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We prove to what kind of estate Bazarov Yevgeny belongs

Description Bazarov Yevgeny in I. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" is unique and multifaceted for domestic literature. The author depicts the type of literate Russian raznochintsy. This fact explains the large-scale popularity of the artwork for young people in the late XIX century. Ivan Turgenev, as a writer, continued the tradition of Pushkin and Lermontov in the depiction of the hero of our time. In this article we will tell you which class belongs to Eugene Bazarov.

Conflict of two generations

The title of the work clearly makes the reader understand the subject of the novel. Fathers and children are the eternal categories of one problem that Turgenev is considering. In his novel, the writer introduces the image of Eugene Bazarov, who represents a completely different, that is, a new generation, confident that the old customs are outdated and extremely unpopular. It seems to the representatives of an adult, a generation that they are better in everything. They are kinder and smarter! Starikov outraged that they had been replaced by young people who did not have a clear idea of moral ideals. However, there was always a misunderstanding between the elders and the younger generation.

The first in the eternal work of Turgenev is represented by the Kirsanov brothers. The reader sees the conflict at the very beginning of the novel. As soon as the youth in the face of Arkady and Eugene enter the estate of the Kirsanovs. Pavel Petrovich immediately senses the enemy's feelings for a friend of his nephew. Not convinced that this person is and to which class belongs Bazarov. At the same time, the young man experiences similar feelings for Kirsanov senior. There is a conflict between the two generations.

Friendship Bazarov Eugene and Arkady Kirsanov

Bazarov's analysis shows: Eugenia and Arcadia associate friendly relations. Together they are trained at the university. The reader gets the impression that the guys are like-minded. Kirsanov everywhere imitates Bazarov. He admires the views of Eugene, he is flattered by his behavior and character traits. Moreover, Kirsanov, Jr. wishes to be like a friend. In other words, Arkady is under his influence.

In fact, friends are absolutely different people. From the description of Bazarov it becomes clear that he is a democrat. In whatever situation Bazarov was, he would always find employment.

Black and white

Arkady himself is a spoiled nobleman, for whom peace and comfort are necessary. He has no serious hobbies, and the views of friends differ not only in art, but in relation to people. Kirsanov, Jr. lives by principles. He is very neat, dresses well, is trained in manners. Eugene, on the contrary, does not consider it necessary to adhere to etiquette. To what class does Bazarov belong?

Eugene refers to raznochintsy, he is obsessed with the spirit of nihilism. These facts affect the actions, habits and even the speech of the character.

The views of friends also diverge and in the most important - in the appointment of a person and his ideas about life. Their friendly relations end in the escalation of the conflict. Already former friends say goodbye forever.

I. Turgenev "Fathers and children." Bazarov Eugene: portrait of the hero

Before giving a characterization to the hero, we will answer the main question of the article. There is an erroneous opinion that Bazarov belonged to the estate class of the middle class. However, it is not. Already at the very beginning of the novel it becomes clear that Bazarov is a raznochinets. So, it does not belong to any estate. He believes that he has made himself. From his parents he inherited diligence. This is what distinguishes him from the soft-bodied and lazy tenants of the Kirsanov estate.

Bazarov is an industrious person. Turgenev emphasizes that Eugene works, and Arkady suffers from idleness. In order to achieve something in life without anyone's help, Bazarov constantly works and works on himself. This strengthens him as an individual even more. He not only talks about the usefulness of labor, he himself constantly works.

Bazarov is a very strong personality. It feels every hero of the work. Power manifests itself in everything: in interpersonal relationships, in evidence and affirmation, in unrequited love and even in death. Bazarov does not utter empty words, he voices only that which humanity has realized, thanks to life experience.

He is kind in his own way. This is seen in the episode of the meeting with Fenechka. When the baby asked to go to Yevgeny's hands, the mother noted that the young children feel what a person is before them. And it's already becoming unimportant, to which class Bazarov belongs.

It should be noted that his kindness manifests itself in many features and facets. He is simple in communicating with the ordinary people, and they respond to him with love. During the duel, Eugene rushed to the aid of wounded Kirsanov. Relations with Odintsov arouse in the reader a feeling of sincere respect for the hero. Bazarov treats his mother and father with love and trembling, and before he dies he thinks about them.

Fracture of nihilistic views

In the first part of the novel the author tells that Bazarov is a supporter of the ideas of nihilism. In the second - the reader sees the human essence of Eugene. Here his social relations are changing. Surprisingly, even Kirsanov Sr. admitted his nobility after the duel. Turgenev does not fully show his attitude to the protagonist. His character is seen in interpersonal relationships with other characters; In the way they react to it; In the portrait of the hero; In his manner of speech.


To what class does Bazarov belong? As already mentioned above, he is a raznochinets. And this further reveals his character. The older generation sees many unusual things in its appearance: long hair, sideburns, hoodie with brushes.

In other words, Eugene expresses his protest with all his appearance. His behavior and manners are also unnatural. In fact, he manifests the spirit of nihilism.

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