Food and drinkRecipes

What is good beef broth? Cooking rules and useful properties

First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that beef broth is a liquid product obtained as a result of boiling beef meat in water. Many people mistakenly think that boiling a broth is a trifle. Indeed, the cooking process is relatively simple. But in this issue there are a number of subtleties, which must be known.

Classification of broths

Depending on which product is processed, broths are distinguished:

  • Meat;
  • Fish;
  • Vegetable;
  • From a bird.

Each of them is prepared in its own way. The result is a product that can be used in two ways:

  1. As a completely independent dish.
  2. As an ingredient for making sauces, gravy and a variety of hot dishes.

In cooking, all broths for external organoleptic properties are divided into: white (transparent) and red (having a characteristic light brown tint). It all depends on the pre-treatment of the main product. For example, red beef broth can be obtained if the meat is fried or smoked slightly before cooking. The product, in addition to color, acquires an additional piquant flavor. Welded on such broth rice, dumplings or pasta will be much tastier. The desired shade can also be achieved with various food colors. This makes the relatively simple dish seem more attractive.

Beneficial features

If we talk about meat, then the best known beef broth. It has a number of advantages compared to the others. First, beef meat contains a huge amount of useful protein and valuable minerals. No wonder he is considered dietary. Secondly, this product is quickly digested and well absorbed by the human body, which does not overload the intestines with the accumulation of harmful fermentation products and putrefactive microflora. Beef beef doctors recommend not only people suffering from stomach problems, but also those who undergo rehabilitation after complex operations. In this case for cooking it is better to use whole pieces of meat without bones. It is known that it is in them that salts of heavy metals accumulate, which during the preparation gradually pass into water and have an adverse effect on the body. In addition, bone tissue contains gelatin, which turns a clear broth into a thick and more often turbid liquid. This is good and bad. Externally, this broth looks plain, but it turns out more fat and saturated. On such soup it is good to prepare the first dishes.

Secrets of cooking

Even a novice cook knows how to cook beef broth. This will require a very simple set of products:

  • On 300 g of beef meat with a bone of 100 g of carrots and onions, 50 g of parsley root, salt, a half liter of cold water and a little black pepper.

The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Meat thoroughly rinse, release from the films, cut randomly into several pieces and put into a pan.
  2. Pour the product with cold water and put on fire. After boiling, drain the liquid and refill the pan.
  3. Once the water boils again, reduce the heat, add salt and cover with a pan. In this situation, the meat should be slowly boiled for about 2 hours.
  4. Minutes 30 before the end of cooking in the pan, throw washed and crushed vegetables, roots and pepper.
  5. The finished product is filtered, poured into a soup plate and served on a table. For the flavor, you can add fresh greens.

Energy and nutritional value of broth

When compiling a daily menu, the housewives should pay attention not only to the taste of food and the food preferences of the household. An important indicator for healthy nutrition is the energy value of the dish. Take, for example, beef broth. Caloric content is not large. It is only 4 kilocalories per 100 g of the finished product. This is quite a bit. Such an energy reserve does not overload the body. However, even here there is a small subtlety. If to prepare a broth to take a young veal, then the indicators will be within the specified value. But if you use meat on a bone, the broth will turn out to be fat enough, and the level of calories will go off scale. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the number of initial products. If, for example, for 1 liter of cold water to take 300 g of normal adult beef, then the calorie content will immediately increase to 60 units. The nutritional value of beef broth is directly related to the chemical properties of meat. It practically does not contain carbohydrates in its composition. The energy necessary for the life of a person comes from fat and protein. In addition, beef contains substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect, which sometimes helps to cope with malaise in colds.

The Benefit of Beef Broth

You can not judge the benefits of any dish only on its energy value. Much more important is its chemical composition. Take, for example, beef broth. Calories in it - not the main thing. The secret of its special value lies in a rich set of useful minerals and vitamins of the B group. Beef meat contains so many amino acids and natural proteins necessary for humans that it can be easily applied for the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. Daily consumption of this unique product can improve immunity, improve metabolic processes in the body. This curative broth can easily restore a weakened organism and overcome anemia. However, all this applies only to a natural, freshly prepared product. Sometimes broth, cooked for future use in large quantities, is frozen for a long time. After defrosting, of course, it loses some of its useful properties, but retains its taste and nutritional value. That is why the decoction of beef must necessarily be at hand with a good housewife.

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