
Word about the word: we choose synonyms for the word "small"

To the expressive means of language are synonyms. They help to avoid monotony and stereotyping, make speech more vivid, clearer, more beautiful. Synonyms are common language and contextual, author's, refer to different stylistic layers and spheres of use. Their lexical proximity can be either complete or partial. Consider this with the example of the word "small".

Grammatical Categories

It is the name of the adjective and in the initial form appears in the singular, the masculine gender, is qualitative, forms the degrees of comparison. The endings in the accusative and nominative cases coincide: a small boy is a small table; A little boy - a small table. In the sentence, the syntactic function of the definition or predicate is usually performed, as well as the subject and complement. Synonyms for the word "small" most often retain the grammatical properties of the "first principle".

Lexical meaning

Let's define with lexical value of the given unit of language. According to the "Explanatory Dictionary" it means someone or something of a small size and corresponds to the words "small", "short", "tight", "inexpensive", etc. For example: small children, small height, small sweater .

Hence, it is possible to name everything that is small in size, length, height, size, and so on. Synonyms for the word "small" in the phrase small step: short, small, quiet. But for the same definition with reference to the lexeme "house" they will be already different: miniature, tiny, toy, small, inconspicuous. When building a proposal, it is necessary to observe the laws of lexical compatibility. So, synonyms for the word "small" in the meaning of "short" can be: low, low, short, miniature, small:

  • A tiny girl was walking along the street.
  • Mitrasha was short, but stocky and strong, a real mushroom-boletus.
  • The boy turned out to be small for his seventeen with a tail of years, thin to slackness.

However, the lexeme "low" has other semantic nuances meaning either moral or moral qualities or social origin. But in these cases they can not act as synonyms for the word "small". We say "low deeds, thoughts, deeds", meaning that they are mean, vile, vile. Or "low origin" - that is, not small in terms of growth or age, but belonging to the common people, the lack of noble , noble roots. Although in the language there is the expression "petty". So in the old days and until the first quarter of the 20th century, they called impoverished or not very aristocratic nobles, who had a very small village, an estate, a mansion. Synonyms for the word "small" in combination with the word "homestead" will be: poor, small, poor, ruined, needy, miserable, meager, insignificant, unsightly.

Anthony pairs

In the same way, the compatibility laws work for antonyms. Some of them are common language, they are suitable in any contextual environment. Others have a strictly limited sphere of use. Let's admit, small (synonyms: a tiny, small) house - traditional antonyms to it: big, huge, majestic, high. Contextual is considered to be: luxurious, chic, rich. And to the phrase "little people", either great, significant, known, or high, giants are suitable.

That's such an interesting word - "small".

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