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Scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group of the kindergarten: interesting ideas

Every spring in different institutions celebrate International Women's Day. What is the scenario "March 8" in the 2nd Junior Group? Something unordinary, special, bringing joy to guests and children.

Scenario "March 8" in the 2 younger group involves a great celebration. There can be many ideas. Just choose one of them. It all depends on your decision.

Scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group. Where to begin?

So, more. The script "March 8" in the 2nd Junior Group begins with a greeting. Children enter the hall to the music. They become a semicircle. The hostess greets the guests. For example: "Greetings, dear our mothers, grandmothers, aunts and sisters! This holiday is ours! The most affectionate and the most affectionate! Congratulations with all your heart! "

Children clap their hands. And they read poetry:

"This spring has come again,

Brought us a holiday.

Congratulations, dear

This day is beautiful! "

"On this clear spring day

We invited all the guests!

Have planted in a hall of all!

And friends and friends! "

"Congratulations to all women,

Grandmothers and Mom!

And we wish you happiness,

Health and joy! "


Scenario "March 8" in the 2nd junior group can be continued as follows. Beautiful songs for guests! This is exactly what will be nice to hear for women. Find good words for moms and grandmothers. It will be even more pleasant for them to hear songs composed by you yourself. In general, prepare an interesting surprise for your family and friends!


How does the scenario of the matinee go on March 8? 2 junior group will please women ... of course, with dances! With toys, firecrackers or balloons. You can connect to the performance of dances of famous fairy-tale characters. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, Batman, Fixix - the guys will be happy to see everyone! However, like the culprits of the celebration! After all, both adults and children love holidays.


The next moment. The holiday of March 8 (2nd junior group) continues with a variety of fun games. The first of them is "Gather the words for the mother in a jug." Written on the cardboard affectionate words, each kid collects into his jug. Who is faster and who is more?

An interesting game is also the one when children are looking for mothers and grandmothers blindfolded. Or vice versa. Complete the game can be a fun song:

"We love mums and grandmothers,

We adore you, dear ones!

And we want to congratulate you

Since March 8, dear!

You are good,

Our best friends!

You will remember that we

You can not live without you at all!

Many songs have been written

For our beloved mothers,

And for the aunt, and for the sisters,

And for grandmothers - all to you!

Well, we'll sing to you

A special song.

We want to say,

That you are very fond of,

And your concern, affection

For ever we will not forget!

Our native women,

We want to congratulate you!

Wish for love, health

On this day, right now! "

After the song you can continue the game. And you can think of women and riddles. For example:

"The toy does not want to lie. They put it - gets up, rocks. How is it called? "After the guests give an answer, girls come out dressed in costumes of tumblers. Congratulate the women and dance the dance.

Festive mood

Well, what else can the second group add to the script "March 8"? The clown is a wonderful addition! He can give moms and grandmothers colorful balls, toys and other souvenirs. The most important thing is to create a festive mood for the guests. The clown will help to instill respect and love for women, to teach the child to be polite and kind. For games with children you will need: beads, hats, rose petals, basket with flowers (pink, green, red, yellow, blue, white), clips and glomeruli. He will be able to show a variety of tricks.

So, the clown enters the hall. Children stand in a semicircle. The moderator states:

"What are you dressed up for,

What are you neat!

We rejoice in you,

Today is the holiday of moms! "

After that, you can give mothers gifts. Accompany them with pleasant words:

"Congratulations on the Eighth of March,

Happy this beautiful day!

Let all the adversity go away,

Trouble and bad weather!

Dear our mothers,

Good, dear,

The most beautiful you

And we loved!

We dressed up today,

We will dance and sing.

Definitely, have fun.

It is a lot of so it is necessary to be in time!

Our moms are now congratulating

And we'll give them surprises! "

We continue to amaze women. Children read poems. Examples:

"Who is the nicest in the world?

And, of course, all are kinder?

In the morning, who wakes me up?

This is my mommy! "

"Who sings songs to me?"

Or read the tale?

Who loves me a lot?

Also my mommy! "

"The lamb has a lamb,

And the kitty has a kitten.

The dog has a puppy.

And my mother has a son! "

"I'll kiss my mother tightly

And a native hug.

I will not give my mum.

For nothing and no one! "

"We do not cost on the spot,

Let's have fun together.

Music plays in the hall,

Come on, Mom took her hands! "

Children invite mothers to dance. After that, the presenter takes out a large basket. It contains colorful flowers. Children give them to their mothers, adding the following words: "Here is a flower white, invented skillfully," "Here is a flower uneasy. He's not yellow! Gold! ", And so on.

