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Location and coordinates of the Russian capital. Geographic breadth of Moscow
Moscow is the largest and one of the most dynamically developing cities in the world. In this metropolis today there are more than 12 million people. What are its coordinates? Moscow where is located? You will learn about this from our article.
Capital of Russia
Moscow for the first time became the capital in the middle of the XIV century. Scientists say that people from ancient times have taken a liking to these places. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds. Later, the convenient location of the city attracted a large number of merchants and small artisans.
Today, the capital of the Russian Federation is home to 12.4 million people, and within the region - about 15 million. Moscow is not just a capital, but also an important transport hub of its country and all of Europe. From the city, like the rays of the sun, in different directions are the railway and automobile routes of communication. Five airports and nine stations to the services of residents and guests of the capital.
Moscow's internal transport is no less developed. One of the world's largest subways operates here. The whole city is covered with a dense "cobweb" of bus, trolleybus and tram routes.
What is the latitude and longitude of Moscow? Let us consider in more detail the geographical location of the Russian capital.
The geographical breadth of Moscow - the "golden section" of the planet
Moscow occupies a huge by the city standards - 2.5 thousand square meters. Km. This is little more than the territory of a separate European state Luxembourg! From the north to the south the metropolis stretches for 52 kilometers, and from west to east - almost 30. South-western outskirts of the city directly go to the borders of the Kaluga region.
The geographical breadth of Moscow is 55 degrees north latitude. By the way, it is the 55th parallel of the Northern Hemisphere that is called the "golden section" of the planet. In other words, this is the most harmonious line on the body of the Earth. Apparently, it is not by chance that this is the latitude of so many cities (especially in Russia): Derry, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Omsk, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and others.
Below in the table, the geographical latitude of Moscow, as well as its longitude, is more accurately indicated.
The breadth of Moscow | 55º 45 '99 "North Latitude |
Longitude of Moscow | 37º 36 '93 "eastern longitude |
It is worth noting that sometimes to indicate the location of a particular locality on the map use the so-called decimal degrees. In this case, the coordinates of the Russian capital will have the following form:
Geographic breadth of Moscow | 55.752220 degrees |
Geographic Longitude of Moscow | 37.615555 degrees |
Features and main benefits of the geographical location of Moscow
The capital of Russia is in the heart of the huge Russian Plain and stands on the river of the same name. The capital relief is quite hilly, and the average height of the urban area is 145 meters. The city lies in a zone of temperate continental climate.
Moscow is located 400 kilometers from the state border of Russia, 750 kilometers from Kiev, 850 kilometers from Riga, 1600 kilometers from Berlin and 2,500 kilometers from London. It is curious that the distance from Moscow to many European capitals is much less than the distance to Khabarovsk and several other Russian cities.
The geographical position of Moscow is historically extremely profitable, because the city stands at the intersection of important transport routes connecting Europe with Asia. In addition, not far from the metropolis there are powerful raw materials and energy bases (the Urals, Siberia). All the advantages of the geographical location of Moscow are greatly enhanced by the capital status of this city.
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