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When does the newborn begin to see? We learn!

It is natural for a person to appear to the world as a being who can be seen, so the moment when a newborn begins to see, the first minutes of life can be considered. Babies may squint slightly from bright light, try to muffle it in the delivery room. Some babies have slightly swollen eyelids, since the head, passing the birth canal, is significantly squeezed, because of what they see everything in a vague form for some time after its appearance.

Prepare to the fact that the first couple of days your child will be very rare and open his eyes for a while. Do not be afraid, this is normal and natural phenomenon. There is an effective way to attract attention when it starts to see the newborn clearly enough. The children are able to distinguish objects from a distance of 25 centimeters, you need to bring your face closer to the child when his eyes are open, and communicate with him in a soft, gentle voice, without forgetting the facial expressions. Be sure to allow the child to concentrate and it is best to keep it in such moments in an upright position.

Now you can figure out when the newborn starts to see what he likes to look at most. Little children are very fond of studying the faces of their parents, do not deprive them of such pleasure. Also be prepared for the fact that, with any external changes, the child may initially treat you with alienation, your new "image" is simply unfamiliar to him. A lot of interest in kids cause contrasting pictures, such as black and white photographs.

Many parents note that when a newborn begins to see, his eyes sometimes mow. This phenomenon is often and is considered normal, if it is short-lived. But be careful, in the event that the baby's eyes are mowed constantly, be sure to consult a specialist. Sometimes parents think that something similar is happening, because of the wide bridge of the child, but it is not. In any case, if you have suspicions, it is better to show the crumb to the doctor.

Parents constantly worry and wonder how much newborns are beginning to see clearly and to focus their eyes. This occurs approximately in the fourth month of life, before the children rarely look at something certain longer than a couple of seconds, their eyes look like they are gliding over the surface, not particularly delaying. A little advice to young parents: if you take the kid in a vertical position, it will be much more convenient to focus your eyes, take this into consideration.

In order for the baby to be more comfortable to look at objects when the newborn begins to see, do not hang toys in front of his eyes. Much better from a medical point of view, if you arrange them at some distance on different sides of the baby, it is much more useful for his peephole. And in half a year he will be able to grab toys with pens, throw in space, find out his own home, when they pass the crib and watch everything happening in the room with a fully meaningful and focused look.

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