
Drainage is what? Types of drainage. Drainage for flower

Drainage is often referred to as the removal of water from the soil surface or from underground sources. It can be both natural and artificial. Drainage is a drainage of storm water or groundwater, performed in order to improve agricultural technology, creating optimal conditions for the erection of buildings and structures. There are many such systems. Their main element is the drain - an underground water outflow for collection and diversion of water.

Importance of drainage

From the drainage system on the plot depends not only the safety of the building, but also the health of all plantations. That is why it is so important to correctly design it based on accurate calculations. Moreover, the larger the area of the land, the better the drainage system should be, because otherwise it will not only not give the expected result, but it can completely disrupt the water regime of the site. One of the most common mistakes owners of villas and estates is a small laying of drains, leading to the death of trees and shrubs due to uneven drainage of soil.

Types of drains

There are several concepts of the word "drainage". This designation is used not only in agriculture, floriculture and construction, but also in medicine, aviation. General concepts of drainage in various branches of human life:

  • In plant growing, it is a permeable material that serves to quickly remove excess moisture from the ground after irrigation or rain. It is used in growing various crops both in the open ground and closed.
  • In construction, drainage is a method (technology) for collecting and draining groundwater from a land plot or structure. For it, whole systems are used, consisting of wells, drainage pipes, channels and other devices. They can be created independently, but it is better to entrust such an important work to specialists. Drainage, the price of which depends on the cost of building materials and the size of the building, and sometimes reaches 7-10 thousand rubles per running meter, is the basis for its long service.
  • In medicine, drainage is a method of creating a constant outflow of contents from hollow organs or a wound in the event of a violation of its natural evacuation due to trauma or illness. Various systems are used for this.
  • In aviation, drainage is the communication of closed tanks with an atmosphere. It is necessary to prevent their deformation under the influence of atmospheric pressure and fluctuations in the fuel level.

Since medical and aviation drainage concerns only a narrow circle of specialists, in this article we will consider in detail only the one that relates to construction and plant growing.

Protection of buildings and structures from water

Drainage of water in construction implies the protection of buildings from the penetration of moisture inside. It is also designed to strengthen the foundations of buildings and structures and reduce the filtration pressure on their construction. Drainage is necessary to protect the foundation and prevent water from seeping into the basement. In road construction it is used to keep roads and sites dry.

To create drainage, a system design should be developed that should take into account not only materials and components, but also the features of each particular site and structure. Depending on the level of groundwater it is divided into surface and deep.

Types of drainage in construction

There are several types of drainage systems that are used in construction. These include:

  • Wall, consisting of pipes with a filtering coating. It is laid on the waterproof soil outside the building.
  • Plastovaya, which is located in the base of the erected structure directly on the aquifer. This system is hydraulically connected to a tubular drain located outside the basement at a distance of at least 0.7 m from the wall. It protects the building from flooding with groundwater and from moistening with capillary moisture. Plastovaya drainage system is often used in the construction of heating network routes and underground structures. It is created only in the process of building an object.
  • Ring, which is located on the contour of the building or land. Its action is based on lowering the water table. As it occurs inside the circuit, this drainage provides excellent protection against underflooding of the underground parts of the building. The depth of lowering the level of groundwater depends on the location of pipes and galleries, as well as on the size of the system. The ring drains are laid some distance from the structure, therefore such a system can be created already after its erection.
  • Horizontal, which is a combination of tubular and gallery drains, trays and ditches. It provides inspection wells.
  • Vertical drainage system consists of several wells, which are connected by a collector. Through it, the water is pumped out with a pump.
  • The combined system includes drains and self-priming wells. It is used in the construction of complex in the engineering sense of water disposal systems.

Drainage of a plot of land

Drainage of a dacha or homestead plot is a forced measure necessary to lower the level of groundwater. It is also used to dehydrate wetland by draining water outside the allotment of the land. Such measures are necessary, since not only foundations and cellars of buildings suffer from excess moisture, but also planted shrubs and trees. Drainage is necessary if the groundwater level is about one meter on the site. In the period of melting snow or torrential rains, it will quickly drain the earth.