Intellectual competitions

And again riddles! We continue to develop the scenario "March 8" for the 2 younger group. Spring itself dictates the rules. On this day - everything that concerns women. So:

"My mother's ears sparkle,

A bright rainbow is played.

Pretty little drops -

Ornaments ... (Earrings). "

"Steel ear, sharp nose,

And in the ear - thread-girlfriend.

And that will help us with you

Sew a dress, at least a pillow? (Needle)".

"Its edges are called fields,

And the top was decorated with flowers.

Guess a riddle:

On my mom's head ... (Hats). "

"Two arcs and two glass

Our grandmothers are worn.

For a long time, not newcomers -

They sit on the nose ... (Glasses). "

"What will we cook for lunch

Dear mommy?

Our ladle is here!

Our mother will cook ... (Soup). "

"The grandmother of berries cooks

For the kids, treat.

It's just a delicacy,

It's tasty ... (jam). "

As soon as women solve all the riddles, children can entertain them with songs again. Example:

"Spring is hurrying to visit us,

Carries a lot of smiles.

And all we so want today

Do not see my mother strict.

Let her smile,

And let the sun shine.

And if my mother is well,

Children are happy too!

In general, this mother's day -

The holiday is the best.

The rain, stop dripping!

Fly away, clouds! "

Here's another option. Performed by children in the costumes of cooks:

"Again, I bake!

Mom's everyone on the patty!

For my own mummy

Bake and gingerbread!

Miss me, my mother,

Delicious my gingerbread.

My dearest,

I congratulate you! "


We continue to compose the script "March 8" for the 2 younger group. Again poetry. Children take turns reading poems.

"Our dear mothers,

We congratulate you!

Happiness, joy, love

Today we wish you! "

"I'll tell my mother now,

Strongly how I love her.

And a gift and a flower

I'll give her today.

You're a flower, Mom, take it,

Hold me tight.

Smile to all the guests,

After all, today is the holiday of moms! "

"I will help my mother

And to wash and clean.

And I will not get tired at all,

Because I love my mother very much! "

After that, poetry for grandmothers sounds. Examples:

"I'm picking flowers,

I congratulate all the grandmothers! "

"Grandmothers are our friends.

Grandsons adore.

We buy toys,

Souls do not chitch in us. "

"For a new tale,

For your love and affection

We say "thank you" to

Good grandmother! "

"Dress up Mom"

The holiday on March 8 in the 2nd younger group can be diversified and the next game called "Dress up Mom". The moderator declares:

"And now attention!

For all the competition!

Who at us here the most dexterous?

Show the skill! "

Children should make their bracelets and beads from paper clips as soon as possible. Or from other materials at hand. The game ends with a dance. The host announces:

"Mom, now we have

Will again be a happy dance.

We love our mothers

And for them we will dance! "

The guys dance to "Kalinka-malinka". The facilitator adds:

"Maybe it will be more fun?

Carousels will help us! "

Children take out a carousel on a stick with ribbons. Moms are taken with one hand by the tape, and the other holds the baby. Everyone is moving in a circle and singing:

"Slowly, barely

Carousels have developed.

And then, and then

We all run at a run.

We run, we run,

We are not standing still!

All faster, all run,

Carousel circling around!

Wait, stop, do not run!

Carousel slow down!

And so at one and two

Our game is over! "


That's all. This concludes the scenario of the matinee on March 8 in the 2nd younger group. You just have to say goodbye to all the guests. The presenter says the words:

"Congratulations again,

Women are dear!

It's good to play with you,

Our dear!

But the hour had come to say goodbye,

We hug.

And remember that we

We do not forget you! "

It is important!

And finally. Do not forget to prepare the child for the upcoming holiday. He must be absolutely calm. Do not exaggerate the significance of this event. Do not worry about crumbs.

Convince the child that if he forgets words, nothing terrible will happen. However, do not forget that you should try, too. The kid must be careful.

Tell your son or daughter about the attractive aspects of the matinee. Tell him so that he wants to go there himself. And that you will give gifts, do not forget. This is very important for preschool children. The scenario of the holiday on March 8 (the 2nd younger group) can assume a joint tea with the parents.

It is not necessary to turn a pre-holiday day into a complete preparation for an event. Otherwise, the little one will decide that his life is just trying to complicate, depriving everyday pleasures. In this case, he will only resist preparation.

Replica of the child learn in a game form. Classes do not have to be long. Take breaks.

"Through I can not" - this is not an option! Do not force the child to memorize the material in this way. All the more, do not threaten to punish him for his unworked work, in order to avoid any loss of interest and a decrease in self-esteem.

Encourage your child to communicate with others. Teach friends with children. Only in this case the crumb can find its own circle of communication, in which it will be able to realize itself.

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