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Essential oils: properties and applications

To date, about three thousand plants are known, from various parts of which it is possible to obtain an oil extract. The most common name for such extracts is essential oils. It implies some features of these substances, namely their volatility and, accordingly, a pronounced smell. There is a huge amount of essential oils and their combinations, but each one is unique. Even the oils of one plant, obtained in different regions, will differ in composition and in their medicinal properties.

People who practice the use of essential oils in treatment are often called their life-giving force of plants. A high concentration of nutrients in the composition makes the oil unique in its kind, a drug whose strength of influence with which even the most modern medicines of chemical origin can not be compared. Despite the fact that the world does not find two oils with the same properties, almost any of them has a very wide range of effects on the human body. In addition, essential oils rarely cause side effects, in contrast to the usual medications.

The use of oil extracts was already known to our ancestors. No wonder Hippocrates himself considered the basis of good health daily therapy with their application. There are several ways of extracting the oils, but in any case a large amount of raw materials is required. A hundred kilograms of pink petals account for a negligible amount of essential oil - only about half a liter. This is one of the reasons for the high cost, but it also explains the high level of the content of useful substances in the final product. Therefore, for therapy usually only a few drops are required.

Essential oils: properties of some plants

Carnation oil

The oil is obtained by drying flowers and buds and subsequent distillation. Apply both internally and externally. In the first case, cloves are good for worsening memory, asthenia, digestion, parasites. Also, essential oil is used to treat and prevent various pulmonary infections and colds. Externally, cloves are used to treat skin infections. It accelerates the healing of wounds, relieves ulcers, scabies, lupus.

For maximum efficiency, the substance is usually mixed with alcohol or honey. Oil also cope well as an insecticide: it successfully repels not only mosquitoes and mosquitoes, but even moths. If you are looking for essential oils, the properties of which would allow them to replace analgin, then the clove will do just fine. With toothache, it will be an excellent painkiller. To do this, moisten the cotton wool with a couple of drops of liquid, then attach it to the problem tooth.


Essential oils, the properties of which help us to calm down and feel pacification, are not uncommon. Nothing compares to vanilla essential oil in this respect. Vanilla is considered one of the strongest antidepressants, it's no wonder that it is so popular to use when creating a foam for the bathroom, cosmetic and perfume compositions, shower gels.

Vanilla essential oil improves memory, helps concentration of attention, it even speeds up the elimination of alcohol from the body. Vanilla is often used to treat insomnia, as a sedative, and also as an adjuvant with a diet. Its smell can cause a person a quick sense of satiety, which helps not to overeat.

The regular effect of essential oil on the skin increases its elasticity, allowing for a long time to maintain youth, gently whitens and removes any inflammation, including a rash caused by stress. It does not cause allergies to sensitive skin, so it is suitable for almost everyone. But the oil can not be used immediately before going out to the bright sun.


A long way of distillation from the core of the tree produces sandalwood essential oils. The properties of the final product are unique. Sandal affects all the systems of the body, which makes it possible to use it as an agent for the treatment of cystitis, disorders of the gastric system, bronchitis and colds, nausea in poisoning. No less effective is this oil when applied to the skin: it helps to get rid of scabies, inflammation, irritation and acne.

In addition, sandalwood oil is an effective remedy for insomnia. It helps a person get rid of tearfulness, prevents hysterical conditions, therefore it is recommended for strong psychological stress. Clears the body, removing toxins from it. But most of all, and since ancient times, sandalwood oil is known as the strongest aphrodisiac. Therefore, it can be especially recommended for aroma lamps and massages.

How to store

All oils are very sensitive to sunlight, so store them better in a dark place. Ideally - in a bottle of dark glass. Also do not forget about the volatility of such substances. This means that the container with oil should be tightly closed. It is believed that loud noise negatively affects the properties of essential oils.

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