HealthDiseases and Conditions

High degree of myopia

Today one billion inhabitants of the Earth suffer from myopia. This unpleasant disease, which prevents a person from fully living, makes him dependent on contact lenses and glasses. So, for example, myopia of a high degree is an indication for a cesarean section, in addition, a person with this ailment can not become a military man.

With this disease, people do not see well into the distance, and close subjects can be considered well. Therefore, I call myopia still myopia. The causes of this disease are both acquired and hereditary factors.

So a person whose parents suffered from myopia is more likely to develop this disease. Its development is also promoted by significant visual loads, especially if a growing organism is exposed to it. Therefore, myopia, as a rule, begins to develop in school.

During this period it is necessary to carefully monitor visual acuity. Once a year to visit an ophthalmologist, if nothing is disturbed and immediately if there are any problems.

Because the timely detection of visual impairment and following the instructions of a doctor helps in 90% of cases to stop the progression of the disease. This will never know what a high degree of myopia is.

Visual acuity is measured in diopters. There are the following degrees of myopia:

  • High (from 6);
  • Average (from -3 to -6);
  • Low (to -3).

Measures visual acuity and diagnoses an ophthalmologist with the help of special equipment, preparations and tables on examination. He also checks the condition of the fundus.

If the diagnosis is high degree myopia, treatment can consist in observing the visual regime, performing special exercises, hardware treatment, wearing micro perforation glasses. In addition, the doctor can prescribe special vitamin complexes, eye gel when working at the computer.

It is imperative to wear eyeglasses or contact lenses selected by a specialist. If they are chosen on their own, it can only do much harm.

It is important to note here that the treatment scheme depends on the extent of myopia and the presence of concomitant diseases. In this case, the disease must necessarily monitor the condition of the retina, as it is thinned and, therefore, it may be detached and torn.

Also, high degree myopia is now treated with surgical methods, which are becoming more popular. The choice of this or that method depends on the visual acuity.

Especially carefully, high-grade myopia and birth should be combined. A woman with this disease planning a pregnancy should definitely visit an ophthalmologist before conception. In addition, she will have to go to him at least three consultations during the carrying of the baby.

The leading pregnancy obstetrician-gynecologist and ophthalmologist jointly decide on the need for caesarean section. Since during childbirth, especially if a woman is treading incorrectly, there is a possibility of detachment or rupture of the retina, which can lead to loss of vision.

Although there are cases when women gave birth naturally to the child with myopia -15 diopters. The decision is made by doctors. Today every fourth kid in the world is born with a caesarean section.

If childbirth with high grade myopia will take place naturally, then it is desirable to have an ophthalmologist on them. In addition, a woman must necessarily undergo training and learn to push right.

Thus, high degree of myopia requires wearing contact lenses or glasses matched by a doctor. Surgery is also possible. It is important to follow all the recommendations given by an ophthalmologist. Treatment scheme depends on visual acuity. Particular care should be exercised in childbirth with this disease.

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