HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is hemorrhoids? Symptoms in men

Hemorrhoids - this is an unpleasant proctologic disease, so it should be treated by a proctologist doctor. Blood in the feces or on toilet paper should be encouraged to go to the doctor. Although this may be a symptom of not only hemorrhoids, but also another serious disease, it is therefore very important not to miss the moment and start treatment in time.

The prevalence of the disease is horrifying. Who does not know hemorrhoids? Symptoms in men The disease manifests most often, although the beautiful sex is familiar with hemorrhoids not by hearsay.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

In general, the very word "hemorrhoids" is derived from the Greek "blood" and "leak", hence "bleeding". Medicine calls hemorrhoids inflammation of the veins of the rectum. The disease causes blood flow to the tissues of the rectum, while the outflow remains difficult. So the blood stagnates in the veins, and there are clots - hemorrhoids or knots. It is these nodes and form visible folds or rollers near the anal opening or inside the rectum.

Fecal masses can cause trauma to these nodes, and bleeding occurs. In addition, during the stool the patient feels pain. If there is a fatal hemorrhoids, the symptoms in men are the hemorrhoid cones that have fallen out. The disease of stage 1-3 is treated with medication, but stage 4 - only surgically.

Hemorrhoids, the symptoms in men and women are almost the same, primarily manifested in pain in the anus, as well as burning and itching. With this disease begins. However, itching does not become a cause for concern, and the disease continues its development. The patient observes the following symptom in the form of bleeding: blood clots are found on feces, simply stand out from the rectum together with mucus. However, if this symptom does not make you go to the proctologist, hemorrhoids continue to progress.

Symptoms in men also appear as cones around the anus. They are easily seen by the doctor when examined or groped by the patient himself for palpation. Usually, on this basis, a person learns about his insidious diagnosis.

Hemorrhoids: symptoms, treatment with folk remedies

In accordance with the symptoms selected and treatment. The medication method allows you to get rid of the disease and from unpleasant sensations. It is used in the application of candles, creams and ointments, as well as tablets, normalizing blood circulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. However, the most important thing is that any treatment for hemorrhoids must be accompanied by proper nutrition, a set of exercises, a rejection of a sedentary lifestyle and bad habits. And folk medicine can be a good assistant to fight the disease, but not the main treatment. Use the recipes of herbalists best at the first stage of the disease or for its prevention.

Well clean the pain of ice candles, candles from raw potatoes, made at home. Lubricate the focus of the disease with honey. Do enemas from chamomile and oak bark. Sage, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, strawberry are used to prepare sessile baths. Also of these herbs are successfully made enemas and lotions.

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