
What is jute, jute insulation: characteristics

Wooden buildings of different purposes began to be built in antiquity, to this day they do not lose their popularity among consumers. This is not surprising, since wood is an environmentally friendly and natural material, it can be easily processed and does not emit harmful substances into the external environment. But if you want the building made of wood to be cozy and reliable, you will have to use jute for the log house. It is an interventure heater, which can be found in the modern market.

Production features

It is made from the plant of the same name, which looks like a willow. To get the jute cloth, the plants start to collect, when in length it reaches 4 meters. Separate stems are connected in a single sheaf, submerged in water for 15 days. During this period the stems acquire softness, which allows them to be easily processed. In the next step, the material enters production, where it is divided into fibers and subjected to drying. In the markets of Russia jute comes in bales.

Types of jute insulation and their characteristics

If you are interested in the question of what jute is, you should first become acquainted with the main varieties of this insulation. On sale you can find a patula of this material, felt, as well as jute, which is combined with flax. In the first case, the content of the main raw material is 100%, this material acts as the most economical option for timber structures and chopped houses. The main advantage is the fact that the fibers are processed only by combing, and this preserves all natural properties.

If you want to use a patch of jute, then it will be necessary to insulate it with the help of caulking technology. Paklya jute is supplemented with jute felt, which can contain 100 percent of the same raw material, as well as a certain amount of additional binders. To conduct insulation work, specialists consider felt to be the most attractive and suitable, the additive in the form of flax is characterized by a high degree of rigidity.

Heater of jute and flax

Jute insulation is sometimes supplemented with flax in equal proportions. This material is distinguished by the fact that it absorbed the advantages of that and other thermal insulation, while the rigidity of flax serves as a frame, and the second material is soft and acts as a filler. It does not crumple and is ready to last much longer than its counterparts.

Characteristics of jute tape

Jute ribbon is very common in construction, where wood is used. It is affordable, widely distributed on sale, so I was able to replace flax, moss, hemp and pakulya, which have certain drawbacks. To lay this insulation, the master will spend much less time than using the materials described above, since working with the described product is much easier, because it has a certain shape. If you get a quality jute tape, its density can vary from 400 to 800 grams per square meter. Do not confuse this material with jute felt, the surface density of which can reach 350 grams per square meter. The last type of material has a lower quality compared to pure jute.

Among the characteristics of the tape should be allocated thickness and width, from which the application in construction will depend. Most often this material is curled into individual rollers, the length of which can vary from 10 to 20 meters. As for the width, it varies from 10 to 20 centimeters. If these dimensions do not suit you, you can buy a jute fabric that can be easily cut into separate strips of the desired width and length. These works are easy to implement on the construction site. Classical jute tape can have a thickness of 5 to 6 millimeters, quite often used material, which said parameter varies from 8 to 10 millimeters.

Why choose a jute for your wooden house

As you know, an interventure jute insulation has many advantages that allow the consumer to choose his way and to abandon the analog options. Among the positive features can be noted a natural color, which is as close as possible to wood. This indicates that the walls of the log house will look natural, and a heater in the inter-hospital space will not stand out, and also catch your eye.

If you are wondering about what jute is and what it is, you should pay attention to the fact that only natural materials are used in the production process, which do not have toxic substances and are not rotted during operation. Those people who live in wooden houses may be aware of the problem when a heater is being taken away by birds to build their nests. This can not be said about jute insulation, which is not of interest to birds.

Additional features

The described thermal insulation cope with the task of absorbing excess moisture from wood, which could damage the wall materials. Thus, they do not form dampness and microorganisms do not arise. Choosing jute insulation, you can be sure that it does not have a dispersive dust, so that the air in the room will be cleaner. The thickness of this material can be easily adjusted, which makes it possible to make the fiber structure homogeneous.


After you have decided what jute is, you can visit the store to purchase a heater for the insulation of your house. If the roll has a length of 20 meters, and its width is 15 centimeters, then for one unit of goods will have to pay 150 rubles. If the width is increased to 20 centimeters, then for 1 roll, the consumer will pay 190 rubles. If desired, you can buy jute batting, whose width varies from 80 to 160 centimeters. If the roll has a length of 50 meters, and its width is 15 centimeters, then for one unit of the product the consumer will pay 600 rubles. If you are interested in the question of what jute is, you can see more details about its appearance by reviewing the photos presented in the article. This will allow you to learn this material when you visit the store.


In order to insulate the building, it will be necessary during the construction process to roll the rolls around the log walls only. This indicates that working with this thermal insulation is extremely simple. Among other things, you can increase the soundproofing properties of the entire building, since the insulation has noise-absorbing characteristics. If there is a need to drill a wall that was previously insulated with jute, the material will not be wound on a drill, which is very important for experienced builders. Jute insulator, as mentioned above, is able to absorb moisture, but after that it dries without losing its original properties. This is very important, since analog versions often form cold bridges when wet . If you use a jute tape, you will get rid of the need for double caulk, this also indicates the economy.

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