
The drug "Rinofluimucil": instructions for use

The drug "Rinofluimucil" refers to mucolytic agents and has a vasoconstrictive effect when applied topically.

Pharmacological action and form of the release of the drug "Rinofluimucil"

Instructions for use indicate that the drug consists of two active substances: tuamine heptane and acetylcysteine. In the latter case, it is possible to emphasize the mucolytic efficacy of a component that effectively separates sputum and dilute mucus. In addition, acetylcysteine protects against respiratory toxins from the respiratory system and removes pathogens.

Tuamine-heptane sulfate is by nature a vasoconstrictor that effectively removes puffiness. Thanks to such a combination, the drug "Rinofluimucil" has a complex effect and in a few days allows you to get rid of the common cold. The medicine is produced in the form of a spray.

Indications and contraindications for taking the drug "Rinofluimucil"

The instruction describes the use of the drug, which should be used to treat acute rhinitis with a purulent and / or mucous thick secret, sinusitis, as well as vasomotor chronic rhinitis. Contraindications include thyrotoxicosis, zakratougolnaya glaucoma and intolerance of active components.

Caution should be given to spray patients with a diagnosis of hypertension, angina, bronchial asthma, as well as children under three years of age.

Side effect and overdose of the drug "Rinofluimucil"

The instruction indicates some negative manifestations after the use of the spray, despite the harmless treatment for the patient's body. Rare side effects include tachycardia and increased heart rate, as well as a sharp drop in pressure. The central nervous system can react with tremors and excessive excitation of a person.

Local reactions include allergic manifestations on the skin and dry mucous after using the drug "Rinofluimucil". The instruction indicates that in case of an overdose, the patient experiences pressure surges, as well as signs of tachycardia and angina pectoris. Since the characteristic antidote is absent, the symptoms of an overabundance of the drug are eliminated.

Application of the drug "Rinofluimucil"

The instruction describes the following scheme of drug use. First, remove the cap from the bottle and spray bottle. Then remove the lid from the nebulizer and activate it with a test push and spray into the air.

"Rinofluimucil" spray is used by double pressing into each nostril, performing the procedure up to 4 times a day. Children are treated according to the same scheme, only one injection is made. The period of treatment is a week, further use only as directed by the doctor.


The drug is intended solely for administration in the nasal passages. It does not affect the ability to drive. During lactation and pregnancy, use with caution.

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