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Who are the militants Igil? What are they doing?

The information space of the whole world is constantly shaken by "exploits", which is demonstrated to the people by the militants of IGIL. Their actions are so cruel and meaningless that it is impossible to remain indifferent. Why are they doing that? Who are the militants Igil? Where did they come to this world? Let's figure it out.

History of appearance

The militants Igil for many arose "out of nowhere". All the world's mass media started talking about them at once.

They operate in the territory of Syria and Iraq. But there are enough of their radicals. Only experts understand their intricacies and shades. Believers in the Middle East traditionally take up arms. They defend their views not by democratic rallies, but by force. The militants began to work in these places even during the Iraq war. The state collapsed. It was necessary to protect their families in an elementary way, then to get money. Next came the "color revolution" in Syria. There, too, people live hot and religious. Many came up with arms against the secular regime of Assad. But these groups led a meaningful ideological struggle. They put forward demands, they said directly what they did not like. The militants of IGIL are completely different.

Geographical location

According to experts, these "animals" first appeared in Iraq. They needed weapons. It was in this country that it turned out to be more than enough. The militants either bought it or took it by force. The Iraqi regular army not only did not resist, but also went over to the side of the bandits. Then they moved to the territory of Syria, not controlled by the government. The world began to shake with horror, looking at how the fighters of IGIL burned a person alive in a cage, and their other actions. These people do not have morals in the conventional sense. They commit killing of fun or pleasure for the sake of. In some of their actions it is generally difficult to discern common sense. Particularly frightening is that they always record their "exploits" on video. Rollers immediately fall into the network. For example, this year the world had to contemplate the execution by the militants of IGIL citizens of various states. In some actions, minors took part (as killers).

Who becomes an action movie?

It is believed that this "brutal" current was originally formed from people with mental disabilities. They wanted to commit murder, they enjoyed it. Then local residents began to join them. They were in a difficult situation. There is a war around, the law is the availability of weapons and the ability to use it. The other simply does not exist. For help, there is no one to turn to. It is necessary to choose: either to adjoin the murderers, or to die from their hands. The first was more preferable for many. In addition, the militants of IGIL receive money for the service. There is an opportunity to protect their families from starvation. There is also the recruitment of foreigners through the network. But this is not done by the gangs themselves. Such work semi-literate warriors just can not do.

Money from where?

It is clear that a lot of money is required to conduct military operations. As the experts say, the militants receive them from rich Arabs, living mainly in Saudi Arabia or Qatar. Only these donations are not the only source of militant resources. They regularly rob towns and villages. According to some reports, they are engaged in racketeering, steal people for ransom. In addition, these animals (sorry for the term) are trafficked by people. Basically they capture Christians and foreigners. Then they demand a ransom. If they do not get it, they do not stand on ceremony for long. Victims do not just die, but become acting characters of another scary movie. The news of the plundering of Mosul, the richest Iraqi city, dispelled many myths about the timeliness of this formation. For half a billion, what they got, you can wage a long war. From time to time, the surrounding states attempt to cope with these beasts. However, the militants are very mobile. They are difficult to draw into an open battle. They attack themselves where no one waits. Rob, kill and disappear. Air bombardments do not cause them significant damage, only lead to new human casualties.

Someone's experiment?

Politicians are constantly arguing about what kind of power this is, why and who needs it. The shooting of the regular victims by the guerrillas of the IGIL becomes a topic for discussion at the highest level. They are spoken about in the UN Security Council, the US president considers them one of the main threats. Considering that the militants were supplied with weapons by the United States, and the allies of this country also finance it, all this seems strange to many specialists. There are theories that the US itself supports this force. They need it to create chaos in the Middle East. Others go further. They consider IGIEL as part of a plan to exit the States from the global crisis. America needs a big war. So she creates it in the most explosive corners of the world. And the Middle East has always been and remains a "risk zone".

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