
Anaferon for children: reviews, product description, instructions for use

Many people are prone to acute viral diseases. But most often they suffer from small children. So what medicines can be used to alleviate the condition of your baby? For example, "Anaferon" - for the prevention of children this drug is prescribed very often. It is also used for medicinal purposes.

About what properties are characteristic for the mentioned facility and how it should be used, we will tell you a little later.

Composition of the drug, form, packaging, description

In what form is the medicine "Anaferon" for children produced? Reviews say that this product is made in the form of white tablets for resorption. They contain antibodies (affinity-purified) to human interferon gamma (alcohol-water mixture with an active ingredient content of no more than 10-14 ng / g).

This drug goes on sale in the cellular contour packs, which are packaged in packs of cardboard.

The action of the drug (pharmacological)

The drug Anaferon for children, the price of which is indicated below, is a remedy that activates antiviral immunity. With the therapeutic and preventive use of this medication, it exhibits antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

In clinical trials, the efficacy of the drug against parainfluenza, influenza viruses and herpes simplex, as well as other herpesviruses (eg, infectious mononucleosis, smallpox), rotavirus, enterovirus, coronavirus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus And calicivirus.

How does the drug Anaferon work? Instructions for use (for children this medication is prescribed very often) reports that this drug can reduce the concentration of the virus in tissues, and also affect the system of endogenous interferons and cytokines associated with them, induce the formation of gamma-interferon and "early" endogenous interferons.

Stimulating cellular and humoral immunity, the drug in question increases the production of antibodies, activates the work of T-helpers and T-effectors, and balances their ratio.

What other properties are characteristic for the medicine Anaferon? Instructions for use for children argue that this tool increases the reserve (functional) Tx and other cells.

The drug in question is an inducer of a mixed Tx2 and Tx1-type immune response. In this regard, it increases the production of cytokines and normalizes the balance of their activities. In addition, Anaferon for children, reviewed further, enhances the natural work of killer cells and phagocytes, and also exhibits antimutagenic properties.

Indications for taking a child drug (tablets)

What is the purpose of Anaferon for children? Reviews report that this tool is actively used:

  • In the complex therapy of infections that were caused by herpesviruses (labial herpes, infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox, genital herpes);
  • For the prevention and treatment of acute viral infections (respiratory), including influenza;
  • In complex therapy and prevention of recurrences of herpesvirus infection (chronic);
  • In the complex treatment of infections of bacterial origin;
  • In complex therapy and for the prevention of other viral infections (acute and chronic) caused by enterovirus, tick-borne encephalitis virus, coronavirus, rotavirus or calicivirus;
  • In the complex therapy of immunodeficiency states (secondary) of various origin, including for the prevention and treatment of complications of infections of bacterial and viral etiology.

Prohibitions to receive resorption tablets

The drug "Anaferon" can be given to a child older than one month of life. It should also be noted that this remedy is not allowed to be administered with increased individual sensitivity to its components.

How to give Anaferon to children? Instruction, dosage of the drug

Take this medication should be taken orally, long before or after a meal (that is, not during eating). One pill should have one pill (keep in the mouth before dissolving).

This medication is prescribed for babies older than one month of life. At this age and up to three years the drug should be given only in a dissolved form (one tablet is dissolved in one large spoon of warm boiled water).

So in what dosage is prescribed the medicine "Anaferon" for children? The reviews say it depends on the testimony. With influenza, herpesvirus infections, acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections and neuroinfections, treatment should be started as soon as possible, that is, when the first symptoms of acute viral infection appear. In such diseases, the patient is recommended to adhere to the following scheme: in the first two hours the drug is taken every half hour, and then during the first day, three more doses at regular intervals. From the second day and afterwards the drug is consumed one tablet three times a day (until the patient fully recovered). If there are no improvements, then on the third day of treatment should consult a doctor.

In the epidemic season, for the preventive purpose, the drug is consumed every day, once a day, for one to three months.

When genital herpes, "Anaferon" is taken at regular intervals according to the following scheme: 1-3 days - one tablet eight times a day, and then one tablet four times a day, at least three weeks.

To prevent the recurrence of herpesviral infection of a chronic nature, the drug is prescribed one tablet a day. The duration of taking this medication is determined individually and can be up to six months.

When prescribing a drug for the prevention and treatment of immunodeficiency states, as well as in the complex therapy of infections of bacterial origin, medication is prescribed one tablet per day.

If required, the medication in question can be combined with other symptomatic and antiviral agents.

Side effects

According to the instructions for taking the drug "Anaferon" for the indicated indications and in the recommended dosages, no side reactions occur.

In some cases, only manifestations of individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the medication are possible.

Cases of overdose

Signs of an overdose of the drug in question have not been registered to date. With the occasional use of a large amount of medication, the patient may experience dyspeptic phenomena, which are due to the excipients that make up the medicament.

Drug Interactions

To date, cases of incompatibility with other drugs have not been identified in Anaferon.

If required, the drug can be combined with other symptomatic, antibacterial and antiviral agents.

Special Recommendations

Adult Anaferon is not allowed to be prescribed for children.

It is necessary to consult with the doctor, if after three days of therapy the improvement of the state of health has not come.

In view of the fact that lactose is present in the composition of the drug in question, it is forbidden to prescribe to those who have a congenital lactase deficiency, glucose malabsorption syndrome or galactosemia.

The information that the children's drug "Anaferon" contributes to the emergence of cancer, experts refute. According to their opinion, this statement is a conjecture, since clinical studies have not confirmed this theory.

Cost and patient feedback

How much is the children's medicine Anaferon? According to the patients' claims, this drug has an average cost. As a rule, it varies between 210-250 rubles.

About the drug in question, you can meet a variety of reviews. Some parents claim that the pills helped to recover their babies in a short time. After taking the medicine, all signs of respiratory and herpes infections disappeared in children.

As for other consumers, they report that this drug is absolutely useless. He did not affect the child's well-being and the symptoms of the disease. Moreover, in some cases, the drug "Anaferon" aggravated the patient's uneasy condition, provoking the strongest cold, dizziness and sore throat.

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