Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation: where does acne dream?

There is a category of dreams that esoterics call a reflection of reality on the contrary. What does it mean? A certain symbol, perceived in everyday life as an annoying and unpleasant phenomenon, in a dream signifies something good, which one should strive for.

Such symbols include the rashes and skin ulcers of various kinds seen in the dream. Especially good, as interpreters say, if the pimples are not just a slight reddening, but a fairly large purulent formation.

Such a dream can first cause a negative reaction. Therefore, after awakening, do not be lazy to look into the dream book: acne marks a lot of pleasant events.

Akne - in a dream and in reality

According to anonymous interviews conducted by European psychologists, the most common dream among teenagers, due to their age suffering from rashes, are dreams, the main storyline of which is a wonderful release from bored pimples.

A dream-idea that pursues almost every teenager gets its reflection in the world of his dreams, and he sees how easily it is possible to be realized there - beyond reality. You do not need any trips to doctors and pharmacies, you do not need any ointment creams - the face is cleaned with almost the power of thought.

As a rule, such dreams are a powerful tool acting on the subconscious of a teenager, and after a while, seen in a dream is realized in an amazing way.

Those who suffer from rashes and are eager to get rid of them in a dream and in reality, do not necessarily leaf through the dream book: pimples, perhaps, themselves will soon disappear.

So this is a great success!

The most unpleasant phenomenon - a rash - in a dream acquires a completely new meaning. Open any dream book - pimples there are treated as harbingers of fast material prosperity and great luck.

Usually such dreams are seen by people who are not devoid of healthy adventurism, but not particularly brave, do not dare to do something because of the fear of failing.

Dreaming ugly rashes is nothing more than a message from the depths of the mind about the possibility of realizing all, even the most extraordinary ideas. The subconscious says: do not be afraid, act, and pimples are just a reflection of your own complexes that interfere with the achievement of the goal. And no one is able to stop a man striving for action. In addition to himself and his ridiculous fear of some "pimples".

And if even after such a sleep decisiveness did not appear - look in the dream book: acne on the face in all books about dreams are almost identically marked.

In Islamic - success, especially if the acne in a dream has the most disgusting festering appearance.

In French - the appearance of acne promises some kind of joyful event, perhaps, replenishment in the family.

In esoteric - a pimple means a romantic acquaintance.

In other dream books - an acquaintance with an influential person or people who will be able to provide support.

Do not worry about trifles

In fact, pimples are, as they say, the little things of life. Really, their appearance can only concern people who are experiencing because of their appearance - the same teenagers. Well, more young women. The rest are too focused on more weighty things, so that after a "unsuccessful" sleep, a dream dream - acne on the face, even those dreamed, hardened by everyday storms of comrades, can not agitate.

And this is also correct. One of the dream specialists, Gustav Müller, warns that the dreamed face that is covered with a small rash is a sure sign of excitement over trifles. Too emotionally to perceive minor troubles is female prerogative, therefore such dreams are most often visited by young ladies.

A bad person is not a radish, but a pimple ...

How can this dream interpretation explain the dream book: acne is scattered all over the body, but could only squeeze out one?

In this case, you should be careful: surrounded by a person who is ready at any moment to betray you at the first danger. Bad person. But if in the classics of comic comedy it is customary to call it radish, then in "classical" dreams it appears in the form of a pimple.

Who is this person, the dreamer will have to find out on his own - dreams only give impetus to action, and decisions need to be accepted by us.

Painful sensations

If in a dream you realistically feel pain: rashes itch, "jerk", cause any other discomfort, such a dream plot warns that the dreamer will have to take on a load of other people's problems.

There is another way of explaining: according to the dream book, squeezing a pimple with a clear sensation of acute pain means incurring trouble with your incorrect, too intrusive behavior.

To feel the pain of the soul, the embarrassment, the torment at the sight of the abundance of acne on his face - this dream states that a person completely in vain tries to solve a lot of problems independently, being embarrassed to ask for help from friends or relatives.

Pimple on the nose

Even in the real life of young people (maybe, in consolation, maybe it really is) there is a sign: if a pimple jumped out of the nose, then someone fell in love with this young man or girl.

And since on youthful faces of education in the form of an acne jump out with enviable constancy, teenagers have nothing to do but to remain in a state of constant love.

And what does pimple, which appeared on such an outstanding place in a dream, mean? Such a dream warns - there is nothing to bully your nose, because in the foreseeable future there is a danger of losing an important competition or betting.

But there is another, more optimistic dream book - acne on the nose, he claims, dreams of the appearance of new skills in a person, which he can develop with benefit and benefit for himself.

Pryshugana, out of sleep!

Whatever one may say, and rashes - a phenomenon so disgusting, so unloved that everyone tries to get rid of him even in a dream. What do not dreamers do, but most often they come with acne as well as in life, they just squeeze out.

According to the dream book, squeezing a pimple for a man's dreamwalker means running into a scandal. But if in the process of getting rid of the abscess, you saw that it expires with pus, then this is a good sign - to be rich for many years.

In a dream, you can not go past a poor man, stricken with a rash, and start saving him from a huge number of "pimples", squeezing them out? Advice from esotericists: try to pass by all the same, since such a dream means the appearance of envious persons who by any means try to poison your life.

And as another gypsy dream book explains, pressing pimples means that in real life you are too cautious and are trying to change a person. It is better to leave it as it is, with all its shortcomings, and concentrate on yourself and your affairs.

Who dreams a lot of pimples

The eruptions are seen in people in different interpretations: there are too many pimples, it is only one, then they are small, then huge, then they are localized in one place, then "bloom" throughout the body. Each of the options for sleep has a certain meaning.

For example, copious rashes are made to people who are accustomed to reality to control everything on their own: business at work, and household chores, and the affairs of relatives and friends. But often this does not have enough strength or time. And then a person starts to see in a dream a lot of pimples on his back, to which he can not reach.

If you do not understand why you dreamed a lot of acne on the face, from which you tried to get rid, take a dream book. Squeeze pimples on your face - get rid of problems and troubles. Numerous rashes can be followed in a dream by people who are banally dissatisfied with their appearance. And let in real life they do not have any acne, in a dream the rashes symbolize a "portrait of the soul," written directly by the dreamer, constantly looking for flaws in himself.

There are many alternative interpretations. The only one that can please is the prospect of an early enrichment. Look through the dream book - a purulent pimple in most explanations is exactly the sign that everyone is waiting for. And if those dreamed a lot, it means, to be rich to you.

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