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What is the atrophic type of smear in gynecology?

Atrophic type of smear, like other smears, is considered a cytological examination of the cervix, which gives extremely accurate results concerning the diagnosis of cancer and the precancerous condition of the urogenital system of a woman. Timely and regular delivery of smears for cytology reduces the likelihood of developing cancerous diseases several times.

The main purpose of these analyzes is to identify the earliest forms of cancer and treat them at the initial stages.

What is the atrophic type of smear in gynecology?

A smear for cytology is one of the most important gynecological examinations. For a gynecologist this is the most simple and reliable way to find out what condition the cervix is in.

Atrophic type of smear is a good and reliable way to know the quantitative ratio of standard and parabasal cells. This analysis gives an opportunity to get a clear picture of the state of the cervix, as well as to know the amount of hormones in the ovaries.

Why is this smear used in gynecology?

Atrophic type of smear (what this means, you can read in this article) is considered the most reliable method of delivery of gynecological tests for cytology. This method is considered very simple and accessible to all segments of the female population. With its help, you can determine in what state the cervix is located, and take the subsequent therapeutic or preventive actions.

Atrophic type of smear on cytology has the main goal - to identify unnatural and alien cells that are in the female body. Usually, under normal, healthy condition, such cells are absent. Very often such alien cells are the beginning of the appearance of malignant tumors.

If the gynecologist informs you that the result of the analysis is unsatisfactory, do not delay with treatment. In the presence of deviations of any type, immediately go through additional medical research that will help establish the whole picture. Most often such examinations help to detect cancer in the early stages. The sooner you start the treatment, the more likely it will be that it will be successful.

What is atrophy

Before you deal with the disease itself, you should understand what is atrophy. In gynecology this concept denotes the predominance of parabasal cells in the body. At the same time, the number of normal cells is significantly reduced. Most often, a large number of leukocytes will be found in the smear, and the volume of the Dodderlein sticks is as low as possible.

In some women, ideally, the same number of these cells can be observed only during menopause. This state lasts no more than five years. At this time, the amount of estrogen in the female body is significantly reduced, but this does not affect the microflora, and it can be in an ideal state.

The atrophic type of the cervical smear begins to develop because of the deficiency of female estrogen hormones. It should be noted that there are several types of cells contained in the cervix:

- basal;

- intermediate;

- parabasal;

Upper horny layer.

Each cell belongs to its own tissue layer. For example, superficial keratinized cells are considered to be the uppermost layer of the vaginal epithelium. In front of them are several intermediate layers of epithelial cells.

The lowest layer of epithelial tissue is made up of basal cells, which eventually begin to transform into other cells located in the intermediate layers.

The female hormones estrogens are responsible for the process of cell transformation. If in the body of a woman these hormones are not enough, then the process of cell transformation begins to be violated, which is why the main problems appear.

Most often, the atrophic type of smear on cytology is found in more mature women as a result of a decrease in the hormonal background. These processes occur as a result of a decrease in the efficiency of female genital organs. Not an exception, that in adulthood this smear can even be considered absolutely normal. At a younger age, problems arise due to malfunctioning of the genitourinary system and problems with the hormonal background.

Features of treatment

If as a result of the analysis is observed atrophic type of smear, then in advance despair is definitely not worth it. This does not give a one hundred percent guarantee that you are susceptible to oncological diseases. Most often such a smear is done for general control of the female genitourinary system. Therefore, even if you heard that you have an atrophic type of smear, this is not the main indicator of oncology.

Quite often, women are prone to such a disease as atrophic colpitis. It is not very dangerous for women's health, but nevertheless needs immediate treatment.

Most often, hormone therapy is an excellent treatment for this disease. For this, special candles or ointments are used, which are introduced into the vagina for two weeks. In addition, pills or patches are used. For the best result, this therapy is practiced for six to seven years. Many doctors recommend eating foods rich in phytoestrogens.

Atrophic type of smear, the cervix of the uterus at which it is in a damaged state, can be cured only if complex methods are used. This includes medicines prescribed by the attending physician, as well as the use of special products.

Atrophic type of smear, the treatment of which should be started immediately, often manifests as atrophic vaginitis. This disease is associated with a woman's abnormal hormonal background and with an insufficient amount of estrogen released hormone. Very often, vaginitis can be caused by menopause, which is both natural and artificial.

With natural menopause, the amount of hormones is a normal reaction of the female body to age. In cases of artificial menopause, an insufficient amount of hormones is a consequence of a violation of their production by the ovaries. This problem can be solved simply with the help of special methods.

What does atrophic type of smear mean, only your doctor can determine. If your diagnosis is "atrophic vaginitis," then you should not be upset. It is treated with very simple and affordable methods. By the way, the harbinger of such a disease are the symptoms:

- Itching and burning in the internal and external genital organs;

- high dryness of the vagina;

- very frequent trips to the toilet. At the same time, the amount of liquid released does not change;

- spotting from the vagina of an incomprehensible nature;

- hair loss on the pubic and labia;

- frequent bleeding of the vagina, even with the most minor damage to the vagina.

Atrophic type of smear: parakeratosis

Diagnosis of this disease can only gynecologist after the examination. To effectively treat this disease, it is recommended to restore the hormonal background. The specialist himself will select the drugs, based on your tests. In this case, the hormone estrogen can enter the female body with the help of tablets, suppositories, patches or ointments. It is also recommended to take vitamins and increase vaginal tone with special exercises.

