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A handbook for beginners: how to draw the Order of Victory in stages.

Every year on May 9, Russia celebrates Victory Day. Virtually all families are somehow connected with the Great Patriotic War. Therefore, the holiday can be considered truly national and extremely important for our country. In kindergartens and schools, students are told about the war, about victory, about veterans, about the hardships of that time and about the joy that Victory brought. Teachers usually organize exhibitions of children's drawings and crafts dedicated to this holiday. Consider how to draw the Order of Victory. Most often they depict St. George ribbon, carnations, medals and medals. Consider how to draw the Order of Victory in stages in this article.

What a child needs to know about war

Modern children, fortunately, are far from the time of the Second World War. Knowledge of this event they receive in the family and educational institutions. First of all, adults should tell that it was a hard time, when all the inhabitants of the country defended their Motherland and freedom. It is necessary to tell about the duration of military operations, about how people lived at that time, in particular, the great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers of the child. Also it is interesting for children to look at photographs of their ancestors, on their medals and orders. If possible, be sure to show a short film about the war or the celebration of the Victory. To better understand the new information, the child can independently draw a postcard or poster by May 9.

How to start drawing to the Victory Day

Having told the child basic information about the war and Victory, you can proceed to create a picture on paper. It is better to give scope for children's imagination and not interfere in his work. If the child is still too young, you can visually show him how to draw the Order of Victory in stages. When the question arises, how to draw the Order of Victory in stages, first of all you need to prepare the materials:

  • Paper.
  • A simple pencil.
  • A sharpener or a metal cutter.
  • Eraser.
  • Paint, pencils or markers.
  • Photo award or real order (to better convey the main image).


Instructions how to draw the Order of Victory in stages:

  • In pencil we outline the general proportions of the future drawing - height, width, location of the main parts of the Order.
  • We detail our sketch - we schedule the tape and the size of the award itself.

  • We add characteristic details, we specify the form of all elements and draw a five-pointed star, an inscription and patterns.
  • When you finish drawing, you can add shadows by hatching. When the pencil drawing is completely ready, you need to erase unnecessary lines with the eraser.

  • If necessary, color the picture and add suitable objects (for example, carnations).

So, we figured out how to draw a Victory Order on the Whatman paper. Step by step execution of the described steps, the figure will be obtained even from the artist with a small experience. Ready work can be attributed to a school exhibition or to give to relatives. Such drawings help to express gratitude to people who have defended our Motherland without words. Even a very simple drawing of the baby can cause a lot of emotions in the elderly. Now the questions, why and how to draw the Order of Victory in stages, should not cause difficulties!

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