EducationThe science

Wild tribes

It would seem that civilization completely enveloped our planet. But in the peripheral corners are communities and individual cultures that have preserved from their primitive times their traditions, laws, customs in an unchanged state. Wild tribes of the world, strangely enough, have a powerful stable foundation of their culture. Here are examples of some of them.

People from the crater

According to the American newspaper The International Herald Tribune, in the Philippines, in the interior of the island of Palawan , a tribe was found living in caves formed on the inner slopes of a giant crater of an ancient volcano. People live in an area inaccessible because of steep rocks and gorges, and are not connected with the outside world.

The growth of the lost in the crater is about one and a half meters. The tribe is few and engaged in primitive activities, growing sweet potato (sweet potato) and other crops on the bottom of the crater. There is enough water in the valley, but people get fire from the fire, carving out of stone.

Primitive polyglots

Wild tribes also occur in the territory of Papua New Guinea. There is a tribe that lives like a Stone Age in the upper reaches of the Strickland River. The tribe turned out to be friendly, but the scientists of the expedition made a lot of efforts to explain themselves to them. As a result of this conversation it was possible to find out that the number of the inhabitants of the tribe is almost 120 people, and they first met the white people. Their household utensils are made of stone and wood. There are many tribes in New Guinea.

Dwarfs in the Motilones valley

A group of Colombian journalists described a tribe of dwarfs who are not known by governments or leaders, and live on the border of Colombia and Venezuela in the Motilones valley. The farmers of the surrounding places called them "Yukos". Despite a meter growth, dwarfs have a strong physique, muscular legs and disproportionately long and large hands. The features of their face are Mongoloid, and the wrinkled skin of a beautiful chocolate color. The main food dwarfs - Yukos - is a raw or slightly boiled corn. Meat they produce on the hunt with the help of bow and arrow with wooden or stone tips.

Tribe with a meteorite

Wild tribes are also found in Africa, despite the fact that it is run by travelers and studied. For example, a tribe whose inhabitants have only two fingers on their feet. In this tribe, living in the desert area of Vadoma, near the Zambezi River, there are about 600 people.

These people are nomads, related to Bushmen, and have an extremely primitive way of life. They consider themselves "conjured up" witches and do not build huts, but keep poultry and sheep.

Observing a two-toed tribe disproved the legend that they are moving swiftly, instantly climbing the tops of tall trees. In fact, a congenital defect makes movement of people very difficult. It is interesting that the anomaly is inherent only in men.

Amazonian jungle addicts

Not so long ago, Russian travelers under the direction of A. Khizhnyak discovered a tribe of Indians, lost in the jungles of poorly studied areas of the Amazon , who called themselves Yanomami. They honor the spirits of the sun, water, moon, forest. They burn their dead tribesmen at the stake, and then they give ashes to the next of kin. On the feast of remembrance, ashes are eaten, mixed with food. The leader of the tribe is both a healer and a sorcerer, saving people with the help of herbs and spells.

They live in reindeer huts, engaged mainly in fishing and hunting. Women work in the garden, and collect fruits and roots. As a rule, the people of the tribe are drug addicts, they are used to befuddle themselves with plants containing drugs. Yanomami - a very aggressive and hostile to white people people.

Tribes of Australia

The aborigines that once inhabited Australia today are only 1% of the country's population. They settled on the continent 40-64 thousand years ago and arrived here, presumably from Asia.

Wild tribes nowadays own part of the territory of Australia, but tourists are not allowed to enter. Tribes lead a primitive ancient way of life, like their distant ancestors.

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