
Herpesvirus infection in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

This trouble, like herpes, has been known to many since childhood. These are ugly rashes that appear most often near the lips. In fact, herpes is a viral infection, which is not at all harmless, as many think. This disease, which is caused by herpes viruses of the 1 st and 2 nd types. There is a malaise in the form of several bubbles with liquid contents that are grouped together in one place. Foci of infection can be not only lips. Herpes also appears on the mucosa of the nose, mouth and genitals.


In most cases, primary infection can occur without any visible symptoms. Diagnosis of herpesvirus infection can only occur after the appearance of external signs of the disease. During an exacerbation in some people the body temperature rises, lethargy appears, sleep is disturbed. In addition, lymph nodes can grow.

The classic symptom of herpes is the appearance of a watery rash. The localization of the rashes depends on the type of virus. Most often, as we know, on the lips there is a herpesvirus infection. Symptoms of such a plan indicate a virus of type 1. A simple herpes simplex virus of the second type is most often localized to the mucosa of the genital organs. There are inflammations in the form of small watery pimples. A few days after the formation of the rash, the pimples burst, forming erosion. Open wounds dry up and crust. Most often no trace of rashes does not remain at all.

Herpesvirus infection is characterized by itching and pain at the site of inflammation. If the rash appears on the oral mucosa, the patient becomes difficult to chew. During an exacerbation, you have to eat well-ground food.

In the case of primary infection, the incubation period can last from 2 to 7 days. Chronic herpesvirus infection is not transmitted by airborne droplets.

How can I get infected?

Genital herpes can only be transmitted sexually. In this case, the infected partner most often does not even suspect that he has a disease. After all, some people just suffer from herpesvirus infection. A healthy lifestyle and a strong immune system do their job. In the carriers of the infection, rashes may not appear at all.

A simple type 1 herpes virus can be transmitted through saliva, bed and personal belongings of the infected. A sick mother can infect a child during childbirth. Herpes virus infection in children will not manifest until a certain age.

Increases the likelihood of infection during blood transfusions, organ transplants, or with normal contact with the patient's mucosa. But infection can occur only if the disease is in an acute stage.

90% of the world's population has herpesvirus infection. But the manifestations disturb only 20%. The rest are only carriers of the disease and do not even know about it.

Causes of inflammation

Most often the virus is in the body in an inactive state. Some factors can provoke the awakening of an infection. The result is a painful inflammation. Most often, the cause of herpes can be a decrease in immunity. Rashes are formed after hypothermia or a recent cold disease. Herpes virus infection in children may appear after vaccination. Various medical manipulations often contribute to the awakening of the virus. In women, rashes often occur after abortions and the introduction of an intrauterine device.

Psychological factors also contribute to the development of the disease. Herpes on the lips can appear after the transferred stress. It is noticed that frequent scandals in the family also contribute to the awakening of the virus.

A major factor is the hormonal changes in the body. In children, problems often begin during puberty. The risk group also includes women during pregnancy.

The main types of herpes

Depending on the location and mode of spread, the herpesvirus infection is divided into several types. Infection of the first type is most often manifested on the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. This species is by far the most common. Quite often such rashes are confused with a cold. This is due to the fact that the disease begins to manifest itself after hypothermia or in the period of exacerbation of seasonal epidemics.

A simple virus of the second type is genital herpes. It can be transmitted sexually or through the blood. A person who has promiscuous sexual relations can spread the disease even before he has the first symptoms. And if the carrier of the virus is a pregnant woman, the probability of infection of the child during childbirth is 95%.

Few people know, but shingles and chicken pox are also herpesvirus infection. Much easier disease occurs in preschool children. Most kids do not experience any discomfort at all. A chickenpox in adults can occur with increased body temperature and a number of complications. A feature of this type of virus is the possibility of its aggravation only once in a lifetime. It is impossible to get sick with chickenpox several times.


This type of herpesvirus infection has symptoms that are not similar to the previous ones. Mononucleosis settles in the airways and is transmitted by airborne droplets. Most often, children who live in multi-storey houses suffer from an ailment. The disease is symptomatic, similar to the usual flu. Therefore, it is difficult to diagnose it.

Human herpesvirus infections of this type have several forms of manifestation. The most common option is ARVI. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract suffers. The most complex is the generalized form of the disease. Herpes virus infection can settle on internal organs. Treatment in this case will take a fairly long period. In addition, there is the possibility of serious complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and external rash.

Herpes 6, 7 and 8 types

The origin of infection of the sixth, seventh and eighth types to date has not been fully clarified. Scientists managed to establish that herpesviral infection of type 6 is most often manifested in external symptoms. This is a sudden rash all over the body, fever, dizziness, chronic fatigue.

There is an opinion that herpes of the seventh and eighth types is dangerous not only by external manifestations, but also by psychological disorders. So, this infection can provoke the development of schizophrenia.

Diagnosis of the disease at an early stage

To get rid of the disease even before he begins to show himself unpleasant symptoms, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for a preventive examination. You may need to consult an infectious disease specialist, as well as a gynecologist. The specialists will not only conduct a visual inspection, but also conduct a series of analyzes. If a herpesvirus infection is detected in a timely manner, treatment will not take long.

