
When ovulation occurs and how much the egg lives: answers to important questions!

In order to create a new life, it is necessary to participate in two components: the sperm and the egg. At the time of their meeting, fertilization or conception takes place. For many couples who want to become parents more quickly, the moment of encountering germ cells is very important.

How to determine the best time for fertilization? For this you need to know how many eggs and sperm live in the woman's body, how to determine the right time for conception.

Let's start with the most important thing. Conception can occur during ovulation, that is, the release of a mature egg from the follicle. If at this time the egg finds a nimble sperm, they will unite, and the conception will come.

From the first day of the cycle, the egg begins to grow and mature in the ovary. By the time of ovulation, it is fully mature and capable of fertilization. Its output tentatively occurs two weeks before the expected date of the next menstruation. There are more accurate methods for determining ovulation: a basal temperature chart , ovulation tests, cervical mucus monitoring and so on.

So, the egg leaves the follicle and begins its journey along the fallopian tube. How long does the egg live? On average, from 12 to 24 hours. If fertilization does not occur at this time, it perishes.

Spermatozoa are more "tenacious". They remain active for 3 to 7 days. The army of spermatozoa rushes to meet the egg, and only the strongest can penetrate its shell. Once this happened, the egg as it were closed, enveloped in a hard shell, through which no more "tadpole" can penetrate it.

Conception occurs in the fallopian tube, after which the embryo advances to the uterus and attaches to its wall.

The question of how much an egg lives is very important for couples who want to give birth to a child as soon as possible. The time of her life is very limited, therefore, it is necessary to determine almost exactly the date when conception is most likely. This is the moment of ovulation and the day after it.

If you have determined the time of ovulation, and also learned how many days the egg lives after its release, then you can easily calculate the favorable date for conception.

We should not forget that each organism is individual. Therefore, it is simply impossible to say exactly how long an egg lives. Some may have only a few hours, and some have more than a day. Doctors talk about the average indicators, do not forget about the personal characteristics of each organism.

This also applies to ovulation. On the output of the egg affects the emotional state of women, the environment, climate change. Therefore, the actual ovulation does not always coincide with the expected. But these are individual cases, and not a general rule.

In most cases, having calculated the date of ovulation, having learned how much the egg lives, it is possible to plan conception with a high probability. Perhaps it will take several months, or maybe it will happen right away. This also depends on the individual characteristics.

Knowing exactly how many eggs and sperm live, you can plan the sex of the future child. It is proved that spermatozoa carrying a female set of chromosomes are less mobile, but more tenacious. Male cells, on the contrary, are very fast, but not too hardy.

Given this, we can draw such conclusions.

Want a girl? Do the sexual intercourse 3-4 days before the expected release date of the egg. During this time, hardy "female" spermatozoa will reach the fallopian tube and meet with the egg, and "masculine" by the time of ovulation will already perish.

If you dream of a boy, make love on the day of ovulation or a day before it. Spermatozoa with a male set of chromosomes will quickly reach the goal and capture the egg.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to accurately calculate the sex of the child, even if you know how much the egg lives, sperm, and when ovulation occurs. There are exceptions to every rule, so do not tune in to a boy or girl beforehand.

Just wait for pregnancy, accept it as a gift from God, and enjoy it. And then the beloved son or daughter will make you happy all your life.

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