Parakeratosis is a disease of the cervix, namely, the keratinization of its mucous layer. This phenomenon is most often associated with traumatic factors. This includes medical intervention, as well as the formation of infections. The human papillomavirus is also possible.

To treat this disease, scraping of the mucous membrane of the cervix is carried out and its further study to determine the presence of foreign cells. Laser cauterization of damaged areas is often used. In no case can this disease be treated with folk methods.

How does a smear look like?

Looking at the smear with the naked eye, it is impossible to understand that something is wrong with it. After all, apparently, he will not be different from the smear of a young healthy woman. Therefore, cytological examination (atrophic type of smear) can be carried out only with the help of a modern microscope. Women should pay attention to the fact that it should be done every six months to preserve their health and longevity.

Atrophic type of smear (what this means, you can read in this article) has the form of parabasal cells, which constitute the main part of the total cell mass. Deficiency of estrogens leads to the fact that the epithelial tissue in the vagina does not pass into other types of tissues, and this is the main problem.

Also, scientists noticed that the more progressive atrophy, the more the nucleus in parabasal cells increases. The deepest atrophic stages make it possible to notice that the nucleus becomes so large that it can displace all other vital elements of the cell. Despite the fact that the nucleus significantly increases, the cell itself remains the same size.

Products containing estrogens

Estrogens are female hormones responsible for the correct and coordinated work of the female genitourinary system. If there are not enough of these elements in the body, then not only medicines, but also food products can come to the aid.

Estrogens are very important for women's health in general. They are responsible for the beauty and general condition of women. Therefore, if your hormones are not enough, you should take into account phytoestrogens.

Scientists have proved that the greatest number of them is contained in beer. But to abuse this product is definitely not worth it. In addition, there is a large amount of estrogens in other plant foods, which should be paid attention in the first place.

A very large amount of much needed female hormone is contained in legumes. Especially in soy. But it is not inferior to peas, red beans and other beans.

Pay attention to the seeds of flax, which besides hormones also contain a large number of other nutrients. In modern medicine it is the extract from them that is used as a substitute for natural female hormones.

There are a lot of estrogens in cereals. Especially in wheat. For a woman, the most optimal breakfast will be porridge, especially with bran.

Do not ignore and dairy products. Since the cow giving milk, eats a lot of herbs, rich in estrogens, then the milk will contain a large number of female hormones.

However, do not forget that everything needs a measure. Before you start taking hormones of plant origin, consult with your doctor. After all, their overabundance can lead to many diseases, one of which is breast cancer.

Smear for cytology

In order to determine the state of the genitourinary system in gynecology, it is customary to do a smear for cytology. This procedure allows you to know about the condition of the mucous membrane of the cervix, and also pay attention to the presence of various pathologies. A smear on cytology allows you to carefully study the cells of the epithelium. This method is the most accurate and reliable for determining the composition of the epithelium, because even the slightest changes will be visible under the microscope.

Most often, cytological studies are conducted in order to study all possible changes in the cervix, as well as in the mucous membrane of the vagina. In carrying out this study, several types of smears can be seen:

- inflammatory:

- Estrogenic;

- androgynous;

- regressive or atrophic type of smear (how to treat the pathologies causing it, you now know);

- mixed;

- progesterone.

Each of these types of smears has its own significant features, which are expressed in the predominance of some cells over others. If we talk about a smear of an atrophic type, then in this case parabasal cells predominate in the epithelium. They will have very large nuclei. The size of the cell itself remains insignificant.

Definition of the cervix

The female genitourinary system can work perfectly only if the ovaries produce a sufficient amount of hormones - estrogens. If they are deficient, the state of the cervix can not change for the better. Along with this, there are changes in the ecosystem of the vagina. Dysbiotic processes begin to actively progress, and alkalization of the mucous membranes also occurs. At the same time, the content of bacteria and infections in the female genital organs is significantly increased.

The upper layer of the cervix is an epithelial tissue, under which there are subepithelial stroma. They can easily begin to bleed even with the slightest damage.

If during the examination a woman has an atrophic type of smear, then the patient needs to urgently undergo other types of examinations. The earlier this is done, the faster and easier the treatment process will proceed.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

In order to maintain women's health for many years, you should regularly undergo gynecological examinations. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Atrophic type of smear with leukocyte reaction and other ailments of the cervix are problems that require immediate resolution.

Cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that develops, respectively, in the region of the cervix itself. Most often, this ailment is seen in women after thirty-five years. But this disease is also susceptible to younger women.

Most often, cervical cancer is characterized by such symptoms:

- frequent bleeding after intercourse, between menstruation, after syringing, as well as during and after gynecological examination;

- the menstrual cycle may change, and the bleeding period may also be prolonged;

- discharge from the vagina acquire a permanent bloody shade;

- the amount of whites can increase several times;

- the last cancer stages of the cervix can be characterized by the appearance of a very unpleasant odor, as well as the release of thick bunches;

- The sexual act is accompanied by strong painful sensations;

- very frequent pains in the lower back and abdomen;

- general malaise of the whole organism can be observed.

In order not to expose yourself to such a dangerous disease, it is worth visiting the gynecologist every six months and taking the appropriate tests. Do not have sex at a very young age, since the epithelial tissue of the cervix has not yet fully formed. Watch your diet and lead the right way of life. Try not to use oral contraceptive methods, because they affect the hormonal background of the body.

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