
The essence of the terms "direct superior" and "immediate superior", the difference between them; performance Manager. What should be the head

Before you understand the terms of direct supervisor and immediate supervisor, you need to define the main word.

Who is the boss

According to the legal encyclopaedia, this person holding a managerial position, exercising administrative power over subordinates, as well as responsible for discipline.

The immediate boss is an employee with whom his employees directly contact and are subordinate to him, he is endowed with administrative function over the lower-ranking persons, is responsible for the performance of the assigned work tasks or certain options.

The term "directly" means that the indirect head exercises control over the subordinates on the spot. In his role can act art. Seller, art. Master or Ch. Engineer, ch. Technician and so on.

Immediate submission means that there are no intermediate links between the controlling and subordinate levels (other tiers).

Direct and immediate supervisor: the difference in what

Comparing these two terms, we can conclude that the immediate boss is one, and there can be many direct ones, that is, this is the closest job leader up from the subordinate on the career ladder.

It turns out that the boss is a subordinate who subordinates others to himself, thereby this tendency spreads further in different directions.

Who is the direct and immediate superior

These are persons endowed with the functions of the manager, occupying their seats, according to the hierarchy of leadership.

How is the concept of direct and immediate superior? In the global sense, the term means the linear allocation of individual parts of one whole in relation to each other, the basis of which is the criterion: from the highest to the lowest, from the complex to the simple, and so on.

Hence the conclusion that when comparing the terms of direct and immediate supervisor, the difference is seen only in the fact that the former gives orders to the subordinate.

Proceeding from this, it follows that both these terms are conjugate.

Direct supervisor and immediate supervisor are links occupying successive places in the same chain, falling under the general definition of "Manager of work".

What are they

This is the category of employees who have the right to carry out management activities in order to ensure the effective operation of the company.

These include the following specialists: general director, department head and so on, as well as all their deputies.

The essence of the term "manager" is that managers, in the person of employees, make important decisions and are responsible for them, and at the same time are responsible for the effectiveness of the work of subordinates.

The management team is divided into the following levels

The highest link. This is the person who manages and controls the entire organization. They are engaged in the development of tactics for the development of production, take responsible decisions, deal with budgetary matters, etc. In the person of top management there can be: the manager, the president, the chairman of the board of directors, etc. Only they can dispose of the fate of the organization.

The middle link. Chiefs of this level receive instructions from higher-level leaders, and deliver them to their subordinates. Employees of the unit are authorized to create ways and ways of solving, realizing the tasks set, can make proposals for improving the company's activities. In the person of this employee are: the head of the department, the head of a separate project.

The lowest link. The managers of this level work with the executors of the labor process. They represent and defend the interests of subordinates, monitor their work. This is the site master, team leader, etc.

What is he a modern leader

Occupying a leadership position is not an easy matter. The manager must have both professional qualities and a set of necessary positive character traits that will allow him to effectively manage the company.

The person holding this position often has not one but two higher educations to understand not only the main direction of the company's development but to have knowledge in various fields, in the economy, in the sphere of finance, and, ultimately, be able to work with people , This knowledge of the basics of psychology, ethics and other disciplines.

The top manager should have in the arsenal such qualities as leadership, responsibility, communication skills, punctuality, and, of course, the availability of organizational skills is welcomed.

It should be noted that managers of all links must have a flexible mind, creativity, be able to react quickly and correctly in a critical situation, and have high moral principles.

Signs of a good boss

- The first is the ability to lead a team! This is the quality of the leader, it is undeniable. The leader is calm and balanced, does not strive to stand out.

- Having a goal! Not for the sake of the blessing, and the general, uniting all employees and colleagues on achievement of collective success.

- The chief must adhere to his principles and values. This respect, trust, ability to keep a word, not only listen, but also be able to hear, protect employees, comply with generally accepted laws and regulations established within the organization.

- A good leader should be in a positive way.

- It is necessary to have a higher education, and in the subsequent work - experience in the knowledge and conduct of the company.

- Achievement of success, working, correcting errors together, team. It is then that the boss achieves a good result. He involuntarily becomes an example for imitation.

- A good manager is someone who appreciates his employees, develops them, and gets genuine satisfaction and pleasure from their growth, experience and professionalism.

- Do not lose touch with reality, delve into and know the current state of affairs of the company at all levels.

Errors that superiors allow

- Breach of obligations. Often the promised salary does not correspond to the received at the end of the labor working month.

- Incompetence. Suppose, the adoption in the company of relatives, including leadership positions.

- Constant swearing reduces the efficiency of work. Both the direct superior and the immediate supervisor must praise their subordinates.

- You can not assign all the responsibilities to yourself alone. Firstly, this is mistrust of employees and deputies, and secondly, it is fraught with loss of control over the overall situation, both within the company and within the collective.

- The system of fines and total control. Fanatic surveillance of employees, distrust, and if still inflated, for example, sales plans, staff turnover of the company can not be avoided.

- Lack of career growth and development.

- Confusion in the work of the company.

Proceeding from the foregoing, we can conclude that the direct superior and immediate supervisor are first and foremost people who are also prone to make mistakes, the main thing is to preserve humanity, and then understanding subordinates and employees will help overcome all obstacles.

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