
Rosenfeld Ointment: instructions, indications

With the arrival of the cold season many people are faced with the problem of nasal congestion against the background of viral and bacterial ailments. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, there is a huge amount of medicines. With ineffectiveness of popular medicines, doctors often prescribe Rosenfeld's ointment. Let us consider in more detail what the preparation is and how to use it correctly.

Description of the tool

To treat nasal congestion, the most commonly used preparations are in the form of drops and sprays. However, do not forget about the means in other forms of release. Preparations in the form of ointments are less popular, but they have a more pronounced therapeutic effect. Rosenfeld's ointment is an effective remedy for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. Instructions for use allow it to be used in pediatric practice.

You can not buy an ointment in an ordinary pharmacy. In appointing this tool, the specialist gives the patient a prescription, with which they should come to a specialized pharmacy dealing with the manufacture of such medicines. The period for receiving medicines is not more than 24 hours.


Rosenfeld's ointment contains a large number of active ingredients. Therapeutic effect is provided by the following substances:

  • Menthol - stops the unpleasant sensations in the nasal cavity, removes the itching and has a calming effect;
  • Ephedrine - necessary for the narrowing of blood vessels;
  • Levomitsetin - antibacterial component, which allows to destroy pathogens at the local level;
  • Novocaine - has a pronounced anesthetic effect;
  • Vaseline oil - softens the mucous surface of the nasal cavity;
  • Vaseline - has a moisturizing effect.

The concentration of active components is determined by the attending physician. It will depend on the age category of the patient and the severity of the pathological process. Rosenfeld's ointment is made strictly according to the doctor's prescription. A product containing an adult dosage of active ingredients should not be used in the treatment of children. Otherwise, there may be side effects and allergic reactions.

When is Rosenfeld's ointment prescribed?

Instructions for use in the nose to lay this tool recommends for sinusitis of bacterial etiology. Ointment is effective for sinusitis in children and adults. However, before using the medication, you should nevertheless consult a doctor to determine the etiology of the disease. Do this as soon as possible to avoid the development of severe complications.

Can I give Rosenfeld Ointment to children?

Instructions for use in the nose for children advises to enter the drug only as prescribed by the doctor. This is due to the fact that the medicament contains a sufficiently strong antibacterial agent, levomycetin, which, in the wrong dosage, can trigger the development of serious side effects.

In pediatric practice, a complex ointment is rarely used. Not all cities have pharmacies that specialize in the production of medicines. In addition, the pharmaceutical industry now offers medicines that are more convenient to use and have a long shelf life. It should be noted that the maximum shelf life of the pharmacy ointment is 10 days.

How to apply?

Only with sinusitis and rhinitis of bacterial etiology should use Rosenfeld Ointment (instructions for use). In the nose, the medicine is placed only after preliminary washing with antiseptic solutions. For these purposes, you can use infusion of chamomile, a solution of potassium permanganate and furacilin. Vasoconstrictor drops contribute to better penetration of the components of the ointment to the focus of the inflammatory process.

Children are usually recommended to treat the nasal cavity with ointment, first applying it to a cotton swab. Do this with extreme caution. Rosenfeldt ointment has a more pronounced therapeutic effect in the case when it is used for laying. To do this, gauze turundas must be soaked in medicine and placed in the nasal passages. The duration of the drug is 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to do the manipulation up to 3 times a day.

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