
Reasoning about how it is correct: "dress" or "put on"

Very many people do not know how to correctly: "dress" or "put on". Confusion is created by the fact that these words are single-root. Therefore, ignoramuses have a habit of asserting that the difference between "dressing" and "putting on" practically does not exist, because it is clear what is being said. Prove that the correct use of words in Russian speech is necessary, it is important for those who consider themselves a cultured person, especially since in some cases this can create a semantic confusion.

The lexical meaning of the word "dress"

In the dictionary Rosenthal is available and understandably explains how to correctly: "dress" or "put it on." You can dress someone or anything in anything or something. For example, they dress a daughter, a doll, a grandfather, a scarecrow in a dress, a fur coat, a shirt or a blanket, a blanket. Sometimes the verb "dress" is used in a figurative sense, for example, when the author talks about nature. "Winter has woven the earth with a fluffy snow blanket," a vivid example of the use of this word for the imagery of the text, where there is an avatar (winter dressed), a comparison (a snow blanket).

The lexical meaning of the word "put on"

To understand how it is correct - "dress" or "put on", it is necessary to understand the rules of use of the second verb. In particular, you can put something on someone or something, for example, a glove on your hand, glasses to the kid, a mantle on the shoulders of a beauty and so on. Teachers at the school offer to remember a proverb that is a clue in this matter: "A neighbor is dressed, a casing is put on".

Rule of antonyms

As a test, as it is correct - "dress" or "put on", it is recommended to use the antonyms of these verbs. The word with the opposite meaning regarding the verb "dress" will sound like "undress". Antonym to "put on" will be the word "take off". To use this method, you just need to substitute both these variants of antonyms in place of the verb in your mind. For example, if in the supposed phrase "to put a glove on the hand" to replace the verb with "undress", it will be nonsense: "undress the glove". Hence, here the verb "dress" is impossible to use. And when substituting the word "antonym" to "remove" it turns out a normal design: "remove the glove". Thus, it becomes clear that the phrase can only be this: "Put the glove on your hand."

Laughter helps to understand and remember more

Sometimes teenage school students argue with the teacher, proving that the way to write "to wear" or "to dress" is absolutely irrelevant. In this case, you can tell them a funny story, showing the confusion that can occur with ignoramuses. And let the humoresque seem grotesque, let someone object that this is not the case in life, but the funny situation will be remembered most likely of all the rules. And even the most hardened nihilists will fully understand how to correctly "dress" or "wear" clothes, glasses, a bride or a mask.

"Dress up a rabbit" or "wear a rabbit"?

The content of humoresques is recommended to be accompanied by posters with signatures, which also have a good effect on visual memory. So, Tanya came to her friend Marina. They are invited to the theater classmates, and Marina rushes to pick up clothes for herself and Tatiana. "Dress the rabbit!" - Marishka throws a girlfriend, referring to a luxurious bolero, trimmed with rabbit fur. After all, in Russian often an object is called the material from which it is made or made. However, the girl misused the verb, using not "put it on", which is right, and saying "dress". And Tatyana, taking the words verbatim, without going into details, went into the courtyard and engaged in the fact that it was hard to cram a disgruntled animal sitting in a cage, into a puppet jacket, tie a scarf around his neck. As a result, an angry rodent ruthlessly scratched Tanechka, and he ran away. The evening would be hopelessly ruined if the guys did not go after the girls themselves. Hearing a detailed story about the unsuccessful fees in the theater, the guys laughed for a long time ...

Parsley dressed, put on hand

You can use one more vivid example to demonstrate the rule of choosing the verb "to dress" or "to put on". Coat, mittens, fur coat - any piece of clothing can only be worn by someone, and if you really want to use the verb "dress" with these nouns, then you should use the management connection, that is, put the clothing name in a verb depending on the verb: dress Mother in a coat, arms in mittens, shoulders with a fur coat. But a doll-parsley can and wear, and dress, this is a unique thing. First, the manufacturers and costumers of the theater wear future artists, both living and those who submit to the fantasies of the scriptwriter and puppeteer - "parsley." But just before going to the stage, the puppet actor puts on a glove doll on his hand.

Unique words: chicken and head ...

The same universal words are "scarecrow", "scarecrow", because they can be dressed before exhibiting in the garden, and then put on a pole. Quite unreal, it may seem a story about how a man with a hypertrophied sense of humor performed a picnic order ignorant and instead of planting a chicken carcass on a spit - to wear - dressed her in a scarf and kepi. "Well, you yourself asked:" Dress the chicken "!" - so the joker explained to everyone the motive of his deed. Actually, for fans of horror movies and thrillers, the word "head" may also seem to be just as unique a word. Indeed, it can be put on a hat, or you can put it on the peaks protecting the site. By the way, in one Russian folk tale there is a description of the decorated in this way dwelling, either an ogre, or Baba Yaga, and in "Wikipedia" an example of a fence around the castle of a real-life Dracula once is given. At that, confusion with verbs could cost a lifetime ...

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