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What can a weak strip on a pregnancy test tell?

Already today there are enough ways to determine pregnancy. Undoubtedly, the most accurate answer can be given by a gynecologist. But, before the visit to the doctor, women try to independently diagnose their condition. One of the best and most correct way is to check pregnancy on the test.

With the advent of tests in women, it became possible to determine in advance the onset of pregnancy. That, in fact, greatly facilitated the task for doctors - gynecologists. Now women come to them with confidence in their "interesting" situation.

How does the test work?

Regardless of their brand, all tests determine the level in the urine of the hormone HCG, which is produced only during the development of the placenta. In a non-pregnant woman, the level of the hormone is low enough and ranges from 0 to 10 mU / ml.

When can I make a test?

As we already know, the main indicator of the test is the level of the hCG hormone, then on the 11-12th day from the expected conception a weak band will appear on the pregnancy test. This is due to the fact that the concentration in the urine on a small time is not yet high enough. Confirm the presence of pregnancy can also test, made already in immediately after the delay of the monthly.

Principle of the pregnancy test

Regardless of the brand, each test has a special zone on which the strips are located - one control, and the other determining pregnancy. It is covered with a special reagent and manifests itself at an elevated level of the hormone.

The test result is usually evaluated after 5 to 7 minutes. At the end of this time, the test loses its informativeness. Correctly having executed the test for pregnancy the indistinct strip which was shown in the given time interval means developing pregnancy. If a weak strip on the pregnancy test appeared a little later, this circumstance is not an obvious sign of an "interesting" situation.

When a white strip appears in the test area, a large amount of liquid is injected onto the test.

It is worth noting that a clear, weak strip on the pregnancy test indicates a positive result. But, if the second strip is fuzzy and weak, this indicates that the test is not suitable or the procedure is not carried out correctly. For the reliability of the results, an additional repetition of the procedure is recommended.

A weak strip on the pregnancy test may indicate an ectopic development of the embryo. Therefore, if after a few days the result remains unchanged (fuzzy, blurred strip) it is necessary to visit the gynecologist and undergo ultrasound.

Can the test show an error?

Usually, a clear and bright second strip in 99% of cases shows an evolving pregnancy. A weak strip on the pregnancy test expresses a small concentration of the hormone in the urine.

Sometimes, tests can show a false positive result. The second bar is shown if:

  1. A woman takes infertility medications containing mountain hCG.
  2. Presence of tumors.
  3. With spontaneous miscarriage or abortion.

There are also false-negative results, which are influenced by the following factors:

  1. The test was performed a little earlier than the required time.
  2. Violation of the kidneys. With this disease, hCG does not enter the urine.
  3. Before the test, a lot of water was drunk, which also "dilutes" the hormone to a low concentration.

Unfortunately, low-quality tests are often found in the market of medical products, which simply do not recognize the developing pregnancy. Therefore, when choosing a test, pay special attention to the date of manufacture and the expiration date. Use the tests of proven manufacturers. Do not forget to find a positive result after visiting the gynecologist.

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