Sports and FitnessFishing

When spring begins to peck bream? What does bream eat?

Bream is a sign in Russia, probably for every fisherman. This fish is quite large and schooling, having commercial significance. It lives almost everywhere for the middle belt: in rivers, reservoirs - large and small. River bream grows to four kilograms or more, and its colleague in the standing water of the reservoir can reach even larger sizes. The time when spring begins to peck bream, catchy for most fishermen. As a rule, before spawning, the bream are grouped in packs and begin to feed intensively, which gives the lucky fisher a lot of advantages. However, even in this "cool" time, not everyone can return home with prey. What does fishing depend on? When begins to peck bream in the spring? What tips do you need to consider in order to catch this fish? How to apply the relevant knowledge in practice? We try to answer these and some other questions in our article.

Beginning of the annual catching

When spring begins to peck bream? This fish can be sent almost immediately after the ice has descended on the rivers and other water bodies. As a rule, this happens in the middle zone of Russia in late March or early April. True, the current warming of the climate should be taken into account unequivocally, since the winters are not the same as they were before - snowy and long. Accordingly, the ice on the water comes off earlier, sometimes even very significantly! So the question of what month the spring begins to peck bream, it is definitely difficult to answer. It all depends on how early the spring was, how well the water warmed up, since the early pre-spawning biting is significantly improved with water clarification and increased temperatures of the habitat. And the closer spawning becomes, the more fish tend to stray into packs, coming close to the shore itself. And here it is important to try not to frighten away the careful bream with loud sounds or careless movements.

What prefers bream in natural conditions in the spring

When spring begins to peck bream? Until spawning, which can begin in May and stretch sometimes for a month in some water bodies, bream is fed by various insect larvae, worms - at the very edge of vegetation in the water, in not too deep bays. If spawning is supposed in the river, then you can find the bream in the mouth. And as soon as the water warms up properly, the fish go up to the spawning grounds in packs. If there is a dam in the pond, the fish can accumulate there, actively feeding on it before spawning, next to the old men, where spawning will take place in the future.

At what temperature does the bream begin to peck in spring?

Precisely on this question, probably, even the most inveterate fisherman who has caught not one large bream can not answer. But everyone knows that bream begins to feed after the ice, and therefore, the water temperature - plus 5-10 degrees. In some water bodies, this can only be determined experimentally. It is also characteristic for bream to begin spawning at a water temperature exceeding 15-18 degrees. Accordingly, in this temperature range, an experienced fisherman should act, and at what temperature of the water spring begins to peck bream, depends on many conditions.

Some features of catching

Well, on the other hand, you will not be constantly running around with a thermometer and measuring the temperature "overboard"! So, for example, muscovites-fishermen start to catch this fish quite early. Almost in the beginning or middle of April on the Moscow channel already happens a bite, but it can be quite short-lived. But when it begins to peck bream in the spring in the Urals, May may already be in full swing. Everything depends on the climatic conditions and the location of the reservoir defined for catching. So, when it begins to peck bream in the spring in St. Petersburg, in the Moscow region, the biting can already stop, and spawning begins.

Gear and Ways

Most often the spring bream is caught on a float fishing rod or feeder, which is the original bottom tackle. On the spinning to catch a bream is rather doubtful. On an ordinary muffin or donk - it is possible, but not entirely productive. It is also easy to catch a marmeach from a boat, for example, sometimes, but not too often. So let's focus on the two most popular tackles.

Floating rod

When the spring begins to peck bream, it comes close enough to the shores, which must also be taken into account in the correct choice of tackle. In a clear win will be a long rod - a plug. However, it also costs a lot. Therefore, in the absence of a plug, you can use for telescopic fishing a telescopic rod with a length of 6 to 7 meters with rings to pass the line. The fishing rod should be qualitative and easy.

We collect tackle

The coil needs to be taken as inertial (size - 3 thousand). Lesku - 0,25 or 0,27, not thicker, since bream - fish is a cautious and well-sensing trick. Leash - up to 0.20 mm, but it is even thinner. Sometimes used and the second leash, located above the sinker. It is easier to track the horizon in which the fish can be found. The hook should not be chosen too large and thin wire. It will be easy to plant a bloodworm or worm. The float is taken in droplet shape and carrying capacity up to 3 grams. And when he begins to peck bream in the spring, collecting such a tackle, you can proceed directly to fishing. But many prefer nevertheless bottom gear. And that's why.


When it begins to peck bream in the spring, it is still most effective to catch it on the feeder. Thus, the feeder is one of the most effective gear for this period. Its design features allow you to provide casts to the distance you need, and place the bait near the hook with bait, thereby attracting fish.

We collect tackle

As a rule, fishing on the feeder is most preferable at the very end of April or early May (the dates are indicated for the middle zone of Russia), at the time when the bream has already managed to feed fat, feeding near the shore, and just about will be sent to spawning grounds . Then this high-tech gear allows you sometimes to catch a dream fish - a trophy specimen. The distance for fishing is the best - 20-30 meters from the shore. The design allows you to use the tackle even with a strong lateral or headwind, as well as with a fairly strong wave.

Structural features of the feeder

  • We choose a rod not less than 3 meters in length, telescopic or composite. The main thing here is strength, since bream with a mass of more than 4 kilograms and more can be caught, and for this purpose this part of the tackle should correspond to the tasks as much as possible.
  • The inertialess coil is 2-3 thousand in size.
  • We take the line 0.25 mm. Leash - 0,15, and its length - from 50 to 70 centimeters.
  • A few words about the main part of the gear. To properly choose a feeder, it is necessary to take into account that, having lowered to the bottom, it should lie as motionless as possible and not be amenable to displacements, since such an action is capable of frightening off sensitive fish. As a rule, the feeders are rectangular, triangular, drop-shaped. There are also know-how as fine homemade with wire whiskers hooked on the bottom. It is important that the feeder is as stable as possible to overturning.
  • Hooks use similar, as for float fishing rods, not too big and thinner.

Fishing on the river

When it begins to peck bream in spring on the river (Oka, for example), it is first necessary to choose the right place for fishing. The most productive will be those parts of the river, where the bottom is clayey or stony. The depth of the fishing is different, but not less than one meter - the smaller the fish just will not do! But sometimes the method of catching small fry - shell shells near the river beds or pits works, as bream in windless and warm weather tend to visit the shallows and feed there. And especially good will be biting, when there is a surf wave. It is interesting that a large bream can be caught on a sandy beach and at a depth of 0.5 meters. And the correct bait, if you do not hit the bream place, can attract fish. By the way, experienced anglers determine the presence of fish when they begin to peck bream in spring on the Oka or another river, in shallow places in circles and splashes, when the fish rises to the surface. This phenomenon can usually be observed in the morning and evening.


As a bait in the spring time, the worm and bloodworm, maggots and caddisfly are usually used. It is possible to mix, having planted on one hook the whole "sandwich" from the worm and proryash, мотыля and опарыша. As the water warms up, you can go to the plant types of attachments: pearl barley, peas, corn and semolina with bread crumb.


As complementary foods use different mixtures, for example, Hercules flakes, pearl barley and peas, chopped worms. Mix mixed magazine baits work well, where clay can act as binding ingredients.

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