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Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

The predisposing factors of hemorrhoids are women's age and heredity. Statistics show that every second woman over the age of thirty develops hemorrhoids during pregnancy, and at a younger age, it occurs only in 20% of cases.

The provoking factors include a growing uterus during pregnancy, which compresses the lower vena cava and small pelvic vessels. This leads to stagnant phenomena, difficulty in the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies of the rectum, overstretchment of the walls of the vessels and the formation of venous nodes.

In humans, the innervation of the pelvic organs is unified, and since nature provides for a decrease in the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, then there is a weakening of the tone of the rectum in parallel, which leads to constipation. If the passage of hard stools is difficult, the intestinal mucosa is injured and blood supply to the anus is impaired, which also leads to hemorrhoids.

In the second half of pregnancy a woman begins to lead a sedentary lifestyle, more lies or sits, which contributes to the violation of blood circulation. Her taste for spicy, salty, spicy leads to a sharp inflow of blood to the rectum and a violation of her outflow through the veins. All these reasons lead to the fact that hemorrhoids develop during pregnancy and treatment should be carried out necessarily, not postponing for later.

A pregnant woman is more important to prevent the disease than to treat it. To do this, after a defecation, always wash with cool water with soap or a warm broth of chamomile and calendula. It is more to move, walk on foot outdoors, do not eat spicy, smoked and salted foods, pay attention to cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, sour-milk products that promote intestinal peristalsis and do not allow constipation to develop.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy is acute or chronic. In acute hemorrhoids, three degrees of the course of the disease are distinguished. At the first degree, itching, burning, pain during defecation, blood on toilet paper. At the second degree there are discharges, inflamed enlarged sites squeeze the sphincter and interfere with palpation and rectal examination. Pains are disturbed constantly, amplify at walking, in sitting position, at visiting of a toilet, there is a blood in a feces. At the third degree, the nodes are cyanotic, inflamed and extremely painful on palpation, reflex spasm of the bladder, necrosis of the nodes, paraproctitis and infringement of the thrombosed vessel may appear.

With chronic hemorrhoid during pregnancy develops gradually and passes through four stages of the disease. At the first stage, at first there is discomfort, difficulty in defecation, hemorrhoidal nodes do not drop out, but periodically there is blood. In the second stage, itching and discharge in the anal area are joined, the nodes fall out, but self-correct. In the third stage, pain increases during defecation, the nodes require manual repositioning. At the fourth stage of the disease, thromboses are formed, severe pain and bleeding are disturbed, hemorrhoids are no longer controlled by hand, their infringement takes place.

During attempts at birth, the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins are stretched, blood filling and formation of venous nodes in the anal area occur, so that hemorrhoids can develop after pregnancy. In this case, compression and protrusion of the hemorrhoids occurs, they become crimson, cyanotic and dense to the touch. Between attempts vnutripryushnoe pressure decreases, the vessels do not experience such pressure. Sometimes the process of childbirth provokes the development of complications in the form of infringements, prolapses and ruptures of nodes with bleeding, or lead to acute vein thrombosis.

Most women do not pay attention to the first signs of the disease, and get complicated forms that require surgical treatment. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy do not threaten life, but can lead to anemia due to bleeding, and, consequently, to oxygen starvation of the fetus, disrupt the normal growth and development of the child. If the hemorrhoids become infected, then microbes and toxins can be absorbed into the blood and lead to intrauterine infection.

Therefore, to begin treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy is better immediately after diagnosis. Use conservative local treatment and folk remedies with caution. Gentle methods of treatment are performed by experienced proctologists in polyclinic conditions absolutely painless. But radical measures are resorted to in cases when there is a threat to the health and life of the future mother or fetus.

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