The examination begins with a general analysis of blood and urine. If the infection is in the acute phase, these two tests will be enough to identify the ailment. A number of clinical tests in the laboratory help not only to determine the presence of infection, but also to find out its type. Additionally, a specialist can take a scraping mucosa.

If parents have such a disease, then, most likely, herpesvirus infection in children will manifest. Symptoms are a reason to conduct extensive diagnosis. It is especially necessary to do this immediately after childbirth, if the woman is the carrier of the virus.

Treatment of herpesvirus infection

Modern science has not yet developed drugs that could completely rid humanity of herpes. Most often, persistent herpesvirus infection is susceptible to treatment, that is, one that has visible manifestations. Remove the symptoms of the disease is possible as soon as possible. The patient has only to take medicines for prevention and to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Special attention should be paid to the treatment of herpesvirus infection in children. Many drugs have aggressive components and can not be administered to babies under the age of six. The main emphasis is on immunotherapy. It is not possible to completely kill the herpes virus in a child's body. But to suppress it is quite realistic. Correctly selected therapy will save the child from unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment of herpes in adults begins with the selection of appropriate antiviral drugs. Effective effects have such drugs as "Foscarnet" and "Acyclovir." They are able not only to suppress the action of the virus, but also to strengthen the immune system of the body. The doctor can additionally be prescribed antimicrobials. They are needed in order to prevent the development of pathogens in the inflammatory focus.

The therapeutic measures are completed by eliminating the complications of the disease. Special gels and ointments contribute to the rapid healing of erosion and prevent the inflammatory process from developing further.

All drugs are selected strictly individually and are prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication will not only not give good results, but will also contribute to the development of complications. The specialist can choose the right therapy based on the individual characteristics of the organism of a particular person, as well as the type of herpes virus.

Popular drugs

The most common agent in the treatment of herpesvirus infection type 1 is Acyclovir. The medicine can be offered in the pharmacy in the form of ointments, capsules and powder for the preparation of the solution. Ointment is effective enough when the focus of inflammation only appeared. "Acyclovir" quickly dries herpes. The entire healing process can take up to 5 days.

"Cycloferon" is another effective tool that fights against herpesviral infection of various types. In many pharmacies, the drug is offered as a drop, as well as a solution for injections. Dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the characteristics of the patient's body and the stage of the disease. The drug is contraindicated in children, as well as in women during pregnancy and lactation.

Consequences and complications

In most cases, the disease occurs without complications and has no consequences. The appearance of small cosmetic defects can provoke herpesvirus infection in children. Photos of small patients who have had chickenpox are available in almost every pediatrician. They can see small scars on the body and face of the kids. Such consequences appear only in the event that the child combs the focus of inflammation.

Problems can occur in people with reduced immunity. An unpleasant disease is ophthalmoherpes. It is an ailment that is provoked by the herpes simplex virus type 1. If you do not seek medical help in time, serious herpesvirus infection will be reached. Symptoms will begin to appear not only on the lips, but also the mucous eyes. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and pain in the eyes. It becomes difficult for a patient to look at the light, vision may be impaired. The lack of proper treatment can lead to even complete blindness.

The most serious consequence of herpesvirus infection can be brain damage - encephalitis. In rare cases, the solid membrane of the brain becomes inflamed, meningitis develops. Such complications are accompanied by dizziness, severe pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness. A similar condition is dangerously lethal.

Herpes and pregnancy

In the period of bearing a child, the woman's immunity is significantly reduced. This leads to an exacerbation of herpesvirus infection, which previously was not active in the body. Women may have more extensive rashes that require local treatment. At this time, drugs with mild effects should be used. It should be remembered that all medicines affect not only the woman, but also the fetus.

Primary infection with herpes during pregnancy is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth. In the future, herpesvirus infection in children can manifest itself . Symptoms in a newborn can be noticeable not immediately. Therefore, it is important to conduct timely diagnosis of the disease.

In rare cases, infection with herpes during pregnancy can lead to the birth of a dead fetus. A child with multiple lesions of internal organs may appear. Therefore, women should treat their health with special attention. Any suspicious symptoms should be reported immediately to an obstetrician-gynecologist.


Almost every person today is infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1. With it you can perfectly exist and not have unpleasant symptoms in the form of rashes. Inflammation can develop only when immunity decreases. Therefore, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, sleep more, forget about bad habits.

Herpesvirus infection most often begins to appear during the exacerbation of seasonal diseases. During this period, you can start taking multivitamin preparations. It is not superfluous to include in the daily diet foods rich in vitamin C. In the cold season, you should avoid hypothermia and overwork.

Special attention deserves genital herpes. To avoid its development, it is necessary to give preference to barrier methods of contraception. The condom perfectly protects not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from numerous infections that are sexually transmitted. If unprotected sexual intercourse nevertheless took place, it is necessary to use an antiseptic agent of local action.

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