HealthHealthy Eating

What should nutrition be for liver disease?

Compliance with diet in the presence of pathological processes in the liver or in the gallbladder is an extremely important condition. The fact is that when you leave the diet, the patient's health worsens, pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms appear. Therefore, nutrition with liver disease should be adjusted in such a way that the digestive organs can work in a gentle manner, but the diet should ensure the supply of all the necessary nutrients.

The choice of diet depends on the type of disease, its stage and the severity of the course. In most cases, nutrition in case of liver disease should be organized so that the products that cause increased separation of bile are completely excluded from the diet. Thus, it is forbidden to eat fried foods, foods that contain a lot of purines and cholesterol. Reducing the amount of fats, especially refractory, leads to a reduction in discomfort in the abdomen. However, it is not worth completely eliminating fats, since they are an important element necessary for life support.

An obligatory component, which should include nutrition in case of liver disease, are foods that contain fiber, including fresh vegetables. These products help improve bowel function and reduce cholesterol.

Correctly organized nutrition in case of liver disease should be fractional, there should be 5, or even better - 6 times a day, but portions should be small in volume and caloric content. In the daily diet should be present 80-100 grams of protein, fat - 60-70 grams, carbohydrates - 300-400 grams. These figures are valid for a person of normal build, who leads a moderately active lifestyle.

In case of liver diseases, it is necessary to reduce or completely eliminate from the diet all fried foods, fresh pastries and bread, rich broths, fatty meat, including poultry (duck, goose), fatty fish, especially salted and smoked, most spices. It is not recommended to eat spinach, sorrel, garlic, radish and radish, drink carbonated sweet drinks and juices containing preservatives. Therapeutic diet in case of liver disease implies the complete exclusion of alcoholic beverages, including beer.

With encephalopathy, which can develop in the case of chronic liver disease, a low-protein diet is prescribed, such a diet should include no more than 20 grams of protein per day. After the treatment, the amount of proteins is gradually increased, adding to the diet of 10 grams in one to two days. If there is a recurrence of encephalopathy, a return to a low-protein diet is made.

Another important point that should be considered when organizing nutrition with a sick liver is the regularity of eating. The fact that bile begins to stand out when food enters the body, so if there is always at the same time, the body gets used to the right moment to allocate a portion of bile, and the food is digested much better.

What can you eat with liver disease? It is a variety of vegetable and cereal soups cooked on the water, boiled meat, poultry and fish (low-fat varieties), cereals, boiled and raw vegetables, fruits. In addition to cooking in water or steam, the products can be baked (without fat) in the oven.

From drinks freshly squeezed juices are recommended - apple, carrot, medicinal and table mineral waters. You can use herbal teas containing immortelle, berries barberry, St. John's wort, corn stigmas.

During an acute period of illness, food should be cooked in a grated form. In chronic liver diseases, as a rule, diet No. 5 is prescribed . According to her, the food should be fractional, but wipe the food through a sieve is no longer required.

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