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The oldest woman in the world - who is this?

The modern generation, surrounded in abundance by tablets, laptops, gadgets and other modern technology, hardly thinks that it can be dangerous to health and even slowly deprive a person of several years of his life. What can not you say about our ancestors who have lived their whole life without cell phones and even TVs, but who have received the opportunity to celebrate the 100th anniversary. In search of miracles the world has reached the stage when the Guinness Book of Records was introduced even by long-livers who have crossed the turn of a hundred years and earned the honorary title "The oldest woman in the world" and "The oldest man in the world". Who are these wizards, and what is the secret of their longevity?

The secret of longevity is delicious food and a good sleep

A resident of the Japanese city of Osaka, Misao Okawa, is recognized as the oldest inhabitant of the planet: on March 5, 2014 she turned 116 years old. She was born in 1898 in the family of Japanese kimono merchants, has three children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Daughter and son Misao Okava, apparently, inherited the longevity of his mother, for 90 years. When asked by local media about the secret of her longevity, the oldest woman on the planet replied that she never refused to eat delicious food and a long sleep. That's why she managed to break the record of longevity and never get sick. The name of the Japanese long-liver was entered in the Guinness Book of Records two years ago.

The American long-liver

Another record holder, who managed to overcome the 115-year mark, is the American long-liverd Jeralien Talley, who was born on May 23, 1899 in Georgia, in the USA. At the moment she is on the second place on our list. The second oldest woman in the world is strikingly healthy and active: goes fishing, sews blankets and even plays slot machines. She has three grandchildren and a dozen great-grandchildren. Piety, optimism, wisdom and wit Jeralien are admirable. Residents of the city of Incaster and the whole of America are respected and proud of it, hoping that it will live for more than one year.

Grape chacha and constant labor - and people will live quietly to a hundred

Another holder of the title "The oldest woman in the world" is a resident of Georgia, Antisa Khvichava, who died in 132nd year of her long and hard life in 2012. Antisa was born on July 8, 1880, during the reign of Alexander II, in the village of Sachino and worked all her life on a tea farm. A woman up to the last days kept cheerfulness of the spirit, strong health, clear mind and enthusiasm. She loved playing backgammon, drained a glass of alcohol on holidays, and every morning she strengthened her strength with a cup of grape chacha and constantly worked, which was the secret of her longevity. In addition, Antisa Khvichava went down in history as the oldest woman who gave birth to a child (at the age of 60). The only surviving son made her happy with 10 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren and 6 great-great-grandchildren. Antisu can safely be ranked as the great women of the planet.

Record-holder of Afghanistan

A 136-year-old Hassano, who died in 2013 in a remote village of Afghanistan, is considered a true long-liver and a true record-holder. The woman produced seven daughters, two of whom died in the 70th and 68th years of life. All life of Hasano was dedicated to the observance of Islamic principles. Until the last day, the woman zealously performed fivefold prayer and became the progenitor of 464 descendants. Being unofficially recognized as a long-loner of the planet, Hassano still remained in the memory of people as the oldest woman in the world.

Official champion of the Guinness Book of Records

Another old-timer of the planet, according to the documented data - Zhanna Kalman, was born in France in 1875 and became a contemporary of G. Bell, who invented the phone, and Gustave Eiffel, who built the famous tower. Jeanne died in 1997 at the 122nd year of her life. A dramatic, full of events the life of the most elderly Frenchwoman is worthy of admiration for her immunity to adversity and a rare fortitude. The woman first lost her husband as a result of poisoning by a spoiled dessert, then a daughter who died of pneumonia and a grandson who died in a 34-year-old car accident. In 110 years, Jeanne had a beautiful memory, smoked, drank port, cycled and had an amazing sense of humor. She died in a nursing home, having entered the history of the officially recognized long-lived planet.

Long-Liver of Ecuador

Perhaps the title "The most beautiful old woman" can be given to a resident of the Ecuadorian town of Guayaquil - Maria de Capovilliers, who was born on September 14, 1889 in the family of a colonel from high society. Maria was fond of art, she did not smoke and did not drink alcohol. Having married an Italian officer, she gave birth to five children. It is known that at the age of 99 a woman nearly died, but soon recovered, moved independently, read, loved to watch TV and, despite her age, was pretty. This great woman died in 2006, before her 117th birthday two days, from pneumonia, leaving 12 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren.

Not all long-livers, who have surprised the world and left a trace in history, observed the correct diet and some special diet. Many of them drank and smoked, having managed to break the record, having crossed the line of 100, 115 and even 130 years. What is the secret of their longevity, and why do they survive to one hundred years only in units? The answer to this question has been and remains a great mystery of nature.

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