Drainage also helps to moisten the soil at a depth and reduce its salinity. The artificial drainage of water contributes to the aeration of the soil and its saturation with oxygen. With poor drainage, weeds appear on lawns, for example, horse sorrel, and then bald patches of wet grass.

System Planning

Before the construction of the drainage system on the site, it is necessary to draw a diagram of its laying. It should include the following data:

  • The place of the water catchment;
  • Elevation marks (depth of trenching and the required bias);
  • The location of drains.

According to the designed scheme, the required number of pipes, couplings, plugs, tees, rubble and sand is determined. When creating a drainage system, geotextiles and corrugated plastic drainage pipes are often used today. For draining a small country plot, the width of the excavated trench is only 30-80 cm. This dimension is determined by the depth and strength of its walls. In the absence of special pipes, products from asbestos cement are used, the diameter of which is 100-150 mm. In the upper half, holes of 10 mm are drilled. Drainage pipes are laid at a slope of 2-3%.

Specialists in the installation of drainage systems use a geodetic device - a level. In its absence, two glass tubes connected by rubber are often used. They are filled with water, and then the level of the horizon is determined by the state of the liquid in them. You can also use the building level.

Arrangement of a drainage trench

Drainage for plants plays an important role, so the installation of a drainage trench must be very thorough. After calculating the scheme of the drainage system around the site, dig a trench of the right size. On its bottom pour rumpled clay and form it in the form of a tray. Sand is poured from above, and pipes are laid on it. They are covered with large rubble. Its layer should be 20-30 cm. The rubble is covered with soil, taken out of the trench. When using geotextiles, it is fixed on the walls of the pit, and after covering the rubble, the material is overlapped. Then the top is filled with soil.

All drainage pipes must be connected to a single collector by means of couplings. It serves to direct the flow of water into the nearest ditch or cuvette. It is recommended to install drainage wells at the system turns and at the pipe connection points , allowing monitoring of the system condition.

Drainage Ditches

For a long time there is a reliable and affordable way of draining the site. With the help of a dug, you can take excess water to a drainage well, a river or a pond. Most drainage ditches are used on lowland and flat land. At the same time, the water collected in them enters the water basin or simply evaporates. If the relief is flat, the ditch is digging at the top and across the slope. To collect water flowing from it, at its base make another pit, parallel to the first. They must both be connected by an additional ditch. Their depth should be about 1 m. For the strength of the walls of the ditches they are mowed down at a slope of 20-30 °. In clay soils, they can be more steep. Such a drainage system requires an annual cleansing of weeds and debris that retards the flow of water. For the safety of people and animals, it is better to protect them.

Drainage in indoor floriculture

When growing plants in room conditions, drainage is simply necessary. With its help, excess water will be diverted from flower pots and containers. Drainage for a flower is almost the only way to keep its roots healthy. They will breathe and develop well. Especially it is required if the house is susceptible to fungi and not loving abundant watering flowers. Drainage for them is the only way to survive. Some plants need a regular transplant. In this case, the old drainage in the pot is better replaced or at least washed and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate (manganese).

Types of drainage in indoor floriculture

There are several materials used to create drainage for the flower. These include:

  • Claydite, which can be bought in any specialized or in the hardware store. It is the building material used for sound insulation and insulation. Expanded clay is a material produced from clay. It is distinguished by its hygroscopicity. On sale it is possible to meet keramzit of various fractions: small, medium, large. It is chosen depending on the size of the pot, the hole in it and the plant. The most common use is medium expanded clay (10-20 mm). Its volume in a container without a hole should be 1/4 or 1/5 the height of the pot. In ordinary pots, a layer of 1-2 cm is enough. A layer of coarse sand is poured onto the claydite, and then a primer.
  • Ceramic shards, the layer of which is 1.5-2 cm. Their size should not be too large. Shards are spread out with a convex side up. A layer of sand is poured onto the ceramic in 1-5 cm, and then the soil is added.
  • Styrofoam that does not cost anything. Since this material does not absorb water, a hydrogel is often added to it. A layer of small pieces of foam is placed on the bottom, covered with sand and soil.

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