Here it is, the paradox of gardening: you try, you shake over each apple tree like a native child, and when your apple orchard, full of gratitude in the form of an abundant harvest, dumps it in your bins ... So it's a pity! And the apples are sea, and there is nowhere to put them. What are they, rot ?! Yes, no way!

Cooking, drying, preparing juice - it's all customary and useful, no doubt. But against this background somehow homemade wine from apples was lost . Simply put, cider. Yes, yes, the same, our great-grandmothers are very appreciated and prepared. And do not fret that, they say, the best cider is brewed in France, Germany and Spain. And we are not bastardized!

By the way, according to whether the chronicle, or the legend, the cider was invented by the famous King of the Franks Charlemagne. Like, he once sat on a sack, which kept the overripe apples. August's fifth point worked like a press - and turned cider. However, those who read the works of Pliny the Elder know that homemade wine from apples was driven in ancient Rome even before our era ...

An important condition for the preparation of cider: the apples selected for it should not be washed. Microorganisms, which are inhabited by their skin, will be useful in the future. Dirty apples should be cleaned with a soft cloth or a soft brush, the core with seeds and rotted parts, remove.

Very good, if you had a juicer at your disposal - it will give out the apple juice, which is heavily weighed down with pulp, and in the future the process will be simplified. If you could not get anything, except for a grater ... Well, it will be necessary to tinker: to make apple puree, squeeze it through gauze or press. All the same, it will not be juice, but liquid mashed potatoes. But for cider and it will do.

The result of the effort should be placed in a large pan or barrel. Here, thanks to the already mentioned micro-organisms, the mixture will start to wander, becoming a must. On the surface will accumulate mash. It does not need to be touched for a while, only for two days the contents of the container are periodically mixed. And on the third day, arm yourself with a colander or a saucepan and remove a dense layer of pulp, leaving only a small film on the surface. It is necessary to smell. You smell the characteristic vinegar smell - it's all right: the process has started.

This method of making wine from apples is inconceivable without sugar. But with its number should be determined in advance. If you need a dry or semisweet cider, per liter of juice should be added 200-220 grams of sugar, if sweet or dessert - 300-400 grams. Further increase the sugar concentration is not necessary: get a nasty sugary liquid and spoil the product.

If you want to get homemade wine from apples, and not apple cider vinegar, it's time to deprive the wort of contact with the air. Therefore, we place it in an airtight container, but only for 4/5 of its height (leaving room for foam). Of course, equipped with a water seal, well known to many fans of fruit and berry products. Otherwise, the gases released during fermentation will have nowhere to go. The tightness of the joint is provided by plasticine coating.

How to prepare wine from apples, or rather, to observe certain conditions? Keep in a dark and warm place (+20 ... + 22). Don `t open. Do not shake. Wait a month and a half. How to stop the water shutter to allocate bubbles - wait a few more days.

The most impatient can begin to eat. For those who do not like the harsh odor and taste, it is recommended that the cider be fully ripened. The wine is gently poured into another sealed container, previously thoroughly washed and dried. Do this carefully, by means of a tube, and be sure to fill it to the top. Then firmly cork and send to storage in a dark cool place. And have patience for two, three, or better - for four months.

Only after this homemade wine from apples - natural, dark amber, pleasant to smell and taste (some gourmets say that cider is much more pleasant than grape wine) - ready to decorate yourself and family celebration, and a friendly get-together. On health!

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