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What color is a purple? Do not know? Then we go to you!

"A young magician in a purple tunic
He spoke unearthly words,
Before her, the queen of lawlessness,
Bored rubies of magic ... "(Nikolai Gumilev," The Spell ")

As everything is beautiful and mysterious, it is woven from maiden dreams: unearthly words, a magician, a queen, a purple tunic ... Stop! Purple means purple. And the purple color is what, red? No, red is purple ... Then, maybe, blue? No, blue is azure, azure, somehow so ... Then what does the purple color look like?

This color can be obtained by mixing red and blue or red and purple. It may be dominated by a red tone, and can be placed on the blue, but in any case this color will be called purple.

Since ancient times, purple has stood apart from other colors. At the time of the Roman Empire, it was produced from shellfish molluscs, and 10,000 shellfish had to be processed to produce 60 grams of paint. But the paint turned out to be exceptional: the cloth colored by it did not fade during washing and did not burn out in the sun. But also was valued insanely expensive. Only the emperors, the most distinguished people of the state and the commanders who won the battle could afford to afford such a color. Only the emperor had the prerogative to write with purple ink.

Yes, people who lived in those days did not have a question: "Is the purple color what it is?" Everyone knew that this is the color that the most notable people of the empire wear.

Despite the fact that times have changed, and the upper layers of society have found a lot of other ways to differ from the others, the relation to the purple color continued to be respectful. In its shades dressed kings, the higher clergy - the cardinals, who always knew a little more than voiced in sermons and wrote in books.

This deep, mysterious color was always associated with royalty, wealth, and chosenness. It was widely used in heraldry to emphasize the high origin of the genus. Masons used it in their symbolism as a sign of power, height and purity of spirit.

In terms of perception, this color is also not unique. We have already learned a lot about him, and I want to ask you: purple color is what? Such a hybrid of red and blue, right? At the same time, red excites us, and blue calms us. How to be with purple? This color causes mixed feelings, but is mostly of a stabilizing nature and acts soothingly. But it is necessary to add a little more red color to his palette, as the blood begins to boil, the pulse becomes faster, the head becomes clear, and the spirit is filled with vivacity and craving for new accomplishments.

For middle-aged people, when the word "purple" is mentioned, the name of the British cult rock band "Deep purple" ("Dark purple") comes to mind first. At first the band was called differently, but after changing the name, and then the composition of "Deep purple" became the real kings of the English hard rock of the seventies of last century. The musicians actively used the purple color in the design of their albums, which were sold in millions of copies. If you still have an open question: "Purple color - this is what?" - a photo of one of the albums of the famous group will give him an answer. But the question: "Did this color play its role in the team's ascension to the musical throne?" - it is unlikely to be found. Although...

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