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Hemorrhages on the sole with the stem: treatment by medical and folk remedies

Hemorrhages on the sole with the stem (treatment will be discussed below) are a kind of dry calluses that can appear as a result of wearing tight and not very comfortable shoes, high-heeled shoes, excess weight and other abnormalities in the body. To get rid of this trouble, it is necessary first of all to eliminate the true cause of its occurrence. But if you can not abandon the beautiful shoes with a high lift, then you should remove at least the carcase. After all, this deviation can bring a lot of unpleasant moments.

Hemorrhages on the sole with the stem: medical treatment

Currently, pharmacies are selling an incredible amount of funds with which you can easily get rid of dry callus on the foot. To understand which of them are more effective, consider their properties and application in more detail.

Antimosol ointments and creams

Tread on the sole with a stem, the treatment of which is based on traditional medicine, it is recommended to constantly lubricate with special antimony agents. The effectiveness of such ointments is due to the fact that their main component is salicylic acid. In order for the core corn to disappear much more quickly, such creams should be combined with other active substances (for example, benzoic acid). However, when using them, avoid contact with healthy skin areas.

Antimosol plaster

Treads on the sole with the stem are well removed with the help of special drug patches, the base of which is already impregnated with active therapeutic substances. Thus, this remedy should be applied to callus (can be combined with ointments) and kept for 6-9 hours. Then the softened skin should be gently scraped off with pumice stone. In the case of long-standing onopthes, such a procedure must be repeated in a day or two, until the keratinous layer disappears completely.

Antimony Oils

Tread on the soles of the stem can be softened, and subsequently removed, with the help of vegetable oils such as linseed, corn or olive. For this you need to take a cotton sock, soak it with fat, put it on your leg, wrap it in film and leave it overnight.

Traditional medicine against dry corns

Hemorrhages on the sole with the stem, the treatment of which involves the use of folk methods, are removed as effectively and quickly as with traditional medicine. However, such methods are much cheaper. Let's consider some of them.

  • Soap and soda bath. It is necessary to pour 1 liter of hot water into the basin, dissolve in it 3 dessert spoons of soda and 1 large spoon of grated soap. In the resulting solution, the feet should soar for 36 minutes. Further, the softened skin needs to be scraped off, wiped dry and put on it a nourishing cream.
  • Manganese baths. In warm water should be poured a few peas of potassium permanganate and a large spoon of table salt. In such a solution it is necessary to keep the feet for 18-20 minutes. The presented procedure allows for a while to get rid of the pain, which is inherent in dry calluses on the soles of the feet.

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